View Full Version : Change!

02-25-2008, 12:03 AM


Part of me wishes that this campaign was deeper than a meaningless slogan. The other part of me does not care.

02-25-2008, 01:09 AM
Damnit - had something great written but I lost it.

Anyway, usually I'm such a cynical bastard about politics, but for once, I'll make an exception. Brace yourselves:

In my personal opinion, George W. Bush was the worst president in recent history. Agree or disagree, that's really not the point. The point is, that even though I could write a list a mile long of the atrocities I feel he's committed, things are still pretty okay. They're not great, but relatively speaking - I mean, there was no bloody coup, he didn't prop himself up as a dictator, or any of that.

Our system, as bloated, as inefficient, as corrupt as it, ensures stability. One man can only do so much damage. At times, it can be incredibly frustrating. But on the other hand, democracy is an incredibly fragile thing. The whims of mob mentality can tear it to shreds. Our founding fathers recognized this, and designed a system wherein we could have the freedom of democracy, and yet still maintain a stable system of government. All things considered, I'd say this is a pretty impressive feat.

02-25-2008, 01:27 AM
I think that if the American people want change so badly, they might consider changing themselves a little bit.

How about reading more books and watching less television?
How about having fewer kids out of wedlock?
How about smoking less pot and paying more attention in school?
How about being more polite to your fellow human beings?
How about smoking fewer cigarettes and eating less junk food?

I honestly think that, aside from helping to preserve our freedoms and provide quality services, politicians cannot affect change that individuals are unwilling to make. Government programs have not and will not ever cure laziness, greed, apathy, sloth, gluttony, and dishonesty.

Is the government full of dishonest ass holes with corrupt agendas? Yes. How did it get that way? Because uneducated, emotional, lazy morons are easily cajoled into voting for them.

02-25-2008, 08:01 PM
I'm sure the "change campaign" is just a way of getting votes. (Well, duh, says AGN.) Most people disapprove of the way Bush is handling his presidency, so current candidates take advantage of this and propose changes to "fix" the government/America after Bush.

02-25-2008, 10:25 PM
I was listening to this song as I clicked on this. Holy shit.