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View Full Version : Z3 Scrolling: Revolution Script #1

01-05-2008, 01:31 AM
Okay, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE may be possible. What about Side-Scrolling Super Mario Bros. style? I already have some ideas on how this could work, how combos from the next screen could progressively show up, however, this can't be tackled in about 2 hours, and DEFINATELY not one person able to do it, so anybody up for the task? We'll see how this will be done when we get some people I suppose. If you can help, great! If you are reading this, if you take the job or not, thank you for your time. Also, I wasn't sure if this goes in Z-Script General Discussion, (because it's more a statement of how it's possible,) or Script Requests, (because I need help, and scripting never works with me,) so feel free to ask questions, and if you think you can help in any sort of way, you have some spare time, feel free. If all goes well, then it will not be very hard, just time consuming, but if more than one person does this, maybe using the moving commands, and the directions, it would be possible. It would however, to not be 10000 MB in size, have to use the whole Map. Thank you.

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MAJOR EDIT: Oh snap, looks like I should've checked the forums, big oops... But it is possible somehow, it's long, but very possible...

01-05-2008, 02:24 AM
Would you mind explaining how you plan to make this work? I can see no workaround at all for this. Please, explain.

01-05-2008, 02:49 AM
Might be easier to make a mario hack game or maybe there is some type of abandoned 'mario classic' source on the web somewhere. I'm already way too engaged with actually plausible scripts atm.

01-05-2008, 03:30 AM
Mario-like scrolling should be perfectly possible, even for one person.

Here's the general plan of attack:

- Create the special tileset. You'll need 16 tiles for each "real" tile in your tileset, one for each horizontal scrolling offset. Given a "base" tile, make it easy to find, using a formula, the same tile shifted n pixels left, or n pixels right.

- Draw your world on the map somewhere. Link will never actually go here, but it will be used as the source of tiles to copy by the scripts.

- Your game screen (where the action takes place) will be set up as follows: alternating vertical strips of tiles will be on alternating layers, so that two "scrolled" tiles blend in together correctly. Pick two screens for these two layers, and be sure they're set as background layers. Say you picked screens 1 and 2.

Now, for the scripts:
- Write a script that, at frame f and for every row n, puts the (floor(f/16)+n)th row of the world onto the nth row of screen 1 or 2, as appropriate, and replaces that row with the same tiles offset by the right amount.

- Write a script that, every frame, moves all sprites one frame left.

- Now you need to help ZC with collision detection, since walkability flags can only be set on 1/2-tiles. Write a script that checks the tile Link (or an enemy) is standing on, and shoves him left as appropriate if he's standing on a tile that should be unwalkable at that position due to its offset. Kill Link if that would move him off of the screen on the left.

There are more details, but that should get you started.

01-05-2008, 10:41 AM
Yeah, that's much easier than how I would've done it. Thanks, DD! I was originally thinking of keeping Link in the center of the room somehow, (or at the bottom,) and certain set combos would move, (like C-Dawg's script,) as you went, I was thinking FFCs, because you can actually set them off-screen and they come in, but that's way too long. So now it might not be as long as I thought... Thank you so much!

01-05-2008, 01:34 PM
So you're trying to do the Z3 scrolling screen style? That would be awesome!

Though there should be a new tileset for it...:googly: