View Full Version : Hooked on WoW

01-05-2008, 08:30 AM
Yeah, I dove into World of Warcraft. I'm on Wildhammer with a Human Rogue. What servers are everyone else playing on?

I'm really loving the fact that you gain experience points by finishing quests and discovering new places and things like that. Final Fantasy XI was a pain in the ass in the exp department. The only way you could gain levels was to grind, and if you didn't grind out levels, you would always fall behind everyone else. World of Warcraft is so much better. Not loosing exp everytime you die is a big plus as well.

Very good game, and I'm already addicted. On top of that, I have a civilian internet line to my desk at work, so I'm constantly on it now. So much for productivity.

Dark Knight
01-05-2008, 10:48 AM
Yeah, I dove into World of Warcraft. I'm on Wildhammer with a Human Rogue. What servers are everyone else playing on?

I'm really loving the fact that you gain experience points by finishing quests and discovering new places and things like that. Final Fantasy XI was a pain in the ass in the exp department. The only way you could gain levels was to grind, and if you didn't grind out levels, you would always fall behind everyone else. World of Warcraft is so much better. Not loosing exp everytime you die is a big plus as well.

Very good game, and I'm already addicted. On top of that, I have a civilian internet line to my desk at work, so I'm constantly on it now. So much for productivity.

I disagree with the bold part. Final Fantasy XI was a pain in the ass in every aspect. Solo play doesn't exist after level 10. Inflation is ridiculous(cost me 24k gil to purchase a single piece of level 20 armor...and that was the cheapest). If you aren't a specific class combination you aren't getting into a party and once you reach a certain level you have to do a quest to expand your level cap. This is done every five levels. Then you get to contend with Japanese players and bots who camp the rare monsters, this is after spending about 3 or more hours in town or some other location looking for a group.

Anyways, on to WoW. WoW is leaps and bounds better than FFXI could ever hope to be. Lots of quests to do that are actually rewarding, you can solo all the way to level 70 if you so chose and...the best of all. You don't lose EXP when you die!

I have an Undead Rogue on Suramar. By the way. Once you have your mount it is your's to keep. None of this vanishing 20 minutes later, leaving you stranded in the middle of nowhere.

01-05-2008, 10:57 AM
A handful of chars on Gorgonnash but my main is a 70 hunter. I don't do raids but I'm attuned for Kara....mostly pvp. I have an undead priest that's a lowly level 5 on Blackhand I think it is.

01-05-2008, 03:19 PM
Most of the people I know play on Suramar. I have a few characters there, but my main is a level 66 Tauren Warrior.

01-05-2008, 04:04 PM
I play on Gurubashi, myself. My main is a 70 warrior, though I have a 70 lock as well (which I haven't played in ages). I used to raid hardcore (and may very well be the only warrior with a Mature Black Dragon Sinew in his bank. Booyah), but these days I just putter around, attending the occasional Kara raid, but mainly leveling up alts.

I don't recognize Wildhammer off the top of my head. Is that a PvP server? If not, shame on you! Actually, shame on you anyway for rolling alliance. Boooo... =P

01-05-2008, 07:31 PM
Which is the least populated server, anyway?

The only playing I've done was on Private Servers and on my own server. On the first private server, some german-run server, the population was so small that 100% of the people on the entire server who ever played there were all in the same guild, and knew each other by first name. It was amazing.

So easy to get hooked on WoW. Had a few friends that found WoW, and can hardly even call them a friend anymore, unfortunately. I'd call them and they would literally trail off mid-sentence and go back to the computer. Good lord...

I know that a lot of the fun is to be had with friends, but some people just aren't that social like that. I myself like to give and give until it hurts. It leaves me with nothing. I like to play on my own, levelling up my own way, earn my own keep, and know that I did this my way. Quite the satisfying feeling.

01-05-2008, 08:13 PM
I used to play WoW for awhile. I think I got a Hunter up to whatever level you get your Mount at (40 i think). Maybe a few levels past. But awhile after I lost interest in the game. Supposively it's gotten better since then but I don't know. Costs waaaay too much to play. I'd rather play games like GoW or UT3.

01-06-2008, 05:25 PM
Which is the least populated server, anyway?

None. There are low population servers but they never stay that way. All the servers spike at one point or another.


My hunter.

01-06-2008, 08:16 PM
The AH has a better market on higher populated servers. It may not be a fair market, but at least its more common to find rare items, or common mats for professions if your server has more people playing on them.

01-06-2008, 08:31 PM

My other character is level 25 on Altar of Storm, but shows up as level 14 from Dec 29 07 on WoW armory for whatever reason.

01-08-2008, 08:41 PM
Alliance scum...

I have a hard time playing now a days usually because I've been working and I always have something else to do. Plus I don't feel like investing time to level a character up to like level 30 since I can only play like once a week. However, if I were able to play as much as I wanted I'd probably play. The most fun I've ever had was with my bloodelf rogue. 2-shotting clothies at level 45.

Dark Knight
01-09-2008, 03:42 AM

My other character is level 25 on Altar of Storm, but shows up as level 14 from Dec 29 07 on WoW armory for whatever reason.

The Armory is broken. =/

01-09-2008, 02:14 PM
server: Nathrezim
characters: Babyjenny - Kitti


01-09-2008, 05:11 PM
My Hunter (who I raid with):

My Lock (who I arena with):

01-11-2008, 03:42 AM
I have a 40-something druid on Ursin whom I haven't played in a while.

01-12-2008, 12:46 AM
I just started playing WoW, mostly for the challenge of running it in WINE with an ATI card, but the models kept disappearing, so I run it in XP now. I have a troll hunter on a private server [link (http://www.ani-wow.com)], and I find the game to be pretty fun, spending most of my time on there hunting the highest level creeps I can find for their skins. As for the addiction/obsession aspect, I'm afraid it's totally lost on me. You log in, you play, you log out. Spending 10 hours on a dungeon is not a game: it's a job, and I don't need another one of those.

01-12-2008, 03:14 AM
How does that server not get shut down? Is it in Russia?

01-12-2008, 05:15 AM
Nothing illegal about private servers as far as I know, there are a ton of them out there.

ps: Killed Kael'thas tonight, awesome fight :D

01-12-2008, 09:23 AM
My officer is using WINE to play and its working for him just fine. He had to do a registry tweak for it to force it to use OpenGL.

01-12-2008, 09:51 AM
I never played WoW, but I heard a lot of kids gossip about it in class back when I was in school. My brother was into Diablo, don't think he ever got into WoW, either. Never played it, because I'm a whore for leveling up. And once I would go in, I would never come out. Unless I'd start sleeping more. I like to sleep. Gotta have it. Forever.

01-12-2008, 01:21 PM
My officer is using WINE to play and its working for him just fine. He had to do a registry tweak for it to force it to use OpenGL.

Adding the OpenGL key to the registry is part of a long series of steps, but the real problem is the ATI card, rather than the setup. Some people don't have problems, others do - it's sort of a crap shoot.

EDIT: Well, there's a new WINE release today, so who knows...

05-31-2008, 04:40 PM
Reviving an old threat so shoot me.

Are you still playing WoW or did you lose interest? I picked it up again on the weekends if I don't have anything going on, it's someone to do to kill time.

05-31-2008, 10:18 PM
I quit for awhile, but I just recently started playing again. My rogue is up to lvl 64 and I'm playing around with a Tauren Warrior as well. Haven't gotten to 70 yet, but I'm sure within the next week or so I'll have it.

Master Ghaleon
05-31-2008, 11:43 PM
Get away from WoW while you stil can AHHHHHHHH lol. I played hardcore for a longtime and finally quit it about 2 months or so ago. I had a 70 priest and 70 mage on mannoroth. Mages are great if ya know how to use them and not complain about warlocks all the time.