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View Full Version : 10 Greatest Video Games of All Time

11-08-2007, 05:02 PM

I thought y'all might like to see this. "The Legend of Zelda" (NES) made #1 :)

11-08-2007, 08:33 PM
Zelda made it number 1!? And guess what software AGN hosts...

11-08-2007, 10:54 PM
Any top ten videogame list is inherantly flawed because it's extremely subjective. Yet magazines keep assigning these assinine assignments to interns to keep them busy I guess.

Anyway, that top 10 list sucks and is wrong because I say so. Here are my top lists. I came up with this list on a whim and if given an entire day I could probably remember more awesome games.

Top Single Player
1. Doom 2
2. Half Life
3. Super Metroid
4. Super Mario World
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarania of Time
6. Portal
7. Frequency
8. The New Tetris
9. Sim City 2000
10. Linley's Dungeon Crawl.

Top Multiplayer
1. Quake 3 Arena (especially with mods)
2. Doom 2
3. Super Smash Bros Brawl
4. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
5. Team Fortress 2
6. Quakeworld
7. Tribes 2
8. Warsow
9. Neverwinter Nights
10. World of Warcraft

11-08-2007, 11:28 PM
Wow, I've only played 4 of your top 20 games. Shows how much I play video games now.

Nicholas Steel
11-08-2007, 11:35 PM
GTA 3? seriously?? GTA 2 owned GTA 3 so badly it just isn't funny.

King Aquamentus
11-09-2007, 12:19 AM

I thought y'all might like to see this. "The Legend of Zelda" (NES) made #1 :)

Heh, noobs they are. Super Metroid is the greatest game of all time. [/pompous]

11-09-2007, 12:22 AM
Heh, noobs they are. Super Metroid is the greatest game of all time. [/pompous]

Agreed. Super Metroid is pretty much perfect in every way.

11-09-2007, 01:19 AM
Agreed. Super Metroid is pretty much perfect in every way.

Continuing the trend, I have to agree.

The list is pretty good. Super Mario Bros deserves to be on that list no doubt. Zelda, Tetris, Ms Pac Man and Doom also believe deserve to be up there. Final Fantasy III is definitely my choice if they had to pick a FF game (thankly they didn't pick FFVII), but I'd pick Chrono Trigger if I had to pick an RPG.

RE4, GTAIII, Halo, and WoW? Yeah they're great games, but should they be up there with said games above? I don't think so.

11-09-2007, 03:51 AM
Yeah, I have to say the recent games that are on there probably don't deserve to be on there. If they stand the test of time and are still wildly popular, then I'll be shown wrong... but I highly doubt they will, with the possible exception of WoW. I really don't understand the obsession with Halo: yeah, it's fun and has good online play, but I don't consider it in any way innovative or unique. As for GTAIII and RE4, really? Again, they're good games... but to say they're in the top 10 of all time?

I also haven't played most of the games on your list, AlexMax, although that's more because the games I haven't played are all for PC and I'm not really interested in gaming on the PC.

11-09-2007, 08:57 AM
GTAIII yes, because it singlehandedly created a genre. RE4, Halo... Not so much. Where's Doom? Where's Half-Life?

11-09-2007, 10:24 AM
I don't think there's been a single "Greatest ____" that I've ever even halfway trusted. You like what you like, and you know why you like it, and can't take half a heart in anyone else's opinions.

Aegix Drakan
11-09-2007, 10:26 AM
I agree with Alexmax a bit... No top ten list is gonna be perfect. You must make your own top ten list for it to be valid for you. For example, I think that Tales of Symphonia is the greatest game (well...RPG anyway) ever made. You might not share that opinion.

oh, and alexmax...

:P You left out Geist from your multiplayer list. Playing that game with 4 people is awesome. Especially at 2 in the morning, when your judgement is a little...shaky. It results in a lot of hilarious deaths.

11-09-2007, 12:52 PM
Wow, I've only played 4 of your top 20 games. Shows how much I play video games now.

Let me guess, the four Nintendo ones? I'll do a writeup of my top 20 list if I can arse myself to, or at the very least screenshots.

11-09-2007, 12:55 PM
Any top 10 is going to be flawed because of writer's opinion.

Really now, you can run the same quiz of top 10 games 6 times a year, and the results will be different each time. The list mentioned in the first link wasn't a bad top 10, but it seems like a landmark top 10 (games that made an impact), not a favorites list.

11-09-2007, 03:22 PM
Certainly, there can be lots of debate about what should go on a top ten video games list. Honestly, I think it's a much easier task to establish what games shouldn't be on the list. Which is why I'm a little baffled by the list in question, because while there are a number of games that could make a claim to top games of all time, there are several games on that list that shouldn't even be considered.

11-09-2007, 06:00 PM
GTA3 and Halo I think are overrated crap. I'll give GTA3 credit as it atleast did do something fairly new at the time. The other 8 are all good games. But everyone should know by now, don't make top 10 lists based on opinions. It's just BS. If you make some kind of top 10 do it on facts so people can just nod and move on. Everyone has a different top 10. Also I find it impossible to make a real top 10 when I've played thousands of games. How can you really single out the 10 greatest?

11-09-2007, 06:46 PM
I think from now on, all opinions should require some sort of "factual" evidence. Although even graphical quality can be a relative, subjective thing, you still cannot deny seeing pixels in places where they don't belong in higher resolutions, as well as framerate drops where there didn't have to be. Some things are more obvious than others, and those are what should be stated rather than ignored in the face of a top ten list that's simply understood to be automatically subjective all to hell.

11-09-2007, 07:34 PM
Also I find it impossible to make a real top 10 when I've played thousands of games. How can you really single out the 10 greatest?

Spot on. I really hate it when people ask me what my favorite games are, because there are so many that I really love. These "top lists" also never include the more obscure, yet equally awesome titles. I can't think of any top 100 list or whatnot that ever included, for example, Pathways Into Darkness.