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12-15-2007, 09:44 PM
More scripts. Enjoy! ;)

FFC Statue, similar to sentry, exept much more customizable as it links better to other ffc's.

//================================================== ================================
// D0 - Direction can shoot / values greater than 3 return up,down,left,right.
// Appears to be non-functional untill Link walks in its line-of-sight, oops!
// link this to other ffc's for custom enemies or bosses.
// D1 - combo of weapon projectile
// D2 - speed of projectile
// D3 - CSet of projectile
// D4 - First ffc of 3 ffc's to use as projectiles
//================================================== ================================

ffc script Statue{

void run(int shoot_dir, int weapon_combo, int speed, int cset, int ffc_to_use){

ffc shoot;
int ffc_cycle = ffc_to_use;
int delay = 0;


if(ffc_cycle >= ffc_to_use+3){ ffc_cycle = ffc_to_use;}
if(delay > 0){delay--;}

if(shoot_dir > 3 && delay == 0){

if(Abs(Link->X-this->X)<14 && Link->Y < this->Y) // Up
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y - 16; shoot->X = this->X;
shoot->Vy = -speed; shoot->Vx=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
else if(Abs(Link->X-this->X)<14 && Link->Y > this->Y) // Down
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y + 16; shoot->X = this->X;
shoot->Vy = speed; shoot->Vx=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
else if(Abs(Link->Y-this->Y)<14 && Link->X < this->X) // Left
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y; shoot->X = this->X - 16;
shoot->Vx = -speed; shoot->Vy=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
else if(Abs(Link->Y-this->Y)<14 && Link->X > this->X) // Right
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y; shoot->X = this->X + 16;
shoot->Vx = speed; shoot->Vy=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
if(shoot_dir==0 && delay == 0){
if(Abs(Link->X-this->X)<14 && Link->Y < this->Y){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y - 16; shoot->X = this->X;
shoot->Vy = -speed; shoot->Vx=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
else if(shoot_dir==1 && delay == 0){
if(Abs(Link->X-this->X)<14 && Link->Y > this->Y){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y + 16; shoot->X = this->X;
shoot->Vy = speed; shoot->Vx=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
else if(shoot_dir==2 && delay == 0){
if(Abs(Link->Y-this->Y)<14 && Link->X < this->X){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y; shoot->X = this->X - 16;
shoot->Vx = -speed; shoot->Vy=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;
else if(shoot_dir==3 && delay == 0){
if(Abs(Link->Y-this->Y)<14 && Link->X > this->X){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_cycle);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = this->Y; shoot->X = this->X + 16;
shoot->Vx = speed; shoot->Vy=0;
shoot->CSet = cset;
delay = 30;

plays a string-
D0 - string number

ffc script string_enemy{

void run(int m){


-also plays a message string, but only if the enemy hasn't been killed yet.
Do-string number

ffc script string_boss{

void run(int m){


if(Screen->NumNPCs() > 0){


This one's tricky, it does nothing untill it's Vx, or Vy are a non-zero amount.
D0-X radius
D2-speed of rotation
*NOTE* Leave them at 0 and let it work by itself! ;)

ffc script ffc_wobble{

void run(int radiusX, int radiusY, int speed){

if(radiusX == 0){radiusX = 16;}
if(radiusY == 0){radiusY = 16;}

if(speed == 0){speed = 10;}

int wobble = 0;
bool init = false;
int tx; int ty;
int tvx; int tvy;


if(this->Y > 168||this->Y < 0||this->X > 248||this->X < 0){
this->X = 0; this->Y = 0; this->Vx = 0; this->Vy = 0;
this->Data = 1; init = false;
if(this->Vx != 0 || this->Vy != 0){

if(init == false){
tx = this->X; ty = this->Y;
tvx = this->Vx; tvy = this->Vy;
init = true;

this->X = tx + radiusX*Cos(speed*wobble);
this->Y = ty + radiusY*Sin(speed*wobble);

wobble++; tx += tvx; ty += tvy;

How cruel of me.:sly: Mwahahaaha!

//================================================== ========
// This will reset all Link data to zero
//================================================== ========
ffc script timetwister{

void run(){
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 255; i ++) {
if (Link->Item[i] == true){
Link->Item[i] = false;
Link->HP = 16;
Link->MaxHP = 16;
Link->MP = 0;
Link->MaxMP = 0;
Game->Counter[CR_RUPEES] = 0;
Game->Counter[CR_BOMBS] = 0;
Game->Counter[CR_SBOMBS] = 0;
Game->Counter[CR_ARROWS] = 0;
Game->Counter[CR_KEYS] = 0;

For killing those hard to reach places. :eyebrow:

//================================================== ======
// FFC SCRIPT TRIGGER SECRETS (no pun intended) ;)
// D0 - Item neccesary. Check std.zh for values
//================================================== ======
ffc script trigger_secrets{

void run(int have_item){

if (Link->Item[have_item] == true && Screen->NumNPCs() >= 1){
npc enemy_trig = Screen->LoadNPC(1);
enemy_trig->HP = 0;

And the plant boss...This ones tricky also, because you really need 2 or 3 other scripts attached to this one for it to work right. I'll post those once I finish debugging them.

// ================================================== ==========================
// give the boss a body by linking ffc's to it
// D0 = the number of this ffc
// D1 = the horizontal speed of this ffc
// D2 = the vertical speed of this ffc
// D3 = the Hit points of the boss
// D4 = the speed at which the projectiles move
// D5 = the combos used as projectiles [number=spread shot, number+1= normal]
// ================================================== ==========================

ffc script plant_boss{

void run (int this_ffc_number, int horiz_speed, int vert_speed, int plantHP, int sparkspeed, int sparkcom){

if(this_ffc_number == 0) {this_ffc_number = 1;}
if(horiz_speed == 0){horiz_speed = 0.5;}
if(vert_speed == 0){vert_speed = 0.5;}
if(sparkspeed == 0){ sparkspeed = 0.5;}

ffc this_ffc = Screen->LoadFFC(this_ffc_number);

int movement_state = 0; // 0 = left, 1 = right
int vertical_state = 0; // 0 = up, 1 = down

int spark_ffc = 1;
int delay = 0;
int critical = 0;

ffc spark;


npc plantlife = Screen->LoadNPC(1);
plantlife->HP = plantHP;


if(spark_ffc >= 14){ spark_ffc = 1;}

if(delay == 300){ delay = 0;}

plantlife->X = this->X; plantlife->Y = this->Y;


if(movement_state == 0){

if(this_ffc->X <= 48){ movement_state = 1;}
if((this_ffc->X < Link->X)&&(this_ffc->Y >= Link->Y-8)){ this_ffc->Vx = horiz_speed+0.3; movement_state == 1;}
else{ this_ffc->Vx = -horiz_speed;}

if(movement_state == 1){

if(this_ffc->X >= 194){ movement_state = 0;}
if((this_ffc->X > Link->X)&&(this_ffc->Y >= Link->Y-8)){ this_ffc->Vx = -horiz_speed+0.3; movement_state == 0;}
else{ this_ffc->Vx = horiz_speed;}

if(vertical_state == 0){

if(this_ffc->Y <= 24){ vertical_state = 1;}

else{ this->Vy = -vert_speed;}

if(vertical_state == 1){

if(this_ffc->Y >= 80){ vertical_state = 0;}

else{ this->Vy = vert_speed;}



if(plantlife->HP > plantHP*0.4){

if((delay == 55)||(delay == 100)){
spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = -sparkspeed;
spark->Vx = -sparkspeed;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.1;

if(spark_ffc >= 14){ spark_ffc = 1;}

spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = -sparkspeed;
spark->Vx = 0;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.1;

if(spark_ffc >= 14){ spark_ffc = 1;}

spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = -sparkspeed;
spark->Vx = sparkspeed;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.1;
if((delay == 5)||(delay == 30)||(delay == 145)||(delay == 170)||(delay == 205)){
spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom+1;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = sparkspeed*0.1;
spark->Vx = 0;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.02;
spark_ffc++; }

if(plantlife->HP <= plantHP*0.4){

if(critical == 0){
vert_speed = vert_speed+0.3;
horiz_speed = horiz_speed+0.4;
sparkspeed = sparkspeed+0.5;
critical = 1;
if((delay == 55)||(delay == 100)||(delay == 250)){
spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = -sparkspeed;
spark->Vx = -sparkspeed;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.1;

if(spark_ffc >= 14){ spark_ffc = 1;}

spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = -sparkspeed;
spark->Vx = 0;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.1;

if(spark_ffc >= 14){ spark_ffc = 1;}

spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = -sparkspeed;
spark->Vx = sparkspeed;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.1;
if((delay == 5)||(delay == 30)||(delay == 85)||(delay == 140)||(delay == 170)||(delay == 200)){
spark = Screen->LoadFFC(spark_ffc);
spark->Data = sparkcom+1;
spark->X = this->X;
spark->Y = this->Y;
spark->Vy = sparkspeed*0.1;
spark->Vx = 0;
spark->Ay = sparkspeed*0.02;
spark_ffc++; }





Have fun!

12-15-2007, 11:47 PM
So evil. :evil:. Can you explain more in depth how the plant boss works? I never could get FFC scripted bosses to work.

12-16-2007, 03:10 AM
So evil. :evil:. Can you explain more in depth how the plant boss works? I never could get FFC scripted bosses to work.

Basically what boss scripts are, is movement, weapon, enemy ghosting, and other effect scripts put into one script so it's alot less setup. The Plant boss script is like the "brains" of the boss. It controls movement, attack patterns, and gives the ffc Hit points. Usually I'll leave this ffc "blank" unless I have a fitting graphic for it, like an eyeball or something. The boss will really come to life once you add ffc arms and tentacles and such, not to mention a body. Be warned though, that this one is particularly difficult because poor little Link isn't very adept at fighting diagonal moving enemies.

I'll try to throw these in for the demo so you can see just how I'm setting these up, although because of time battling bugs in the new builds I may not be able to finish it in time.