View Full Version : What PC games do you guys play ONLINE?

02-10-2008, 01:27 AM
Title says it all, what games do you guys play online these days? PC games.

I currently play Warcraft 3, Command and Conquer 3, and Gears of War. If anyone plays any of those games let me know. Specifically C&C3 or GoW.

But what does everyone else play? I'd thought about grabbing that Counterstrike Source since I think I saw it for 30$.

02-10-2008, 02:47 AM
I suck at most online games, especially FPSs and RTSs, so the only two I've ever actually played extensively are Gunbound and Subspace. I'm considering erasing my account in Gunbound and starting fresh; I've spent so much time away from it that when I finally returned to my gold axe character, I had the shooting skills of a complete newbie... In Subspace, I stick to the Trench Wars server.

02-10-2008, 05:21 AM
Wc3 and WoW. But you won't play with me because all I play is DotA. So fuck you. :(

02-10-2008, 02:53 PM
Team Fortress 2. I don't know what else I would play online, because it basically sucks all my free time away and so I don't have any time to play anything else.

02-10-2008, 04:34 PM
Mostly just tf2 these days. I tend to stick to valve games. It used to be Diablo 2 and SC before I really got into the valve scene.

02-10-2008, 04:53 PM
Warcraft 3, specifically dota.

02-10-2008, 07:00 PM
I will play DotA, I just can't only play that. It gets boring you know. I'll have to look into TF2 I suppose. See if it's any good. I hope someone here plays C&C3. It's a good game atleast till SC2.

02-10-2008, 08:10 PM
Mostly just this weird Korean MMOB (yes, massively multiplayer online brawler. I swear to God this game is RCR in 3D) called Rumble Fighter recently. If you get a few good players going it's a lot of fun, but the company in charge of the US branch is just generally all-around lame and seems to be trying to abandon RF in favor of some WoW ripoff or something they just came out with. I'll probably drop out of it in the near future if they don't start putting more effort into it.

I've been meaning to start playing TF2 now that I have the Orange Box up and working, but I'm waiting for a chance to meet up with someone I know so I won't be going in to the game blindly.

02-10-2008, 11:22 PM
Gdorf, what realm do you play DotA on? And is it DotA Allstars for TFT?

Nicholas Steel
02-10-2008, 11:41 PM
what is DotA?

02-11-2008, 03:46 AM
It's a WarCraft 3 custom map. It's an "AoS" type map, which stands for Aeon of Strife. Basically these maps consist of 2 cpu controlled equal forces. Then there are somewhere around 10 slots for human players who choose a single hero. Then you see which side wins. Obviously you try to make your hero godly powerful to win. The problem is that's actually what happens in most AoS maps. Someone gets some ubber item or something and basically becomes completely unstoppable.

02-11-2008, 05:14 AM
Only game I ever really enjoyed playing online was Metal Gear Online. Portable Ops version is crap, I think. But thats not a PC game.

I may have played Garry's Mod online a few times. Thats a blast.

Dark Knight
02-11-2008, 07:26 AM
World of Warcraft...that's about it. I'm not into playing First-Person Shooters online(I enjoy causing the death of my fellow virtual man. I hate being called a "nigger" and "<insert name of weapon> whore" for it by a 9 year old.) and I'm really not into the zerg rush that comprises most of the online world of the Real-Time Strategy genre.

02-12-2008, 11:06 AM
World of Warcraft. Used to play Final Fantasy XI, but it sucked to hard for me to continue playing it. I also liked playing Diablo II online. Thats always fun. If anyone remembers a game called Motor City Online, that game kicked ass. You built and raced classic American cars. It was really really fun, but I guess it wasn't popular enough because it didn't last for more than a year.

02-12-2008, 04:52 PM
World of Warcraft...that's about it. I'm not into playing First-Person Shooters online(I enjoy causing the death of my fellow virtual man. I hate being called a "nigger" and "<insert name of weapon> whore" for it by a 9 year old.) and I'm really not into the zerg rush that comprises most of the online world of the Real-Time Strategy genre.

Well with FPS games it really depends on who you play against. If you play with cool people it can be very fun. Same goes for RTS. I agree, no one likes rushers, or you know, koreans that have no lives.

02-14-2008, 06:28 AM
I've been playing equal parts Quake III Arena, Warsow 0.41 and Eve Online, along with the occasional round of some XBLA game. Fuck yes.

Dark Knight, if you're not a fan of RTS games for their quick pace, you might want to check out Sins of a Solar Empire (http://www.sinsofasolarempire.com/). It's a mix of the quick pace of Real Time Strategy and the slower 4X genre which is primarily made up of games such as Master of Orion 2 and Civilization 4. Games take several hours, and on some larger configurations battles can take days (thankfully it has multiplayer saving and loading support).

There's also Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, which is probably the closest thing you can get to Starcraft 2 without SC2 actually being out, and quite honestly because of Dawn of War I'm not nearly as excited about Starcraft 2 as I am Dawn of War 2. It's a normal-paced RTS, but it just kicks so much ass that you might not mind.

There's also TASpring, a remake of Total Annihilation in 3D, and it has a ton of neat features, such as realistic weapon trajectories (artillery is awesome in this game), a very unconventional economy, and lots of neat automation tools that take your mind off of some of the more mundane base building tasks and more on kicking your opponents ass.

The simple fact is, though, most people I hear complaining about "Zerg Rushes" and "builds" tend to be people who simply want to play Base Simulator 3000, turtle in their base for an hour or two, and then hit their enemy with some decisive force. Well, at least in their heads that's how they think things will work out, what actually ends up happening is that their opponent either rushes the fuck out of them or their opponent takes every single other expansion on the map in that same time frame and has an even bigger force that dwarfs the turtler's. So they get rolled, ragequit, and complain about RTS's on internet forums, so I can laugh at them.

By the way, in most decent games, there is usually a way to mute disruptive players. Either that, or start dominating them until they ragequit, preferably with some of the tactics listed in this (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101054) thread, or just search youtube for "myg0t" if you don't mind seeing people use hacks. Record their lamentations and post them on youtube for maximum lulz. Letting yourself get intimidated by a 9 year old on an online game is pretty much the most lol thing ever.

02-15-2008, 10:57 PM
Diablo 2 expansion ftw, I also play Gunz.ijji.

02-16-2008, 12:17 AM
Gdorf, what realm do you play DotA on? And is it DotA Allstars for TFT?

-- I play on azeroth. Usually 2v2 -aremom. Whisper me if you want to play, my username is "ravix475"

02-16-2008, 09:18 AM
i play diablo t2 lod and command & conquer tiberian sun

02-16-2008, 10:08 AM
I'm saddened by the fact that nobody mentioned that they play MUDs anymore. MUDs are awesome you guys. And free.

02-16-2008, 03:36 PM
Is it bad that I actually enjoy some of the drama that occurs in online FPS games? Sometimes, it can be more entertaining than the actual game. Like a while back, I was playing TF2 and this kid on our team was playing as engie, and people kept complaining about his turret placements (generally in stupid and/or useless areas). Oh my God, he went on such a tirade. Complaining about people picking on him, complaining about being told what to do, going on about how he's so much better than everyone else. I just laughed my ass off the whole time. Only thing I was missing was a bag of popcorn.

02-16-2008, 05:39 PM
You're not alone rock_nog. Alot of the time the FPS drama is hilarious. :p

02-16-2008, 11:34 PM
I'm really only playing WoW at the moment. I just got myself the ability to teleport all over Azeroth and the Outlands at will, (No, I'm not cheating.) so I'll go experiment around with that. I've got a Level 74 Human Rogue, and a Level 24 Night Elf Druid. My roles are "Guild Bank Filler," since I am apparently their deadliest tool with the least chance of dying on any given boss raid. Goddamn. Rogues aren't supposed to be tanks... -.-

02-17-2008, 02:53 AM
Level 74?

Dark Knight
02-17-2008, 06:36 AM
Is it bad that I actually enjoy some of the drama that occurs in online FPS games? Sometimes, it can be more entertaining than the actual game. Like a while back, I was playing TF2 and this kid on our team was playing as engie, and people kept complaining about his turret placements (generally in stupid and/or useless areas). Oh my God, he went on such a tirade. Complaining about people picking on him, complaining about being told what to do, going on about how he's so much better than everyone else. I just laughed my ass off the whole time. Only thing I was missing was a bag of popcorn.

I had fun with it too but after awhile it just got boring so I found better things to do. Though, the griefing videos in that thread Alex posted might respark my interest in the online portion of the genre.

Level 74?

Private server. Most allow for a higher level cap than legit servers.

02-17-2008, 08:09 AM
When I do got time to play games. I usually play W3, Diablo 2, Gunz, Maplestory, and Sauerbraten.

But I am usually playing Maplestory when I have the time. I am starting to loose interest in the game though.

02-18-2008, 08:34 AM
I usually play ... Gunz, Maplestory ...

Now this I don't understand. I've played a ton of free Korean MMO's in my spare time and almost all of them are boring as shit grindfests with almost no brain activity required. I mean, people say that MMO's are boring in general, but Koreans bring mediocrity in MMO's to an artform or some shit.

02-18-2008, 09:35 AM
But Maplestory is ANIME *facepalm'd*

02-18-2008, 01:15 PM
WoW, TF2, Gmod


though I dont always get alot of freetime :(

02-18-2008, 10:43 PM
we should get an agn game of TF2 going sometime soon. I have it, just don't play it much anymore.

02-18-2008, 11:42 PM
Now this I don't understand. I've played a ton of free Korean MMO's in my spare time and almost all of them are boring as shit grindfests with almost no brain activity required. I mean, people say that MMO's are boring in general, but Koreans bring mediocrity in MMO's to an artform or some shit.

No kidding. Korean MMOs are the most boring grindfests known to man. Not only do you get the joy of killing mob X literally thousands of times just to gain part of a level, you get the added "fun" of the obligatory Unnecessarily Inconvenient Item Upgrade System, wherin you must first spend days looking for a rare item from some insipid mob that lurks who knows where, you must then pay a hefty sum to some NPC (or possibly player) to perform the upgrade, which will inevitably have a remarkably high chance of failure for anything better than a +1 Stick of Pokiness, meaning the Giant Flaming Sword of Destruction you just got is now so gone forever, so guess what? YOU GET TO GO GRIND IT OUT AGAIN!

Enjoying that kind of gameplay requires some kind of mental defect that I just don't have, apparently.

02-19-2008, 08:05 AM
we should get an agn game of TF2 going sometime soon. I have it, just don't play it much anymore.

if you want a chance of catching me, your best bet is to give [TEAM ROOMBA] 2fort2furious @ a shot. about the worst that server has is a reserved slot system.

02-20-2008, 05:37 PM
I should probably reinstall steam then.