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View Full Version : Sylvia Browne Predictions

01-28-2008, 12:21 PM
I'm a huge fan of Sylvia Browne, she changed my outlook on life, and now I'm comfortable. Many people believe she's a fraud, but whatever, opinions are opinions!

Point being, I got her newsletter, and I love the predictions, to see if they happen or not, so here are some interesting ones that are predicted to happen this year, some things may seem 50/50, or not specific, but still, just look at it for entertainment's sake.

> More school shootings will occur across the world - England, Italy, France and in the U.S. in the East Coast area.
> Hilary Clinton will move to the forefront in popularity and hold this position until summer.
> There will be another scandal in Washington over monies, no jut from FEMA but other organizations that took money to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.
> A Democrat will be elected to the office of the President of the United States.

> The economy will stay flat until the middle of the year.
> The mortgage interest rate will go down a quarter of a point.
> Banks will help people with repossessions and foreclosures, but these people must be careful of scams and flakey lenders.
> Credit card companies will start lowering their interest rates.
> The stock market roller-coasters more than it has in the last five years.
> The job market will remain in a slump until August.
> The auto industry will slowly begin to recover.

> Long dormant volcanoes will erupt.
> A tsunami will hit Japan in June.
> More earthquakes will occur in the Middle East and Peru again, and also in Mexico in May.
> Drought will hit the West Coast this summer.
> The south will see flooding again in the spring.
> Tornadoes will hit the Midwest in a furty during month of April.
> Florida will see more hurricanes than in the last two years especially in the area of the Keys.

> There will be new medication to help people suffering with fibromyalgia.
> There will be a new medical breakthrough for diabetes.
> A new flu virus will emerge that is resistant to antibiotics.

There are also celebrity predictions, but most of it is iffy, "she will be pregnant" "they will marry" and "he will have therepy".. that stuff, but the more interesting predictions were:

> Micheal Jackson will attempt to make a comeback, but health problems will prevent it.
> Recording artists will strike against music pirating.

As always, it's like, "of course the artists don't want their music pirated." but perhaps the prediction means that they are really going to try and prevent it from now on? Well, discuss your views! :D

01-28-2008, 12:34 PM
None of that is going to happen, especially the Hillary Clinton being so popular. She is obviously very liberal and a major pessimist and has way too much faith in drugs.

Btw, flu VIRUSES are already resistant to antibiotics.

01-28-2008, 01:52 PM
Oh yeah, I don't keep up with politics at all, so I have no clue what to say about that. For the first time, I actually talked to my dad about his views on all of that, haha, but for the most part, it's out of my mind and if I see political chit-chat on the tele, I just switch to something else.

01-28-2008, 02:04 PM
Are you at least registered to vote?

01-28-2008, 04:09 PM
Are you at least registered to vote?

Why register to vote if a)you don't pay attention to politics and have no idea what candidate to vote and b)you have no intention of voting?

01-28-2008, 07:19 PM
You can at least vote on propositions.

01-28-2008, 07:53 PM
I would be more interested in seeing what she predicted would happen in 2007 and how much of that became true.

And a quick google search later... here they are!

2007 predictions:

TomKat will have a baby boy, stay together for 2 more years, and divorce. He will move on to some other chick, Sylvia doesnt like him because she had PPD

Brad and Angelina wont make it either, they will split. She thinks Angelina is pretty ridiculous for saying she wanted to sit down with Jen, as if any woman would want to talk to the woman who ran off with their husband

Marc Anthony and J Lo will never have a baby and will break up. J Lo cant have a baby
apparently, for some reason, physically or else she just doesnt really want one

Nicole Richie will end up in the hospital for so much self abuse

Martha Stewarts show will be canceled

Mel Gibson will just kind of go away

Tom Hanks will win some Excellence Award

Liz Taylor is dying, her *life force* is flickering, she is giving up

Jen Aniston will marry a producer/director type

Some rapper is going to blow up (that means get popular lol), but I dont remember his name

8 years and we will have a black president (Sylvia is against female presidents btw, she will get PMS and blow people up @@).

Polio and Whooping cough are making big comebacks because of crazy people (like me lol) who think vaccines are not good for you and contribute to autism

Bush will bring the troops home

More states will approve gay marriage, not just civil unions

FEMA will be investigated, people will go to jail for stealing $

Major drug bust in Eastern port in June, then another big one on west coast

Bomb parts will come in through the ports too, but NO major terrorist attacks here, although she is worried about England and France

Economy will bounce back, although stock market is a real rollercoaster

Property is the best investment now, buy now, because its going down but will go back up next year

New drugs for HIV, AIDS, Hep C that really help patients

East coast will have one of the mildest winters you have seen (this current winter)

West Coast will still be cold/rainy like it is now

Depression will be linked to diet

Processing is causing a lot of illnesses?

There will be an amino acid found that will put HIV into remission

Some glaciers will be breaking up at rapid speed, we are in a "polar tilt" tornados in odd places, texas, arkansas, all over, more volcanos everywhere erupting, hawaii, flooding in the south, earthquakes and tsunamis

Some crops will fail because of drought at end of the year and you wont even be able to afford corn and other produce

really hard winter next year

More spirituality next year, bad press for Evangelicals, they are misusing $, buying lots of things for themselves

Tsunami in New York, she has been worried about this for years, and its coming

Cure for insulin dependent diabetes end of next year, major breakthroughs happening

Democrat in office next time

Worried about trucks and trains for terrorism worldwide, not planes

Find missing amino in autism kids that can be reversed

gas prices will go down in feb

Someone posted them here: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=583405

I don't know. Her predictions don't really have much insight. I think many of them are based on trends and are safe predictions, and then others aren't even close. I just expected more from someone who is well known for her psychic abilities.

01-28-2008, 08:05 PM
^^Making claims like that which aren't too bold are synonymous with cold reading.

01-29-2008, 06:18 AM

Please, please, please visit Randi's site and watch those videos. In general, I have no problem with people who claim psychic powers and those who believe in them. I emphasize "in general," because although I have no problem with the concept I do have a problem with most practitioners, Sylvia Browne in particular. She has made a living on cheating people out of their money, and, what I think is most despicable, she makes parents believe that she can help find their missing children. She's been wrong too many times to count, sometimes giving the parents outlandish stories far worse than the actual truth. This kind of sick manipulation is just awful, and should be illegal. It makes me angry just thinking about it. I also defy anyone to defend her refusal to take Randi's test, especially when she already agreed to do it, on record, on Larry King Live. That's also on youtube. Nothing to prove, my ass. If she's so concerned about getting money for her spiritual orginization, don't you think she'd jump at the 1 million dollar prize that Randi offers to anyone who can prove they have psychic powers?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKyzBe0CA2Q&NR=1 aw, montel's trying to defend her
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLpPrZSGBEs&NR=1 her agreeing to take Randi's test
Ok, I think that should make the picture clear