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View Full Version : SOS: item color change not happening

12-07-2007, 10:40 PM
Hey everybody! Man, it's good to be back. I've got a weird one here. To make this into a specific problem, let's say I'm trying to change the CSET on the very first tile in the original sprite set for ZQ 2.10. I think it's dedicated to the stationary fairy. Any time I change the CSET for this sprite in the Sprite Editor, it seems to accept the changes, the correct colors are reflected in the indicator and the color changes appropriately. But when I save it and load that quest in ZC...blah, it's back to the default. Grrr. Even in the Item Editor where you can set the animation, secondary CSET and look at the preview...it's defaulted. Admittedly, I have a long way to go as far as understanding CSETS in depth, but I've really dug through the forums on this and I see this type of thing NOWHERE. It's not just the fairy either -it's a number of other items as well. Do some items have locked CSETS? I know about the deal where an item using 2,3,4 and 9 will change CSET in a dungeon -that's not what this is. I'm guessing the rest of you all are changing your item colors with no problemos. I'm not exactly a crackerjack at this stuff and I know a lot of you are. Any ideas and help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks.

12-08-2007, 11:29 PM
It's very simple.

Go to the Item Editor (or what little there is of it in 2.10).
Click the item's tile.
Press + or - until goal achieved.
Press return.
Click OK.

Thanks for your continued interest in our program!

12-09-2007, 12:32 AM
Yes, I know it's supposed to be that simple. Unfortunately, it isn't happening. So here it is again. I open Quest>Graphics>Sprites>Item OR Quest>Graphics>Tiles, it doesn't matter which the result is the same. I double-click Tile zero. The Pixel Editor opens. I press + or - until the item appears as I want (in this case CSET 7 though it doesn't matter which CSET I select). The CSET indicator # accurately reflects the changes as does the items appearance. I press Enter or click OK. I go back to the overworld where the item is placed. The item defaults back to CSET 2. This happens for a number of items and it doesn't matter which CSET I select for the item to become. It always goes back to CSET 2. I'm beginning to think my editor has somehow been corrupted. Anyway, I wish it were so simple a fix. Thanks though.

12-09-2007, 12:56 AM
Thanks for your continued interest in our program!

That line reminds me of a customer service representative that gets paid minimum wage to attempt to help people, but they end up telling you the most obvious things possible. :D Ah, those people...

Anyway. That is a little odd, I must admit.

1) Are you, like, saving the quest? (I know how obvious this is, but I have to throw this out there. I'm not taking you as a moron.)

2) Are you opening the quest that you saved (i.e., are you overwriting the quest that you open with ZC?)?

Um... that's all I have. I would suggest downloading the entire Zelda Classic package again.

Nicholas Steel
12-09-2007, 01:22 AM
I open Quest>Graphics>Sprites>Item OR Quest>Graphics>Tiles, it doesn't matter which the result is the same. I double-click Tile zero.

why do you double click a tile? just single click a tile and press + or - then hit ok.

12-09-2007, 02:07 AM
To answer Pineconn first: Thanks, above all for crediting my intelligence, it is appreciated. I wish I was even getting as far as to check the tile in Classic. The desired changes aren't even making it that far. In the editor (where you edit the pixels)the sprite will change to the desired CSET color and the CSET indicator will show the correctly matching number. However, once I hit ok, the tile (as it appears in the tile palette) reverts to CSET2 along with everything else. I don't even need to go back to the main editing screen to know it's screwing up. But, just to verify it, I've gone back to the main screen to look at it and sure enough, it's back to CSET 2. Ok, to be thorough, I'll verify this further. I've saved it, opened it in classic and......no dice. CSET 2...even though I hit enter with the changes in the editor, saved it and loaded the correct version into Classic.

Raaaaar!!! *Asks wife if he can bang his head against the wall 5000 times*
-wife says ok as long as I clean up the mess *snickers*

To answer Franpa: You are correct, sir... apparently my mouse clicks don't register as well as I thought they did. I didn't realize it was a one-click affair. Crap, and I liked this optical mouse! Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I would be severely shocked if this were a simple problem. I've studied this for quite awhile now. Thanks anyway for trying guys.

Edit: Weirdness. About 90% of the time, it does take a double-click to get the editor box to open and how long I hold the button down has no bearing on the matter.