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View Full Version : Tileset tutorials?

01-24-2008, 07:34 PM
Are there ways to make tilesets other than pixel-by-pixel in ZQuest itself? It would be nice if I could somehow feed ZQuest a tile sheet in gif or png form or something, but I'm open to any approaches besides starting completely from scratch within the program if I want new tilesets. This is such a basic question, though, that I presume there to already be detailed answers to it somewhere.

I ask mainly because most of the tilesets I've found seem to not take the features of the 2.5 betas into account, and the default, Z1-based tileset is rather ugly, not even using half the colors each CSet can have (and I do want a set designed to allow easy CSet swaps). While I'd like something simple-looking, that's a little TOO simple. -- Pteryx

01-24-2008, 08:03 PM

You've been here, yes?

Anyway, go to the tile editor and press 'G' (for Grab).
Then press 'F' (for File), and select the image you'd like to rip from.

Then, ZC can recolour the file to your current CSet, if you press combinations of 'P' and 'R', which are both on toggles.

If you hold down shift, you can select a whole block, and if you press 'S' (for Step), you can change the step of the selector's movement (with the mouse, it's always 16 with the direction pad).

In terms of full tilesets set up for 2.5, well, I certainly don't know of any.

However you can:
Download the quest in that thread, which is unpassworded, and set up for 2.5.
Whether you want to use those graphics or not, it should help you get an idea of how you might want to use it?

Some useful scripts also included ^_^

That file is basically the new DoR tileset, set up for 2.5.
There are a few quest-specific changes and scripts, but I haven't started building in it yet, so feel free to use/have a look around.

01-24-2008, 11:41 PM
Thank you! :) It's also my understanding that certain CSets and palettes are set aside for special purposes; unfortunately, the information I found on this subject was decidedly vague and incomplete. I've already made "enhanced" variants of the "green overworld" (CSet 2) and "orange overworld" (CSet 3) CSets in the Main palette with more and subtler greens and oranges (not to mention more blues, more browns, and a few greys for good measure), and see that those two also are duplicated in the "000 - Zelda1 Overworld" palette as CSets 0 and 1, but I'm not sure what the other default CSets correspond to or how it all fits together.

01-25-2008, 04:06 AM
The main palette is made up of 14 CSets.

CSets 0 and 1 are used by the system for some functions.
CSets 0 and 1 are used by the system for some functions.
CSet 2 is variable via the screen's Level Palette, and you can use it for whatever you want to put on said screen really.
CSet 3 is the same.
CSet 4 is the same.
CSet 5 is just a spare bit of space to do what you like with really :shrug:
CSet 6 is the palette for Link and Pol's Voice enemies.
CSet 7 is the 'Blue' sprite palette
CSet 8 is the 'Red' sprite palette
CSet 9 is another CSet that varies with the screen's Level Palette, but it is also a sprite palette. Often Green or Purple.
CSet 10 is used for sprites.
CSet 11 is used for sprites.
The other ones have no function really.

Bare in mind that you can put whatever colours you like in any palette; there's no need for CSet 7 to be Blue, it just was originally and often still is.

01-25-2008, 01:24 PM
Thanks; that's a significant help! :) -- Pteryx