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View Full Version : Hilarious Fanboy Mario 64 Debate

10-18-2007, 03:34 PM
If you want a huge laugh:

They are debating whether Mario 64 was "Collection based" or "Objective based"... what's funny is how pissy and serious some of them are about it :P

My favorite line I think: "Saying you collect stars is like saying you collect levels, DO YOU COLLECT LEVELS?"


P.S. - And god forbid a game with the only advancement being to collect stars "not be a collection game" -_-

10-18-2007, 03:57 PM
Jeez, I wish I had a few hours to waste on an inane thread that would eventually devolve into a flame fest...

On second thought, maybe I don't. But still, this gives you an idea of the amount of free time these guys have (too much).

10-18-2007, 03:57 PM
What the fuck is wrong with those people?

10-18-2007, 06:01 PM
LMAO @ that guy's Batman sig.

10-18-2007, 06:30 PM
LMAO @ that guy's Batman sig.

Yeah that cracked me up too.. haha


10-18-2007, 09:17 PM
I kind of agree that it's not really collecting in the normal sense - the stars aren't hidden or anything, you don't track them down or find them out in the open, there aren't different varieties of stars, etc You get them after performing objectives, and that lets you advance in the game.

But whatever your opinion, it's not worth taking the discussion as far as those people did.

10-18-2007, 10:13 PM
How could you argue that it's not a collection game? There's things that you cannot do unless you collect a certain amount of some item. There's a minimum amount of this item that you have to collect before you can beat the game. Until SM64 Mario games were objective-oriented; you had to beat stage 1-1 to get to stage 1-2, etc. It didn't matter if you collected coins or killed enemies, it mattered if you humped the flagpole and sometimes killed fake King Koopa so he'd eventually change his name to Bowser. Then, it moved to this model where you don't really beat a level, but you meet some objective that yields an item that is required.

Gee, it's almost like it's a hybrid playstyle and the entire argument is irrelevant!

10-18-2007, 10:16 PM
Right, it's both. I personally think it leans more towards collection since that's absolutely required to beat it (whereas, you are not required to do every objective or beat every level) but yeah..

In any case, I don't know how anyone could argue that it's *only* objective based. That's just retarded. I love the guy who says that it's objective based and you are "rewarded" for beating the level with stars.. like "stars are just a tally of the levels you beat".. uhh yeah, remind me HOW you beat the level again? :P

10-19-2007, 12:34 AM
Let's say....collection based on objectives? That is, If you zoomed out and watched Mario on a timeline, it's collection based because you have to collect a certain amount, from different parts of the castle. If you zoom in and look at the worlds individually, it's objective because you have to fulfill certain requirements.

PS I am REALLY Pissed off!!1

10-19-2007, 12:49 AM
The batman is from a video...its part of a stupid dramatic prariae dog video, but the batman part is great.



Found the original video.


Nicholas Steel
10-19-2007, 07:38 AM
the original video got deleted lol, it wasn't popular enough to keep.

i would agree you don't collect stars ;) why else would they be there when you return? (albeit a different shade)

you go on a mission and complete it, a star appears that represents you completing the objective. you touch the star and it stays ABOVE your head. while your warped out of the level the star falls back down to original position and changes colour to show you already did that mission. the star counter in the top right is a tally counter showing total # of objectives completed. the stars when starting a level is for refrence when choosing the mission you want to complete.

10-19-2007, 09:29 AM
Excuse me while I go collect a few inches to get taller. :) That 5 page thread could be shortened to less than a page if they just read the description off the Nintendo.com website.
On a bright, sunny day in Mushroom Kingdom, Mario goes to visit the princess, but finds her castle eerily empty. Leaping through pictures hanging from the walls, he enters 15 magical worlds in a quest to collect the 120 Power Stars pilfered by evil Bowser and save the day.You still collect stars...only to finish the game though. Rare games just had too much that it became tedious. You can't directly associate the star as a physical item like baseball cards. But I guess it could be like if I took a picture of myself standing in front of every Pizza Hut in America. :shrug:


Oddly enough, while searching for quote, or interviews about SM64, I found this said from Shigeru Miyamoto in an Oct '96 interview

One of the major reasons that I wanted to develop for the N64 is that it makes it possible to draw precise, realistic 3-D images and scenes. The video world will not expand without accurate graphics and scenes. For that reasons, we will be using polygons more in designing games.

Maybe I'm taking that out of context, but I find it ironic.

10-19-2007, 08:43 PM
*dies from the hilarity of the Batman siggy*

Seriously though. Who cares if it was a collection game? As long as it enertained you, it was all good. As least that's how I see it anyways. :kitty:

10-20-2007, 09:44 AM
what else is there for virgins to argue about?