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View Full Version : Screen Design Help

10-27-2007, 11:16 AM
I'm not all too sure if this is where this goes, but well see.
My problem is that whenever I make a screen (in my mainland of the overworld), I tend to put too many trees, or it looks blank. Because there are several mountain areas (off the main overworld) I want to avoid using too many mountains in fear of making it feel too much like the mountain areas in my quest.
Long story short: I need an idea as to what I can use to replace 2x2 trees, that isn't mountains.
Thanks to those who can help! :D

10-27-2007, 12:54 PM
You could make ditches. There the exact opposite of mountains, but they use mountain tiles. Or you could use big rocks, or water.

10-27-2007, 02:20 PM
Trenches seem like a good idea. Didn't quite think of that. Thanks! :D

10-27-2007, 04:07 PM
Use DoR because then you can get away without having to bung loads of trees onto a screen to make it look interesting/make forest borders. DoR is just so much superior to Pure, after having used both for quite a long time each.
Here's a forest scene of mine using DoR. You'll notice how few trees there are.
And here's an example screen for the pure tileset, where far too many trees have been used to make a border for the screen. But then again, the brush is used on the other side of the screen. I know which I prefer.

10-28-2007, 01:59 PM
Unfortunately, I've already finished level 1, and a good chunk of the mainland and conrai heights with PTUX, so that may pose a problem. But if what you're implying is to use more of the forest borders rather than trees themselves, I could do that.
Next chance I get, I'll post what I've got so far. (I haven't got around to adding detail to the screens, just simply setting them up, so mountains, rocks, trees, etc...)

10-30-2007, 07:52 PM
ah, I spose I was saying that it would be better to use DoR, although I did assume you'd probably already come to far to change over.

But yeah, try to make borders for screens that aren't just stacked up trees. In general, use less trees. It works for DoR, so I don't see why it shouldn't for PTUX.
Good luck :thumbsup:

11-04-2007, 04:32 PM
Here's a detail-less map as to what half the Mainland and all of Conrrai Heights will look like. (Conrai has alot more details, so far. There may be some misalign errors, though.) I'm tyring to keep everything nice an open. Now it's just adding detail.
Any comments and suggestions are appreciated! :D

11-04-2007, 07:20 PM
The fiels needs more trees. It is WAY to open. The rest looks nice though. I espcially like the fact that the cliffs are on the south side of the map, giving the fields a feeling of being high up.

11-06-2007, 08:09 PM
I know. This is just my outline so far. (With some screens with detail.) I've been working around the beach area, and changed some things around. (the trench goes up and to the left on the left side, now, and the hole in the ground toward the right was changed a bit.) Currently, I'm working on he main field area now. (Which is bugging me... I'm trying to avoid overusing trees, but everything else just doesn't work in the big picture...) I've been thinking about some rock cliffs I found on PZC, but I'd have to fiddle with them before they'd work out properly.