View Full Version : Think Tank

03-15-2008, 01:55 PM
This (http://www.xkcd.com/386/) is the self deprecating way I view myself and my posting habits in Think Tank.

03-15-2008, 01:57 PM
I used to feel that way, but fortunately I've stopped caring completely. Salvation is out there brother.

03-15-2008, 02:41 PM
Don't we all? Though I will admit, as I get older, I find myself increasingly more concerned with actually understanding issues than I am with being right. I mean, I've completely abandoned even having a position on global warming. I find myself, not necessarily questioning my political beliefs, but certainly questioning what they represent, what they mean, why I feel the way I do.

03-15-2008, 02:56 PM
I love that...I'm going to make an avatar out of it for my political blog.

03-16-2008, 02:34 AM
My god, that's so true. You'd think it'd be hard to get emotionally invested in an argument with people you've never met and probably never will meet, but I somehow manage it all the time.
Also, I want to add how awesome General Discussion is. After getting into a heated argument with some in Think Tank, I can come here and shoot the breeze with the same person about how addicted we are to video games or whatever.

03-16-2008, 03:21 AM
That's why I love free societies. You can be completely disgusted with someone, but still agree to be otherwise civil and respectful. I have had many interesting and enjoyable friendships with people whose opinions disgust me, but we had other things in common, like videogames, or snowboarding or whatever.

03-16-2008, 03:23 AM
Bel, I just posted much the same thing in a think tank thread. I know people who can get my blood boiling politically - both online and off - but that I really enjoy spending time with and value as good friends.

Also, did anyone notice the mouseover for that comic yet? I didn't catch that the first time around =)

03-18-2008, 01:00 AM

I don't want to sound pretentious, but this actually isn't how I see the way I post in such debates.

For me, it's all about trying to represent and express myself and the views I hold. I may not like what other people think, but that's their business; but I want to make sure that my viewpoint is heard as well. I want the picture painted to be a more fair one.

Now, if someone is standing up for something that I think is actually harmful... some kind of legal rights subjugation that they see as morally right, or a type of discrimination that looks harmful to my biased eyes, or if violence is somehow involved, then yes, I may actually try to change someone's mind. I impose if I think it will benefit.

But that's not what makes debates addictive; I just really love trying to get my thoughts out, clearly, completely. I get so few chances to do it in real life because either no one is interested/there's no appropriate opportunity, or because I for some reason have to keep it hidden from X person (gender issues and such). There's something that just doesn't get old about expressing, 100%, the way I feel, honestly and openly.

That's why I ramble on in places like think tank now and then. ^.^ Perhaps I'm airheaded and full of myself since I apparently love talking about it that way, but eh, if someone finds it interesting or asks a good question or is otherwise positively influenced/enjoyed it, cool!

P.S.: XKCD = awesome.