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View Full Version : Command & Conquer 3 wont run after install o_O

Nicholas Steel
11-20-2007, 04:35 AM
Game crash
Direct3D error 0x0x8876086a (D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE)

18 addresses:

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+36323 Debug::PreStaticInit+2306

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4410979 Debug::PostStaticInit+4372133

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4467792 Debug::PostStaticInit+4428946

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4468608 Debug::PostStaticInit+4429762

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4468893 Debug::PostStaticInit+4430047

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4268624 Debug::PostStaticInit+4229778

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4475998 Debug::PostStaticInit+4437152

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4281558 Debug::PostStaticInit+4242712

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4285992 Debug::PostStaticInit+4247146

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4287668 Debug::PostStaticInit+4248822

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+4288591 Debug::PostStaticInit+4249745

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+1407956 Debug::PostStaticInit+1369110

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+1413692 Debug::PostStaticInit+1374846

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+1387169 Debug::PostStaticInit+1348323

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+41286 Debug::PostStaticInit+2440

(unknown)(0): kernel32.dll+94167 RegisterWaitForInputIdle+73

(unknown)(0): cnc3game.dat+8846031 AptTarget::GetAnimationTarget+3319193

(unknown)(0): d3dx9_29.dll+432350 D3DXOptimizeFaces+22108

Because of the severity of this error the game will now exit.
this error shows up after the CD check and resolution change... i installed the game then immediately installed the 1.09 English patch prior to running the game at all. (i have already installed the latest bi-monthly release of direct X.)

11-20-2007, 05:29 AM
What's your videocard? Make sure it meets the minimum requirements of the game. You may require a certain feature your card can't do.

Darth Marsden
11-21-2007, 04:48 AM
A quick Google search of your error message (Direct3D error 0x0x8876086a) reveals that it may be an issue with your drivers. Have you updated them at all recently?

Nicholas Steel
11-21-2007, 06:01 AM
yea, i also did a quick google search and have read through the first 15 pages at EA forums about the issue's... they started way back with v1.01 and still exist in v1.09 o0. i have done everything suggested by EA and just like everyone at EA Forums, it has NO effect.

ill keep the game since i got it half price, and will one day get to play it in all its EA quality glory :P (i do of course believe EA sucks)

Darth Marsden
11-21-2007, 02:24 PM
Preaching to the choir, man. ;)

Nicholas Steel
03-17-2010, 07:24 AM
Extermely late update: It was a RAM/Motherboard problem. Either the RAM or the Motherboard Memory Controller were broken.