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View Full Version : 8-bit Palettes

03-22-2008, 02:52 AM
I hate them. After trying to make a good one for this long, still no success. This is the best one I've made so far, but it's still nowhere near to complete satisfaction.



03-23-2008, 02:31 AM
The problem with setting up an 8-bit pallete that will try to encompass all the basic colors is that sooner than later you will need more colors. :| In fact, almost immediately most likely. Look at your shades for example, they are a little too bright and happy looking for me. What happens when you wan't to make a night-time map? You throw away the quest file that's what.

Take a look at the pallete I'm using for my quest. I had to remove way too many colors from it and delete alot of the shades I would have liked to keep for the main pallete. I really wish I could of kept the purple also....BUT cset 2,3,4,9 can always be changed like this, and that's enough extra color to make up for it.

...You'll have to open it in GGale. sorry. I thought I had the pallete somewhere but I cant find it right now, so here's a 256 color screen.


03-23-2008, 03:39 AM
But leaving Csets 2, 3, 4 and 9 open for level Csets is 6-bit, and I agree that it's a far superior way than trying to use full 8-bit. The point is to try and make a usable palette that is 8-bit, I already have a 6-bit palette that I'm satisfied with. But sadly, an 8-bit palette that doesn't suck seems to be an impossible dream... ah well.

Also, that image you posted in a JPG <.<

03-23-2008, 04:37 AM
Shit, you're right. D: Photobucket must no accept bitmaps or something. And yeah, I put together a sweet pallete that had all the shades and colors I wanted that looked good...untill I acually tried to use them. Well fuck, I had to delete them in a hurry. It's just not practical the way zq is set up I guess. It's not really full 8-bit anyways.

How are you setting yours up, Tiles that only use level palletes and tiles that only use main csets, or do they all change with the level colors?

03-23-2008, 09:28 AM
My "6-bit" set uses Csets 2, 3, and 4 for dungeons and overworlds, with all the other colors reserved for sprites. I made it for TF, and I should still have it around here somewhere...


Ah there it is. Tiny images are win :P