View Full Version : Gradius Demo REVISED

King Aquamentus
10-27-2007, 06:35 PM

This 2.10 quest file is a revised version of the Gradius Demo. First off is the new tiles and looks. much prettier. Also, some midis are changed around, as well as some stage layout. I think you'll like it.

10-28-2007, 12:16 AM
Hey that's neat-o. Now onto points of interest:

The controls seem a bit klunky. How about Z3 movement, (which I normally hate) but would streamline it a little. Maybe a script for side-areas so you always shoot forward, ltm included. Maybe a rapid fire main gun also? I've become adept at custom boss scripts so I could help you in that department, but haven't touched enemy damaging ffc's yet. Is there a boss you'd like made?

King Aquamentus
10-28-2007, 02:29 AM
I think you have the idea that this is a remake, and not a theme quest. I will not, ever, do anything you listed above.

10-28-2007, 04:11 AM
Well it's your game. ;p I somehow missed the part about it being for 2.10 and assumed this was the new project, salamander I believe it was now that I think on it.

King Aquamentus
10-28-2007, 03:38 PM
Believe it or not, some people DO still wanna make theme quests, not just total remakes using ZC to back them. Sure you could use a roc's feather to make Samus jump in a 2D world, but we've already played Metroid 1 over and over.