View Full Version : So I bought an Xbox...

02-28-2008, 05:17 PM
I bought an Xbox today with Devil May Cry 4. Any game recommendations? I was going to buy CoD4 but I don't exactly have internet access for live yet.

02-28-2008, 06:28 PM
Well there are plenty of good games. CoD4 has a good campaign mode. So does Gears of War. Online play is definitely how you get the most out of them though. You could probably pickup the platinum hits version of Perfect Dark Zero and Dead Rising. Both are good games, though PDZ is a bit dead on Live multiplayer these days with better games being out. But the single player is still worth it.

Assassin's Creed you should rent sometime. I wouldn't advise buying it unless you can get it for cheap. I paid 40$ for it and that was still probably too much. When you get Live you could probably pickup Shadowrun for cheap. It's a fun and interesting shooter. Also you could probably grab Crackdown for cheap since so many people only bought it for the Halo 3 beta.

Lost Odyssey should be good if you are into RPGs. I'm sure some other people have some games they would advise you to check out. These days I mainly play Gears of War and Call of Duty 4 on Live. That's till presumably November, when Gears 2 comes out. ;)

Nicholas Steel
02-29-2008, 01:23 AM
probably should point out that xbox 360 games dont work with the xbox...

02-29-2008, 02:21 AM
Assassin's Creed you should rent sometime. I wouldn't advise buying it unless you can get it for cheap. I paid 40$ for it and that was still probably too much.

I really enjoyed Assassin's Creed, myself, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. Worth every penny I paid for it, as far as I'm concerned.

Lost Odyssey should be good if you are into RPGs.

I picked up Lost Odyssey three days ago. I'm about 20-odd hours in and I can say that it's one of the best jRPGs I've played in ages. It's very old-school, so if that's not your thing you may not like it, but if you enjoyed jRPGs from the 16-bit and early Playstation era, you won't regret the purchase.

I'd recommend picking up a copy of Wartech: Senko no Ronde as well. It was critically panned and isn't the most popular of games, due to it being very, very different (it's a fighting game that plays like a cross between Virtual On and a SHMUP with an overhead perspective). You'll either love it or hate it, but at $10, it's at least worth a look.

02-29-2008, 11:12 AM
probably should point out that xbox 360 games dont work with the xbox...

Hmm, that might be why Devil May Cry isn't exactly working for me...:rolleyes:

02-29-2008, 01:57 PM
I've been playing Halo 3, but that's mostly because it came out before CoD4 and I couldn't justify buying 2 FPS games in such close proximity.

I'd recommend picking up a few arcade titles. Bomberman is loads of fun online, and N+ is also a good game. You also might want to try Bioshock. You can download the demo for free, so I'd recommend doing that.

And don't forget to get MLB 2K8 when it ships. :)

02-29-2008, 03:15 PM
Feeding Frenzy and Cloning Clyde ... are really addicting. I'm enjoying the Cloning Clyde one. :) Paul's better at the Feeding Frenzy then I am. I'm still having problems with getting used to the controller. I think the arthritis in my fingers is the major issue here...

03-01-2008, 05:18 AM
What other kinds of games do you like? You've established shooters and beat-em-ups. Do you like RPG's? If so, do you like JRPG's, CRPG's or both? Open-ended games? Sandbox games? RTS games? Arcadey 'high score' games? Sports? Extreme sports? Witch Toucher (p.s. seriously, fuck japan (http://kotaku.com/gaming/king-of-touchers/snks-witch-game-more-popular-than-phantom-hourglass-257674.php))?

Anyway, let me give you the official AlexMax sanctioned rundown of Xbox 360 games.


Call of Duty 4: I've got it for PC, it rocks. Single player is oddly compelling for being a quais-realistic 'tacticool' game, but then again infinity ward is good at making games on tired subject matter fun. Multiplayer is fun fun fun for the most part, only minor gripe is that the five predefined classes have no reason to exist since you unlock 'create a class' within your first two games. Also, if you want to level up quick, pick martyrdom as a talent as soon as you unlock it, since you can score a lot of free kills that way.

Halo 3: The single player for this game is the best of the trilogy. Of the nine levels offered, one was a backtracking mission (and it was a good backtracking mission, not like cocksucking Two Betrayals and Keyes from the first game), two of them are really long, easily being equal to a two-level 'bloc' from Halo 2 in length, and only one of the levels won my third annual "Library" award for being a tedious excuse of a level. Also, it probably has the most complete multiplayer offering you can get, and by complete i mean there are dozens of ways to play the game or fool around. Lots of value for your money here folks.

Gears of War: I didn't really get 'into' this game until the end of the second act (which really was way too long of an act in the first place), but this game has a certain charm to it that I can't quite put my finger on, in spite of being the brownest game this side of the PS3. Multiplayer is very hit or miss, when you're playing with a group of friends on XBL and having a good time it's the best game ever. However, the barebones nature of the multiplayer infastructure (the server browser sucks ass and there's no real matchmaking except for your usual "Quick Match"), half the people you try to play with have "connection problems", and unlike Halo 3 this game gets really frustrating when you're being dominated by another team and can't seem to get a single kill. I jumped on the (Cole) Train late, and I kind of wish I had waited for Gears 2 now, but the good news is that it's probably dirt cheap by now since the announcement.


Crackdown: Think GTA, except you're one of the good guys and you can 'level up' your character into the realm of the superhuman. The story is hokey as fuck, but who cares when you can throw cars at people. It even supports coop over Xbox Live. The only problem is that the 'fucking around' seems to me like it would wear thin after a while, because unlike GTA I didn't find any of the missions in the demo compelling at all. Whatever though, it's cheap as hell now since 90% of people bought it for the Halo 3 beta and returned it.

Viva Pinata: This game needs as much pimping as it can get, because even though it went Platinum hits, nobody seems to know what the fuck it is. It's basically a gardening sandbox game by Rare, and is probably the most oddly compelling thing they've put out since Perfect Dark...the first one that is. The demo made it seem like the full game has lots of potential, and since it's Platinum Hits, its only 20 bucks at best buy. If theres anything I'm not a fan of, it's the fact that they ended up implementing a 'mating' mechanic in the game in such a way that truely weirded me out.


N+: We already have a thread on this. It rocks. Spend your money.

Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting: It's Street Fighter 2 with Xbox Live support. The CPU is still a cheating son of a bitch, and everyone on Xbox Live will probably rape you. Plus, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix is coming "When it's done" so there's really no real reason to pick this up unless you don't like the Super Street Fighter 2 series for some reason.

Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo: Puzzle games are always more fun when you're playing against other people. If you like Tetris Attack or Puyo Puyo (aka Kirby's Avalanche/Robotniks Mean Bean Machine), you'll probably really like this once you get used to the game mechanics.

Tetris Splash: I'm a connoisseur of Tetris variants, and this is a very solid implementation of Tetris. It handles well, there aren't any terrible gimmicks, the music is decent, the obligitory Music A throwback isn't obnoxious, and best of all you can participate in tetrinet-style multiplayer battles without having to deal with Tetrinet or any of its terrible clients. Only problem is that they want you to pay for extra background options, fuck that.

Doom: Doom rocks. However, the Doom I'm talking about is the Xbox Live Arcade port. And it's pretty laughable. First of all, there is no sort of screen scaling at all, so you literally play Doom using this tiny letterboxed view with big black borders around it. Second of all, it's Doom, and not Doom 2, which means no combat shotgun and thus deathmatch becomes quite boring. But most infuriatingly of all, they don't have an auto run feature. In order to run in this game, you hold the L trigger. What the fuck, there is absolutely NO reason to not run all the time when you're playing Doom. Thank goodness for demos and good thing I didn't actually get sucked into buying this.

Okay I'm tired. I'll post more games later.

03-02-2008, 02:38 AM
My roommate has Halo 3 and Gears so I can try them out myself. Crackdown looks cool and I've heard good things about Viva Pinata. I'm a little poor right now from buying my 360 but when my funds go back up I might get CoD4.

03-06-2008, 05:09 PM
Bumping for the sake of a question. Is there a way to transfer achievements from one profile to another? 'Cause I got a bunch of achievements on my profile before I got connected to Live. And now I had to make a new profile for Live and I no longer have those achievements.

03-06-2008, 05:13 PM
Why couldn't you have just upgraded your old profile to live?

03-06-2008, 10:13 PM
Mass Effect ftw

Other than that, of what I've played:
-Crackdown: AlexMax covered this. It's basically GTA but you can throw cars at people and jump across buildings. Once you beat Single Player there isn't a ton of replay value, but it's still a very good game.

-Oblivion: Good, though I've heard the PC version is better since it can be modded.

-Guitar Hero II/III + Rock Band: If you like those games :)

-Lost Odyssey: Already covered, excellent JRPG.

-Dead Rising: Great game, lots of replayability and very fun achievements.

03-07-2008, 01:52 AM
Oblivion: Good, though I've heard the PC version is better since it can be modded.

I have to interrupt here to point out that Oblivion is complete and utter garbage without Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, or another such mod that removes the game's retarded scaling system. With vanilla (unmodded) Oblivion, you run into the problem that every encounter, and the rewards you get from them, are based on your current level. That means you can't go into a particularly nasty dungeon to get a exceptionally powerful item. It means that a bandit that takes three hits at level one with a stick will still take three fucking hits at level ten thousand with The Ancient Sword of Godlike Power. There's nothing stopping you from finishing the game at level 4. Vanilla Oblivion is pure sandbox, and doesn't actually have any real *game* to it at all.

Compare this to Oblivion modded with Oscuro's, and the difference is phenomenal. Every area, enemy, and item has been lovingly rebalanced. The game to longer scales to your level, and every dungeon in the game was retuned to have a specific level of foes and treasure in them. If you walk into the Cave of Terrible Undead at level 2, you will get stomped. On the other hand, if you finish a dungeon a few levels higher than you using clever tactics, you can get rewards fitting of the risks you took to get them. Oscuro's changes Oblivon from a full-on sandbox game with no real meat to it into a full-fledged RPG.

Okay, rant over. But seriously, Mod PC Oblivion or just don't play it at all. Unmodded, it might hold your interest briefly, but it won't be long before the complete lack of game bores you to death.

03-07-2008, 02:10 AM
Why couldn't you have just upgraded your old profile to live?

I didn't know I could do that. It all happened so fast. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to get the achievements all over again. Except for the Halo 3 ones. I'm not doing that again.

03-07-2008, 10:02 AM
Okay, rant over. But seriously, Mod PC Oblivion or just don't play it at all. Unmodded, it might hold your interest briefly, but it won't be long before the complete lack of game bores you to death.

I love you Dark Dragoon! :D

03-07-2008, 02:10 PM
Okay, rant over. But seriously, Mod PC Oblivion or just don't play it at all. Unmodded, it might hold your interest briefly, but it won't be long before the complete lack of game bores you to death.

I wish I had gotten the PC version. It is exactly that enemy level-scaling that made me lose interest in the game. I spent hours exploring the overworld and dungeon crawling, only to find that all the work I had done was essentially pointless.

03-09-2008, 02:48 PM
if you're into sports games ncaa college hoops 2k8 or it's professional counterpart nba 2k8 are some good titles. action games, though, call of duty 4 was pretty well done I thought, multiplayer is interesting to say the least.

mlb 2k8 so far has been fun...the pitching I really like the batting on the other hand, is a little tricky for me. I'm sure the more I play it the more entertaining it will get though.

d-troit d-train, he's got a better high kick than jean claude