View Full Version : Since I Joined AGN...

02-10-2008, 09:10 PM
Since I joined the Armageddon Games forums I have...

...had eight birthdays
...visited six foreign countries
...lived in four different homes
...worked five different jobs
...purchased two used cars
...had two girlfriends

I might add that I had already graduated from high school before I ever came here.

So how has your life changed since you started posting here?

02-10-2008, 09:18 PM
Since I joined Armageddon Games, I have...

...had 2 birthdays
...been in one new state (New Mexico)
...flown in an airplane twice
...gotten a car + driver's license
...taken 3 standardized tests (OGT, SAT, ACT)

Yeah, my life isn't too exciting quite yet. :shrug:

02-10-2008, 09:19 PM
Since I have joined the Armageddon Games forums I have...
...moved once
...had 4 birthdays
...been to Canada (I don't count the bus tour I went on in 5th grade. Montreal Jazzfest is where it's at)
...gone through the entirety of highschool
...gotten a girlfriend
...decided I want to teach

I should add that AGN had nothing to do with any of these accomplishments. Sorry guys, but apparently you just aren't that important to me. ;)

King Aquamentus
02-10-2008, 10:10 PM
...seized power of some sort in The Hylia, here, and over seven IRC channels
...Joined one of the most esteemed historical groups in the Greater Saint Louis Area
...traveled across five states in a college funded trip.

02-10-2008, 10:20 PM
Since joining AGN I have...
...had 4 birthdays
...finished my graduate course work
...found a teaching job (now in my 3rd year!)
...moved to a new city (as a result of above)
...been to numerous weddings with some out of state - mainly friends from college
...and those friends are having kids of their own, it's crazy!

Aegix Drakan
02-10-2008, 10:47 PM
...I have...*thinks hard*...hmmm...

...Had 2 Birthdays
...Made 1223 posts
...ALMOST finished college
...Become a senior mod on a site (ZCU)
...Made a great deal of friends online
...Gotten a DS
...Gotten a DS LITE
...failed 3 times at getting a girlfriend, because each of them had a boyfriend already (and the one I liked most was already engaged :( )
...Become a compulsive software pirate
...Received 991 Reputation points
...*looks up at the list* And lost pretty much any life I had to the internet and Video games. XD

02-10-2008, 10:52 PM
- I've had 5 birthdays
- I've worked 2 jobs
- I've bought 3 used cars
- I've had...5 girlfriends?
- I've gotten addicted and un-addicted to WoW
- I've bought a house
- I've gotten engaged (wedding's June 21)
- I've gotten a dog who's too smart for his own good.
- I've lost a good friend.
- I've lived in 5 different homes, in 4 different cities, but just one state.


02-10-2008, 11:15 PM

- I've had 6 birthdays
- Gone through all 4 years of high school
- Gotten 3,000+ posts (posting on and off)
- Gotten 5 different consoles + a crapload of games
- Made several friends (more in RL)
- Learned to drive
- Had 3 different computers
- ... And still haven't finished a ZC quest. :p

02-10-2008, 11:20 PM
Since joining AGN I have...

- Graduated high school
- Had 7 birthdays (including my 18th and my 21st)
- Attended and dropped out of college twice
- Had a child
- Bought a car
- Had my first plane ride
- Attended two AGN conventions
- Had 5 boyfriends
- Had 5 jobs
- Attended and quit counseling
- Stuff

02-10-2008, 11:20 PM
about 7 or 8 birthdays
several shitty girlfriends and 1 good one
2 jobs
found a passion in glassblowing and lampworking
transfered schools
learned to drive
got a car
started smoking tobacco
started smoking pot
probably masturbated a lot
some other things, etc

02-10-2008, 11:25 PM
...seized power of some sort in The Hylia

Really? You aren't DSCUBED, are you?

02-10-2008, 11:41 PM
about 7 or 8 birthdays

You're not sure? You know it says when you joined right under your name, right?

02-10-2008, 11:45 PM
Since I joined, I have:

Had 1 birthday.
Vistited 1 foreign country.

I've got a boring life. :)

02-10-2008, 11:49 PM
I've had...

...6 birthdays
...started 2 personal websites
...been a mod twice here
...made some fantastic friends (although i may not talk much to a few i used to)
...lived in 2 states (OH and PA)
...had probably like 6 or 7 jobs
...got hooked on a game i originally didnt like, and started my own guild with friends (World of Warcraft)
...learned so much about different technology (networking, computers, different software, etc)
...got a girlfriend, on and off for a year, now we're going greatly steady

i'm sure there's other stuff i forgot, but thats good for now.

02-11-2008, 12:34 AM
You're not sure? You know it says when you joined right under your name, right?

I joined when I was 10 or 11. That's where I'm getting my numbers from. Is that ok?

02-11-2008, 01:57 AM
Since I've joined AGN...
...I've had 7 birthdays
...had my own hosted forum
...lost it and got my ass banned. Like four times.
...became a musician
...graduated middle school and high school and started college
...lost 3 cars
...had several real jobs
...grown up a shit-ton

02-11-2008, 04:42 AM
Since I joined...

...had 7 birthdays
...got my own hosted forum (still here too, albeit a bit hidden)
...became a GM/Developer of Shattered Earth
...went through middle-school and high-school, graduated high school
...had two jobs, going good at my current
...gotten my driver's license, and my first car (a used 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee)
...gotten my first girlfriend, whom I'm engaged to
...hacked many roms, ranging from NES and Gameboy to N64.
...Went through four computers, only the later two which are actually my own.
...tried to kill myself three times (not a result from AGN though)
...grew up and learned a lot more about life than I would've thought I would have
...gotten a huge interest in airsoft, and tactical gameplay
...got my hair cut maybe ten times (thats pushing it)
...moved 3 [technically 5] times, from the house I was born in, to another house, to another house, then I moved in with my girlfriend for half a year, then we moved back to this house (third house)
...re-arranged the furniture in my room probably 30 times
...perhaps more that I just can't think of right now

02-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Since I've joined AGN (06-29-2003)...

... I've had 5 birthdays (2004 - 2008)
... Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia summer 2003 along with other medical stuffies
... Still trying to come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to work anymore <sigh>
... Started playing SE just before I joined AGN and made, and still cherish, the friends made in that game
... Was asked, and accepted, a modship for SE
... Found a Poodle breeder and picked up Teddy Feb 18, 2006 (WOW! coming up on 2 years in few days)
... Paul hired, full time, at Intel (2003)
... Lived in 2 places (1 state)
... Gained a nephew, Caden, into the family...
... Finally broke down and bought a game console... XBox 360 last year (2007)
... Thought Booda, our bird, had a form of cancer... Thank God it wasn't that.
... Hopefully in May Paul and I will be able to get a new vehicle and get rid of that POS vehicle we have now
... Gone thru 3, if I counted right, computers. Paul putting them all together from the ground up...
... I'm sure there's more... but my brain hurts today <blah>

02-11-2008, 01:49 PM
Since I've joined...
...gone through three screennames (long story)
...graduated high school
...graduated college
...got my first real job
...moved to Minnesota
...had a long, messy, disasterous relationship
...learned how to cook real food
...voted in my first presidential election
...decided to go into teaching
...started grad school
...became an atheist
...discovered alcohol

02-11-2008, 02:28 PM
...4 birthdays.
...started high school.
...graduated high school.
...started college.
...had my first beer/gotten drunk for my first time.
...grown about 1 foot.
...had 2 jobs.
...had 2 girlfriends.
...taken numerous showers.

02-11-2008, 02:40 PM

King Aquamentus
02-11-2008, 03:00 PM
Really? You aren't DSCUBED, are you?

I'm Captain B.

02-11-2008, 05:15 PM
...I've had like maybe 3-4 birthdays or something, I dunno.
...I've had 3 girlfriends
...I've reached the 1000 post milestone back when it was actually worth something
...I've reached the 2000 post milestone.
...I've become a moderator for GD
...I've become a moderator for Think Tank
...I've taken my driver's test 4 times and failed each one
...I've graduated from high-school
...I've enrolled in College
...I've gotten drunk for the first time.
...I've smoked pot for the first time
...I've done some other stuff I can't remmeber.

02-12-2008, 04:24 AM
Since I've joined AGN
...I've had 6 or 7 birthdays I think
...Graduated High school
...started college
...went to a mental ward in a hospital
...dropped out of college
...joined the Army
...married my wife
...been to Iraq twice
...found out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

02-12-2008, 04:36 AM
Since I've joined AGN
...I've had 6 or 7 birthdays I think
...Graduated High school
...started college
...went to a mental ward in a hospital
...dropped out of college
...joined the Army
...married my wife
...been to Iraq twice
...found out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

It seems like maybe you've lived more than most of us...

02-12-2008, 07:08 PM
Since I have joined AGN I have had...
...Moved 4 times
...6 birthdays
...Gone through middleschool and most of high school
...Got my first job
...Had my first girlfriend
...Seen lots of weird people come and leave AGN (zeldagld64, lightningz, etc.)
...The death of my best friend
...Made my first game(Even though it wasnt programming... Zeldclassic owns is all i have to say)
...Haven't formatted my harddirve once (Yes, that's 8 years without it. I'm still running Win2K as well, same exact installation.)
...Got my driver's license

I've done more too but it's too much to list... I don't come here much anymore but when i see interesting topics i like to pop in and post something

02-13-2008, 03:44 PM
Since joining AGN I've...

had 7 birthdays...
lived in 4 different homes...
had 5 different cats come and go...
had 3 deaths in the family...
had 2 jobs in different professions...
had my phone turned off several times(thus no internet, stupid dial-up)...

and that's all I can remember off the top of my head right now...:kitty:

02-14-2008, 07:54 PM
Since I joined AGN I've....

....had 2 accounts (the first being VeNoM)
....had 7 Birthdays
....moved 4 times
....had 4 cars
....had 4 jobs
....graduated from highschool

humm, if I think of more I'll edit this.

02-14-2008, 09:19 PM

...had eight birthdays
...had four jobs
...moved three times
...gotten married
...been addicted to two MMO's
...bought six Nintendo systems
...bought one new car
...quit smoking seventy-four times
...put one person on ignore

02-14-2008, 10:17 PM

...had eight birthdays

Happy B-day, by the way.

02-15-2008, 05:11 AM
Ah let's see here since i been here.
-Had 5 bdays
-Had over 10 g/f's (Girl I'm with now it's been good)
-Graduated from School
-Had 3 jobs
-Lost my virginity :P
-Stopped Being an idiot
-Became a ZC Dev
-Lost count on how many AGN bans I had
-Still haven't made over 1,000 posts XD
-And stuff