View Full Version : Questmaking for Beginners: making a basic quest

King Aquamentus
02-27-2008, 06:06 PM
(As a reminder from the last thread, This is designed for 2.10, 1.9, and 1.92.)

Before you can start making quests starring Samus Aran fighting Ridley on the moon, you need to create a very basic quest in the LoZ tileset. A tileset is a graphical collection of tiles that usually differ in style and complexity. LoZ is not particularly beautiful, but is certainly the easiest to use. It is also the default when you tell Zquest that you want to make a new quest.

You'll notice that there aren't any menus available to switch to another tileset. If you want to use another tileset and make a pretty quest, I'll tell you how later. Right now, just focus on making a simple, no-frills quest.

Creating your world in Zquest means learning the heirarchy of location, as I like to call it. From greatest to smallest:

-Map: A map is a wide block of screens, sixteen screens across and eight screens up and down. you can view a small version of sorts at the bottom left of Zquest. to toggle between the maps, use the comma (,) and period (.) keys.

It is possible to use more maps as desired, simply by going to quest-maps-map count and selecting the number you want. For this however, we shouldn't need more than two. If you need to adjust the map count to 2, go ahead and do this.

-Dmap: It is entirely possible to have two different kinds of areas on the same map. You can even put a dungeon on the same map as your overworld, if you have the room for it. (The original Zelda, here on out referred to as First and Second quests respectively, bunches together several dungeons in a frame of only two maps.). To do this, you must assign a Dmap.

A Dmap is an area defined only by what map it is on and where it is entered. In the original Zelda, when Link steps into Level-1, the game knows that he is leaving the Dmap known as the overworld and entering one known as Level-1. The only way the game knows to change the Dmap, however, is when you tell it to do so at an entrance or exit, here on out referred to as a warp.. In theory, if you could bomb through the furthest wall to the left in Level-1, you could enter a room on the right side of Level-5, but it would still be Turquoise-colored and labeled Level-1, because technically, you're still in Level-1!

We'll cover Dmaps more thoroughly later, but know that music is controlled via what Dmap you are on. Again, wait until another quest before you start trying boss music. Additionally, Dmaps are at the mercy of Maps themselves, and cannot extend past one whole map. If you need to make a larger overworld, you will need another Map and Dmap to occupy it.

Screens: A screen is an area of playing field that you see at once. For example, when you start First Quest, you are in an area surrounded with hills and a cave to the northwest, with exits to the North, East, and West. This scene is probably familiar to you, it is also what we call a screen. Walking to the edge of a screen takes you to the screen you are headed towards (or in Zquest's case, hitting the appropriate arrow key.)

Screens are not a subsection of Dmaps alone, but rather both Maps and Dmaps. Recall if you will that the overworld in First Quest (and most users' quests) is all one big Dmap. In fact, Dmaps are hardly attached to screens at all, except by warping. Dmaps cannot be applied to specific screens, only to gateways which define the screen you are about to enter.

Combos: Combos are 16x16-pixel sprites, or "Tiles", that have attributes attached to them, usually whether or not Link can walk across them and whether or not they have special features, like turning into a living armos, or even taking Link to another screen (and at the same time changing the Dmap, if you desire)

For this quest, we shouldn't need to make any of these, as everything you need is provided. We'll go over making your own combos at a later date. You will however be using these quite often.

Look on the far right in Zquest and you will see a handful, including a tree, a rock, some stuff for hills, etc. selecting one is as simple as clicking on it. Then you simply click on the playing field screen to put it where your mouse is. Easy, right?

...I think we're ready to begin.

First we need to establish a screen. take the screen cursor (on the bottom left minimap) to somewhere in the middle of said map. (use the arrow keys.) Done? good. Now, to stake the place out, select the solid tan ground combo and fill the play field with it (quick hotkey: hold ctrl when you click to fill.)

Let's add some trees and hills using their appropriate combos. (There are two square mountain combos; one is walkable, as for secret passages, and the other is not. Be sure you have the one that isn't walkable). Again, you can ctrl click once you've established an outline to fill in the rest.

Go ahead and make a cave entrance somewhere in the mountain using the black combo named "cave-walk down" or "cave" (press Page Up and Page Down until you come to the combo info table to see the name) and put it somewhere it can be easily accessed.

C-dawg suggests completing screens in their entirety before moving on to another, so we'll do just that.Once you have what looks like a legitimate screen, hit pageup or pagedown on your keyboard until you see a table with a rupee, stairs, and a green card or flag on it. click on the green object and your cursor will change to a square. You're going to tell the game where you want Link to start this whole mess at, so put it somewhere on the center of the screen. find the blue square and do like what you did with the green, but this tells the game where Link should show up if he leaves that cave. Put it directly under the cave tile and Link will appear to walk out like on the NES.

Before we go any further, let's define our Dmaps. Go to Quest-Dmaps, and select #0. Make sure Mapis set to 1, Type is set to Overworld, Midiis set to overworld, Level is set to 0, color is set to Overworld, Cont. here is checked, and Continue is set to the same screen number as your screen from before. in case you didn't know, we're making a Dmap for the overworld, so label your Dmap "Overworld".

Now, about that cave... We need to give Link a sword, but we need to do it in style. We could just take the rupee icon and set it on that screen you made, then just set Data-Item to Sword 1 (wooden), but that's lazy. Let's make an old man give it to him in the cave!!

A standard cave is a sort of pocket Dmap. There is no music, and leaving it will take you back to the Dmap you came from, right on the blue square you put down. take your map cursor all the way to the bottom left of the map, and you may see what looks like a few black and brownish red caves. If these aren't here, press + and - on the right of your keyboard to change to the orange palette for hills and trees, and start drawing up a cave like in Zelda 1. (don't worry about putting down any entrance squares or anything, those are hard-coded into caves.) screens 80 and 81 are special screens used for caves. Remember their screen numbers. Seen them/made them? Good. Don't bother with anything dynamic as long as there are combos down that form a cave of some sort. Go back up to your outside screen and we can rent out that cave for this screen you made.

A cave needs a person, a message, a purpose, and extra apparatus dependant on that purpose.

Person This is the sprite that will show up in the middle of the screen. You can use the old man, old woman, merchant, or even Zelda herself, but you do need to use a person or this won't work. Let's pick the Old Man (Abei) for old time's sake. Go into Data-Guy and select abei.

Message They need to say something to Link, otherwise it'll just be awkward. Go to Quest-Strings, select a new string, and type something up for him to say to Link. Keep in mind that it'll look in game exactly how it looks when you type it up, so space and line as necessary till it looks pretty. When you're done, go to Data-Message String and select your new message string for him to use.

Purpose Purposes can range from giving Link money to selling him stuff to just giving him items. Go to Data-Room Type and select "Special Item", because abei's gonna give Link something.

purpose apparatus The grayed out "Catch All" field in the Data tab will change to something else depending on what you said for "Room Type". If it is secret money, Then you'll say how much Link gets here. If it is a Store, it'll ask you what kind of store (you'll create shop types later.) Since we said "special item", we'll use this to tell it what item specifically the old man will give Link. Find the wooden sword, and select it. Don't use Data-Item to designate the sword, only use the "Special Item" option that appears when you set room type to "Special Item".

(As a reminder, do not set these things on the cave screen, but on your outside screen. As long as you come from that outside screen, its data will be temporarily applied to the cave. You don't need to do anything to the cave screen but make sure it has rock and ground tiles. )

...you should now have your first screen. A safe zone, devoid of enemies, and with your first sword located in a cave. Save your work, name it something you can remember, then go try it out in Zelda Classic. You should start in the middle of the outside screen you made. Walk into the black cave tile and you should be taken to the cave screen, only this time there will be an old man there who will give you a sword and say something. When you walk out of it, Link should come up from the cave, or just appear where you put the blue square.

Congratulations on your first screen! If you take a step off the screen (assuming you did give it some sort of exit onto the rest of a future overworld), it will be all gray: don't worry, we haven't made this yet, but we will next time.

02-27-2008, 06:21 PM
Hm, this is a pretty handy guide. This should get pinned.

02-27-2008, 08:53 PM
This is an excellent guide for newbies! ZQuest can be intimidating to someone who has never used it before, and some of the terminology is confusing for a newbie, like the distinction between maps and DMaps. I used to confuse "Item" with "Special Item", for one.

Is this designed for 2.10, 2.50, or both?

King Aquamentus
02-27-2008, 09:29 PM
skipping hellos and formalities (but not a thank you to russadawan for keeping this out of a double post), I'll get right where we left off.

Go back to Zquest, make sure your quest is still open in it. We're gonna make a new screen for Link to travel to, so make sure he can walk off your first. For sake of ease, just block off the edge of all but one side of the screen. Whichever side is the exit, press the arrow key in that direction to go to the screen it leads to.

Remember what you did to construct the first screen? Do it again here, but make it look different, as long as the side you came from matches up with the old screen. It would look odd if the passage on one screen is wider than it is on the other, and not having consistent edges might make Link walk into a tree!

Your home screen was a land of caves, old men, and happy gumdrops, but the world beyond is seedy and dangerous. Go into Data - Enemies.

...not including the products of split enemies, reproducing enemies, or statues that have become Armos, You can have ten enemies per screen. so click the first slot and select "Octorock red/lv.1, slow" from the list. press C on the now filled slot to copy, and paste it to about three more slots with V. fill three more with "Octorock red/lv.1, fast". Also, click pattern and select "enemies come from sides". This will make them walk in from the edge rather than appear in a puff of smoke. This appearance does not work on all enemies, and if used with Tektites, will cause some interesting yet bizarre results.

( Pre-2.10 users will notice an "Octorock (on crack)". Who came up with this wonderful name is beyond me, but this new modification of Octorock is colored like a green moblin, moves super fast, and spits wizzrobe magic instead of rocks. There are other "new" enemies in the mix too, but they are all for the most part far too powerful and dangerous for anyone with only three to five hearts, so leave them out of your mix here.)

As a reward for defeating all of the enemies, a staircase can appear. Go to Data- Screen Data, and check the box next to Enemies - Secret. since the stairwell square only seems to respond to the whistle, we'll have to do this the more complicated way. go to Data - Secret tiles, and in the grid on the right, click the top left box. change the color to an overworld tone, and select a staircase. all that done, go to tools-flags, select #16, and place it where you want the stairs to appear. (to be stylish, put it on a lonely tree!)
set your blue exit square for this screen (green is only necessary where you start Dmaps, assuming you don't scroll to them.), then we can start making a new cave!

Let's make a store this time. We already have our cave created for sure by now, so there's no need to visit it. From your new screen, go to Quest-misc. data- Shop types, and select #0. Now you have slots to select items to sell, and at what prices to sell them. Fill all three slots, as Zelda Classic might crash if you have any less.

For this shop, let's sell:

20 rupees

magic shield
120 rupees

40 rupees

remember how you set up the last cave? let's do something a little different here:

Person: This time, use someone else. for old time's sake, let's use merchant.

Message: This time, think up some sort of sales pitch or friendly greeting.

Purpose: Under room type, this time select "shop".

Purpose apparatus: select "0" for shop type.

you should now have a second screen, where enemies start to lurk. Kill them, and a staircase should appear. In it should be the same cave as before, but this time its inhabited by a merchant, selling his goods. If you can afford to, try to get at least the bait. We'll make it useful when we get to our dungeon.
Save your progress and restart your game in ZC: In order for the changes to occur in ZC, you need to at least quit to the file select screen, via either "save" or "retry".

You have two good screens so far. Feel free to create a few more and try adding some secret money type caves, or even a door repair cave. Remember however that you can only have one cave or other warp tile per screen. next time we'll enter the darkness that doth lie beneath.

02-27-2008, 10:19 PM
Wow, this is great, my friend over here in Bathurst wanted to find a good guide for him but never could find one! Can't wait too give him the link :)

King Aquamentus
02-28-2008, 02:10 AM
Before we go forward too much, it might be a good idea to go over some of the flags you can use on your overworld screens. Make a screen where at least a tile worth of rock on the south side is flat,in other words, somewhere Link's toes can bump into the square rock tile. Make a new message string, something to the extent of wanting to help Link, and use it for the screen's message string. Set the guy to anyone you like, the room to special item, and the SPECIAL item to blue candle.

You will still need to place an exit marker on this screen, but not a cave tile. Instead, under Tools-Flags, select flag 6. Place it over this flat south piece I mentioned before. Make sure your exit marker is also underneath this flat piece of rock. Finally, you'll need to set the secret combo. This time however, under secret combos, you can just go next to "bomb" and designate cave entrances. Now, when you a bomb comes in contact with a bomb flag on that screen, it will turn into a cave tile, letting you access the cave for that screen.

As far as enemies go on any of these screens, you know how to set them up, so I'll leave the choices up to you. But I'll give you one more pointer when it comes to water. Under Data-Enemy flags, check "Zora" to have zora come up and shoot at you.

Let's make one more screen for now and see how burn flags work by putting one over a tree. Set the appropriate secret combo for the tree, so it turns into stairs when you use the candle, but don't set any cave info for this screen. We're gonna do something a little different.

press , or . to toggle over to map 2, and go down to where the caves would be on the old map. This one has those nice sideways passages instead. Over to the right a bit should be a turquoise square. Move over to it and you'll see... yes. an all-walls dungeon room. Welcome to the dark underworld.

hit "C" to copy it, then move up onto the map and make a vertical stack of six of these rooms. Return to the lowest of these screens you made, then go to Tools-Doors. select the south panel of the four shown, and then select "passage". The south wall will now have a doorway in it.

Remember the green square from way back? It's a new Dmap, so we'll need it again. Place it right below the doorway. This will cause Link to walk in through the doorway by himself when he does come in. Doll the room up with some of those statues and add a little of that sand looking tile so you got a dungeon lobby like in the NES games.

Remember the screen's number, because we're going to assign our new Dmap. Go to Dmaps, and pick #1. Set it to map 2, but leave the type as it is. set the color to turquoise/blue, the midi to dungeon, set "Level" to 1(For every dungeon in your quest, remember to set the number here, even if the goal in it isn't a triforce. 1-8 hold Triforce pieces, and all numbers after should be used for other dungeons, including level-9.)If you keep the level number at 0, Guys will not appear on screens when you walk in (yes remember that in dungeons you don't have to walk into a cave to see NPC's).

Adjust the minimap on screen so the whole left half of the map shows (I hope you put your dungeon on this half.) Dungeons on the right half of the map have their own screen coordinates, and setting warps to them based on Zquest's screen numbers is frustrating.

(You have the ability to adjust this map as you want, so that your dungeon map appears in the middle of your ZC minimap. Be aware that if the left edge of this adjustment map isn't lined up with the left edge of your real map, screen coordinate numbers will be distorted. 7F will need to be entered as 78 for warps, and so on.)

Set your continue spot to that starting screen of the dungeon, but don't check "continue here". When Link dies, he always restarts from the Dmap he's on, but if you quit and return to the game, he'll start at the last Dmap labeled "continue here". If you want this tradition from Zelda 1 to continue, leave it unchecked. Otherwise, if you want to be convenient, go ahead.

Before you leave this window, enter the screen number of the topmost screen in your dungeon under "compass", because in this short linear dungeon, that's gonna be the triforce room. Enter "Level-1" for the Dmap title, and if you want to be greeted with a message the first time you enter, write something in the Dmap Intro box. Don't forget to click boxes on the map to the right. what you turn on here is what will display in ZC's minimap after Link collects the map.

(Never type an intro for overworld Dmaps. Link will be stuck and have to quit and continue to journey onward.)

Remember where your burn flag tree was on the other map? go back to it with , or . if you need to, and write down the screen number (and label it). Do the same with the first screen of the dungeon. Now, go to Data-side warp. check on the bottom wall in the small diagram, select "Entrance/Exit" under type, and for the screen number, use the screen of the burn flag which you wrote down. Now we have an exit back outside.

Similarly, return to the first map and on the screen with the burn flag, go to the data tab again, but this time, click "Tile Warp". Until now, we haven't had to mess with our tile warps because they all took us to the rent-a-cave. This one isn't doing that though. set it to entrance/exit, Dmap #1, and the screen number for the first screen of the dungeon (which you also wrote down).

You should now have a dungeon you can enter and leave. I'll help you set up this easy dungeon later, but for now I have to leave you.

King Aquamentus
02-28-2008, 10:17 PM
Dungeons don't differ a whole lot from the outside, except for a few obvious things. I believe last time we carved up a single room out of our vertical dungeon, and didn't give the north wall a door. Remember how you gave the south wall a door? You'll be using that from here on out to make different types of doors. Go ahead and make a north passage, then we'll move on to the room above.

First off, you need to decide what you want to use for a south door, so that Link is actually walking out of something when he enters. You have many choices, but few practical ones:

Passage: another doorway like the ones we had in the other room.

shutter: these close hard and cannot be opened unless certain criteria are met. by default, this criteria is killing all enemies, but you can set it to open when a block is pushed, or some other event.

One-way: These look and behave like shutters, but they can't be opened no matter what. They deposit Link in a room, but can't accept him back the same way. Usually used for traps, forcing to player to have to take the long way back to where they were and remember not to go through this doorway again.

locked: You need a key to open these doors. You should only set the locked door on one side of a doorway, otherwise Link will need a key to get in and a key to get back.

Walk-Through: Second Quest features walls that Link can actually phase through if he pushes on them. That's what these are. No criteria are necessary for the other side, but if you want to use a door of some sort, its up to you.

Bombable: Link can blast a hole in the wall with a bomb if a door is set to this. until he blasts it, it will appear as an ordinary wall.

Boss: Same idea as the locked door, but requires a "boss key" to open. This tradition started in A Link to the Past, and can be used in ZC. We won't be needing it here, though.

Wall: No door of any sort, just a solid wall.

Let's set the north and south doors as "shutter" and put about three keese and three stalfos(level 1 stalfos please) in the room. Take the block combo and make a pretty shape in the room like the NES games always did. Again, by default, the shutters will re-open when Link kills all these enemies, so don't worry about pushing any blocks. You might give the player an additional reward for their effort though.

find the rupee icon from the table with the green and blue squares. This icon controls where an item appears in a room. pick a convenient spot for the item and click it down. at this point, it will be ready for the taking as soon as Link enters. To make it only appear when he's cleared the room, go to Data-screen data and check "Enemies - Item". As for what item to use, let's go ahead and make it a map. Go to Data-Item, and select "Map". You'll notice there is now a map where you placed the cyan item square. :)

In the next room, make the south door a passage, and do nothing to the north door. Put some blocks down, and include one solitary block. We want to place some stairs under this solitary block, but we can't have a push flag and a secret flag on the same spot! No worries.

Place either a push (vertical) or a push (4 way) flag on the block, so that when Link pushes after clearing the room, the block will move. Now, return to the table with the green and blue squares and select the stairs icon. Place this new square right over the block just like you did with the push flag, and set the tile for stairs in secret combos.

Also, you're going to displace a combo on this screen, so you'll need something under where it was. Go to Data-Under combos, and set the dungeon floor tile for the under combo of the room. Actually, set it for the whole map. Throughout this map, it'll probably be using it. Set some enemies for the screen (more stalfos is good), then go up to Data-tile warp.

We're gonna go through a sideview tunnel to the room directly above us, so whatever your screen number is now, subtract 1 from the left digit and enter that as your "to" coordinates. Set the type to "passageway" and the Dmap to #1, so you stay in your current Dmap.

(In the rare occasion you need to actually draw the tunnel, see the steps for drawing a cave and go to screen 81. The entire top row should be ordinary black squares (check combo info for a black square that is fully walkable and isn't a cave combo.) All of your stairs should be three tiles from the horizontal edges. fill the rest of the black space with unwalkable ordinary black. then, look for a black square that is half walkable, half not (NOT THE CAVE COMBO! CHECK TO SEE IF CAVE IS NEXT TO IT!), and put this directly above anything you want to act as floor. Make an item cellar for screen 80 using similar principles.)

For the next room up, right off the bat, set the tile warp just like you did before but set this one up with the coordinates you just came from. That way, Link can take the same tunnel back. once you've done this, set the north door to shutter, add the appropriate flags and secret combos, set your stair square, and eh, put a few red goriyas in the room along with some keese. Set an item on this screen, and make this one a raft. Kinda cheap I know, but you'll get to see an item cellar later.

Oh, before you leave the screen, go to Data-screen data and check "boss roar sfx".

In the room above, set the north and south doors to shutter, and go to the enemy flags checkbox "Dungeon Boss". check it. Under enemies, select a single aquamentus. set the screen's item to "heart container", and set the screen data so said heart only appears when the aquamentus is killed.

Finally, in the last room, fancy it up with some blocks and statues, and leave a space in the middle. drop an item square here, and for Item, select "Triforce(fragment)". set the south door to passage. The game does not automatically know to return Link to the entrance outside when he gets a fragment so we need to feed this screen with the overworld screen number we came in at. In this triforce room, go to SIDE WARP: not Tile warp, SIDE WARP. A side warp is one that changes the Dmap or screen number based on Link walking off the screen on a prespecified edge. For some reason, Triforce fragments warp Link based on this. There's no need to specify what edge Link must walk off of here, just feed it the dmap and coordinates, and Link will go there when the triforce cinema is over.

Save your work, and go test it out in Zelda Classic. You should have your first playable dungeon, and walk out with a raft and a triforce fragment.

Try making a few more dungeons like the one you just did. as you do, make more overworld to encompass them.

Here's some things you might want to know about:

raft flag: if Link steps on this flag with the raft in his posession he'll starting riding it along the whole path of the flag. That said, this flag is applied several times on a screen to create a path of sorts. So you can tell where you start it from, use the wooden dock shaped combo.

Dungeon: keys. Using a key on a locked door is as simple as just having a key. Set it like any item somewhere in a dungeon, then you can use it to unlock any door you can reach. Once you do, you'll lose a key and may need to find another before you can continue past the next locked door.

Dungeon item cellars: These operate very much like the caves, only in sideview. Where the overworld has rent-a-caves, we have rent-a-tunnels and rent-a-cellars. Set data for a dungeon room much like you would a cave, but leave guy and message blank. just set room type to "special item" and designate on "special item". Speaking of guys...

Dungeon guys: In dungeons, guys appear directly in the room you set them on. Use a black ordinary combo for the whole north half, or the whole room if you prefer. This will make any message string you use easy to see. Set a guy, and set a message. Remember that if your dmap is set as 0, Guys won't appear here. Also, you may be blocked from progressing north , so don't set them where you need to, unless you set the room type to "level 9 entrance" or "feed the goriya", where that's the point.

For more information on overworlds and dungeons, see C-dawg's tutorial. It may be confusing to beginners, but at this point you should be able to understand what to do in his. It can be accessed from the tutorials section of Zeldaclassic.com.

Can you finish adding the other eight dungeons? If you think something has gone wrong, check here to see if you overlooked something.