View Full Version : Jorney to Another World demo.

11-18-2007, 06:45 PM
Here's a demo of a quest I'm making. Sorry that I have no screenshots here, but I forgot to make some before I switched to Ubuntu (an OS) to upload the quest. It's about where Link has to save Zelda from Ganon, but he finds out that Zelda isn't in Hyrule, and he has to travel to another world, as said in the title.

Here's the download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/70671018/toanotherdemo.qst

The demo has roughly about 1/4 of the game in it. The rest, I'm working on (I'm about 1/3 done). I'll add screens and updates when I need to, so come back often. Report any bugs that you find please, and have a nice time!

Oh, and the quest was made with version 2.10w.