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View Full Version : Can ZC's editor rip the entirety of a NES ROM?

02-26-2008, 06:42 PM
I ask because the other ZeldaC- Zelda Challenge: Outlands- was a spectacular mod for the original Zelda, with two new quests and spiffy new graphics on nearly all sprites. Unfortunately, it would require a tremendous amount of work to recreate it in ZC, and since I'm not GameMakr24, the author of Outlands, I feel I lack authority in tampering with this beyond an effective ROM dump.

02-26-2008, 06:56 PM
A ROM dump wouldn't work because ZC doesn't emulate Zelda, it re-creates it from the ground up. Everything is coded from scratch for computer. (And not nearly as efficient to boot.)

I'd get his permission, and then just do the work if you're really set on it.

02-26-2008, 08:57 PM
Hey, Level 9 in the Outlands first quest is 9 screens wide. Would that be possible in ZC while still maintaining the dungeon-style map in the upper-left corner and everything? I know you can use an overworld DMap or two DMaps with side warps, but that doesn't give you the map in the corner the same way as in Outlands.

Also, those "Free Bombs! Come Again!" rooms in Outlands where you can pick up bombs every time you enter the room, and they come back again...and a lot of the "one way" areas of the overworld probably wouldn't work, as they rely on quirks of the Zelda 1 ROM that don't seem to be duplicated in ZC. I'm talking about where you have a passageway blocked off by a corner mountain piece, and coming from one direction you can step onto the mountain tile and off any direction you want, but the other way you can't walk on it:


I'm also not sure how those areas where you walk off a screen and "jump down the cliff" would work.

02-27-2008, 06:26 AM
Things in ZC:O that currently aren't possible in ZC:
* Placing flying Gleeok heads on their own in a screen.
* The 9-screen-wide NES Dungeon.

The Free Bombs rooms can be made with Reset Room combos, or scripts that alter the screen state. The one-way combos can be simulated with scripts, and the 'jump down a cliff' bit is just shorthand for "scrolling into a solid combo". Also, you can give the Wand a 'Hearts Required' value now, if you're wondering.

02-27-2008, 11:23 AM
Script the heads, and make an overworld DMap with 'treat as NES dungeon' flag on every screen.

02-27-2008, 12:19 PM
Also, you can give the Wand a 'Hearts Required' value now, if you're wondering.

Yeah, I just forgot to mention that. I've only used 2.10 and earlier, by the way.

02-29-2008, 06:02 AM
Script the heads, and make an overworld DMap with 'treat as NES dungeon' flag on every screen.

The biggest problem is not with the DMap itself, but with the Minimap.

02-29-2008, 10:42 AM
I don't remember there being a room with only Gleeok heads in it. I probably saw it but just don't remember. Where was it?

I thought it was weird to see a moldorm/lanmola (I can never remember which is which) in the overworld, near the entrance to Level 2. Of course, that's easy to do in ZC.