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11-20-2007, 01:39 AM
Instill energy will turn any ordinary screen enemy into a regenerating killing machine, and rapid fire statue, well, um, it's a statue that fires rapidly...or not, it's up to you.


Give the Instill Energy to an otherwise boring enemy, such as the Digdogger, or Aquamentus, maybe the digdogger kids too.

You can use the statue script for, well, a statue...:sweat: Maybe place it on an unwalkable combo?
Actually, You might want to link it to another ffc for something really sick. Perhaps a few rapid fire scripts linked to an enemy with Instill energy? Yep...they're both in the same thread for a reason. ;)

//================================================== ===========
// D0 - the first of four ffc's to use as projectiles
// D1 - new enemy HP amount
// D2 - delay between rapid fire attack (in ticks) /default is 300
// D3 - combo to use as projectiles
// D4 - CSet of projectiles
// D5 - speed of projectiles
// D6 - screen enemy number to instill energy to
// D7 - the HP regeneration of the instilled enemy :O
//================================================== ===========

ffc script Instill_Energy{

void run(int fireball_number, int enemyHP, int max_delay, int cdata, int cset, int speed, int screen_enemy_number, int regen){

int fire = fireball_number;

if(max_delay == 0){max_delay = 300;}

int enemy_number = 0;
npc enemy;
ffc shoot;

int delay = 0;


npc fire_master = Screen->LoadNPC(screen_enemy_number);
npc firestorm;
fire_master->HP = enemyHP;



if(fire >= fireball_number+4){fire = fireball_number;}

this->X = fire_master->X; this->Y = fire_master->Y;
if(delay > max_delay){
delay = 0;
fire_master->HP = fire_master->HP + regen;

shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(fire);
shoot->Data = cdata;
shoot->CSet = cset;
shoot->X = this->X; shoot->Y = this->Y;

int dx = Link->X - this->X;
int dy = Link->Y - this->Y;
float norm = Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if(norm > 0)
shoot->Vx = dx/norm*speed;
shoot->Vy = dy/norm*speed;
this->X = 0; this->Y = 0; this->Data = 0;

//================================================== =================================
// D0 - the first ffc to use as projectiles
// D1 - the amount of ffc's to use for fireballs. Ex D0; 2, and D1 5, will use ffc's 2-7.
// D2 - speed of projectile
// D3 - combo of projectile
// D4 - Cset of projectile
// D5 - Max delay in ticks before the firing sequence restarts
// D6 - Delay between shots *Note* It will fire five shots
// during the max delay sequence. If you want non-stop firing divide max delay by five.
// ex: Delay - 20, max delay 100. -for crazy statues try delay 8, max 50.
// if the combo of the statue changes the shooting will stop.
// D7 - the ffc to link this ffc to.
//================================================== ==================================

ffc script Rapid_fire_statue{

void run(int fireball_number, int fireball_amount, int speed, int cdata, int cset, int max_delay, int fireball_delay, int linked_ffc){

int fire = fireball_number;
int swap = fireball_amount;
int armed = fireball_delay;
ffc shoot;
int delay = 0;
int original_combo = this->Data;
ffc linked = Screen->LoadFFC(linked_ffc);

if(max_delay == 0){max_delay = 300;}


if(linked_ffc != 0){ this->X = linked->X; this->Y = linked->Y;}
if(fire > fireball_number+swap){ fire = fireball_number;}
if(delay > max_delay){delay = 0;}

if(this->Data == original_combo){

if(delay==armed||delay==armed+armed||delay==armed+ armed+armed||
delay==armed+armed+armed+armed||delay==armed+armed +armed+armed+armed){

shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(fire);
shoot->Data = cdata;
shoot->CSet = cset;
shoot->X = this->X; shoot->Y = this->Y;

int dx = Link->X - this->X;
int dy = Link->Y - this->Y;
float norm = Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if(norm > 0)
shoot->Vx = dx/norm*speed;
shoot->Vy = dy/norm*speed;

Thanks DD for the distance routine.

-Have fun!

11-20-2007, 01:40 AM
So evil. I think I am going to have some fun with these scripts.

12-12-2007, 04:15 PM
Updated the rapid fire script, which, I had completely forgot about. Though it seems no one noticed.

12-12-2007, 04:18 PM
Cool, I'll try using that. :D