View Full Version : @#%*! is horribly wrong here...

11-19-2007, 02:53 AM
The script: Custom Armos.

The problems:

EDIT:fixed a few, although ComboS is picky about what it wants to change for some reason. I tried a pointer to armos via e=Screen->NumNPCs(); then one frame later after creating an enemy armos1=Screen->LoadNPC(e+1);
...but that didn't work...back to the drawing board.

-Armos will spawn while link is far away...or not at all.

-ComboS doesn't want to make the combo walkable after an armos spawn.

-The FFC projectile part is completely non-functional..:(

I haven't had this many problems for such a basic script before. I don't know what's wrong with it.

ffc script Armos_custom{

void run(int enemy_id, int enemyHP, int power_armos, int fire, int weapon_combo, int speed,){

int trigger = 0;
int delay = 0;
npc armos;
ffc shoot;
int ffc_fire = fire;


if(ffc_fire >= fire+3){ffc_fire = fire;}
if(trigger == 3 && delay > 0){ delay--;}

if(trigger == 0){
Screen->ComboS[ComboAt(this->X, this->Y)] = 15;

if(this->Y > Link->Y && this->Y < Link->Y+18 && this->X > Link->X+8 && this->X < Link->X-8){
if(Link->InputDown){trigger = 1;}
if(this->Y < Link->Y && this->Y > Link->Y-18 && this->X > Link->X+8 && this->X < Link->X-8){
if(Link->InputUp){trigger = 1;}
if(this->X > Link->X && this->X < Link->X+18 && this->Y > Link->Y+8 && this->Y < Link->X-8){
if(Link->InputRight){trigger = 1;}
if(this->X < Link->X && this->X > Link->X-18 && this->Y > Link->Y+8 && this->Y < Link->X-8){
if(Link->InputLeft){trigger = 1;}
if(trigger == 1){

if(delay == 0){ this->Data++; delay++;}
if(delay == 60){ this->Data++;trigger = 2;}
if(trigger == 2){

Screen->ComboS[ComboAt(this->X, this->Y)] = 0;
npc armos = Screen->CreateNPC(enemy_id);
armos->X = this->X; armos->Y = this->Y;
armos->HP = enemyHP;
trigger = 3; delay = 0;
if(trigger == 3 && power_armos == 1){

if(delay == 0){

if(Link->X > armos->X && Link->Y > armos->Y+2 && Link->Y < armos->Y-2){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_fire);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = armos->Y; shoot->X = armos->X + 16;
shoot->Vx = speed;
armos->Dir = 3; delay = 60;ffc_fire++;
if(Link->X < armos->X && Link->Y > armos->Y+2 && Link->Y < armos->Y-2){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_fire);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = armos->Y; shoot->X = armos->X - 16;
shoot->Vx = -speed;
armos->Dir = 2; delay = 60;ffc_fire++;
if(Link->Y > armos->Y && Link->X > armos->X+2 && Link->X < armos->X-2){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_fire);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = armos->Y+16; shoot->X = armos->X;
shoot->Vy = speed;
armos->Dir = 1; delay = 60;ffc_fire++;
if(Link->Y < armos->Y && Link->X > armos->X+2 && Link->X < armos->X-2){
shoot = Screen->LoadFFC(ffc_fire);
shoot->Data = weapon_combo;
shoot->Y = armos->Y-16; shoot->X = armos->X;
shoot->Vy = -speed;
armos->Dir = 0; delay = 60;ffc_fire++;

Anyone got any idea's?