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View Full Version : Three Ways...

12-12-2007, 06:53 PM
In this game, all you have to do is think of 3 ways to kill / torture someone with an every-day household item. For example:

*Takes a rubberband and tightly strangles ^*
*Blinds ^ with a fire extinguisher*
*Replaces ^'s eyes with marbles*

Happy suffering! :)

01-12-2008, 03:55 AM
What the f*ck?

01-17-2008, 10:13 AM
I don't have marbles in my home.

01-17-2008, 02:03 PM
This is better then hate-mail. :kitty:

Master Maniac
04-03-2008, 12:11 AM
oh come on... am i the only one twisted enough to do this :p

i kno im bumping an old thread... but its a game and all games deserve to be played.


*pours dish soap on the marble floor and sets up a hidden camera*
*loosens the screws in a ceiling fan just enough so when its turned on...*
*shoves pencil up... jenny's nose and ruptures her brain* (sorry jenny lol)

09-01-2008, 12:52 AM
*Swings hatchet till there's blood everywhere
*Heats up a spoon with my supernatural powers until glowing white. Touches it to your tounge and your eyes and tounge explode, but your brain can feel everything
*Puts the roach out in your haystack, stand back, and now you got a fried maniac

Dann Woolf
09-02-2008, 04:16 PM
*Strangles with a dog leash
*Beats to death with the spoon, then carves "supernatural powers are not an everyday household object, dumbass!" into his torso with the spoon.
*Locks him in the cupboard under the stairs, removing all edible items or anything that can be used to escape beforehand. Death by starvation!