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View Full Version : Sabotage dragoon help.

10-22-2007, 08:34 AM
I'm in the mud monkey prison and got the first key, but i'm having a problem aquiring the second...I'm kinda stuck in a perpetual loop with hitting the switches.. Neither the block on th left-most room want's to go into it's lower position, or the yellow blocks in the right most room want to be lowered also...How the heck do you get that key? There doesnt seem to be any way to get over.

10-22-2007, 11:49 AM
I don't know that I remember that dungeon in great detail. I'll pull it up and take a look. As I recall, you go up the stairs to your left as you enter the prison and hit the switch on the second floor, which drops the yellow blocks in front of you down on the first floor.

10-22-2007, 07:02 PM
It makes me start form the beginning I have .5 is there a finished version?

10-22-2007, 07:43 PM
Sadly, no. I only got halfway done before scripting was released and I went gah-gah over being able to make the sidescroller I've always wanted.

It's not abandoned, though. I'll get back to it one of these years.

10-22-2007, 10:17 PM
To be more specific here are some screens where it is seemingly impossible to proceed.


10-23-2007, 07:10 AM
Looks like you got the PM then ;)

10-23-2007, 10:01 AM
Your boomerang will trigger those levers, too...

10-23-2007, 10:46 PM
Your boomerang will trigger those levers, too...

Uhh..what boomerang? I've beaten the plant prison and have yet to aquire a selectable item....:( They guy said to go to the next prison in the south so that's where I went. But nothing about a boomerang...

....I still have no bombs either...

10-24-2007, 12:28 AM
Are you missing a key or you just find yourself stuck in general? If the former, take a look to the far left. The big key and, by extension, the boomerang shouldn't be difficult to find at all honestly.

This is just from memory by the way, but I'm pretty confident of my knowledge in the game.

10-24-2007, 01:07 AM
So the boomerang is in the big chest and the big key is on the left side of the dungeon...is what i'm gathering here. It seems the block remains in the up position barring progress through that corridor...EDIT: ...well that was easy. I must've triggered the one of the switches twice on accident before due to the pitwarps around the switches. Hooray for 1.93 turning simple switches into a pain in the arse. I guess i've grown too fond of the newer features. Thanks.

11-19-2008, 02:09 AM
sorry to be gravedigging here, bt where can i find this quest?? no luck on any of the quest databases, and c-dawg's satin_nail briefcase doesn't seem to exist anymore...

Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 02:12 AM

11-19-2008, 08:08 AM
To be perfectly honest, if there was any one ZC Quest I would ever want to see finished, it would be this one.

Hands down.

You know why.

Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 08:10 AM
You know why.

Actually I have no idear. Tell us.

11-19-2008, 08:14 AM
Play it and find out. :p If you already have, then you already know why. There's nothing else to say except for derision, which I shall not.

Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 08:39 AM
I've played the demo. Up until I got owned by the Mud Monkey—which I think was about as far as the game went.

11-19-2008, 08:16 PM
Sometimes I think that only I and maybe a few others actually completed everything in the demo, much less get through half of it.

This really does need to be finished at some point.

Shazza Dani
11-28-2008, 06:06 AM
I just noticed this version from the link I posted has cheats enabled. Does anyone know the cheats?

12-04-2008, 12:39 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it should be completed. But it needs major overhauls to involve scripting.

Jman's right; most people don't go through the whole demo. People don't realize it's not a linear game. There are a series of different "threads" to pursue simultaniously. While the main quest is freeing your teammates from the dungeons, you also have to work through the sabotage mission itself (free the Moblins, destroy the Cursed Mint, etc), and build up to either thief or magician techniques (Mage: Inverted Tower (dark forest), Storm Tower (Torrentia), Tumbolia; Thief: monkey tower (Torrentia), silent cave (Saltsand Mtn), Tumbolia). All the while, you're also free to explore totally unrelated areas like the Mold Caverns, Ice Cave, Undead Brothel, etc. The goal of the quest is to leave things totally open-ended, while still retaining a strong plot, and putting enough quirky humor in every corner to make the exploration worthwhile.

But, like I said, re-scripting everything would be a pain in the ass. I'll get to it. But not right away, and not till Zodiac is done, unless Jman is going to help. ;)