View Full Version : Slope Climber...

11-18-2007, 07:46 PM
I managed to make Link climb half a combo, but then he stops. I have a few questions regarding this:

Is there anything wrong with my isSolid Function?
How might I optimize my isSolid Function?
Is there anything wrong with my logic?

import "std.zh"

bool isSolid(int x, int y) {

int mask = Screen->ComboS[ComboAt(x,y)];
int xc; int yc;

xc = x % 16;
yc = y % 16;

if((xc >= 0) && (xc < 8)) {

if((yc >= 0) && (yc < 8)) {

return mask & 0001b;

} else {

return mask & 0010b;


} else {

if((yc >= 0) && (yc < 8)) {

return mask & 0100b;

} else {

return mask & 1000b;




global script InherentControls {

void run() {

while(true) {

//Inherent Jumping
if((Link->InputUp || Link->InputL) && (isSolid(Link->X,Link->Y+16) || isSolid(Link->X+8,Link->Y+16))) {

Link->Jump = 40;


//"Slope" Control
if(Link->InputRight && !isSolid(Link->X+16, Link->Y) && isSolid(Link->X+16, Link->Y+15)) {

Link->X ++;
Link->Y --;


if(Link->InputLeft && !isSolid(Link->X-1, Link->Y) && isSolid(Link->X-1, Link->Y+15)) {

Link->X --;
Link->Y --;


Link->InputUp = false;
Link->InputL = false;
Link->InputDown = false;



EDIT: NOTE: I bolded the areas of concern in the code

EDIT 2: I noticed that (I think) it only doesn't work on tiles with a single unwalkable fourth in a bottom corner of the combo's mask which for some reason, Link is not allowed to jump on. It has to do with my collision detector, doesn't it?