View Full Version : "Auto-Warp" combos use Side Warps

10-14-2007, 11:11 AM
Apparantly, the "Auto-Warp" combo type, of which I know but little, triggers the screen's Side Warps, rather than the screen's Tile Warps. Is this really what it's supposed to do?

10-14-2007, 01:32 PM
I'd noticed this also.

10-14-2007, 01:55 PM
I'd say yes, it acts just like a timed warp

10-15-2007, 09:24 AM
I suppose that since there's no separate "Timed Warp" destination box, it'd have to use one of them side warps, since they have a tendency to be somewhat less used than the four tile warps. :shrug:

I mean heaven help you if you have a town that's only a single screen, and each side leads to a different Dmap. :p

10-15-2007, 10:03 AM
I mean heaven help you if you have a town that's only a single screen, and each side leads to a different Dmap.

That works, or did when I last tested it in 584, you use sidewarp and not auto warp, or are you talking about trying to do both 4 sidewarps AND an auto warp?
If so maybe you should work on your design skills. ;)

10-15-2007, 10:13 AM
I know that it works. I was just using it as exaggeratedly interesting imagery. A town composed of one screen and like, eight enterable houses. But then you also have a timed warp, and you wouldn't know how to implement it.

Oh. ... Wow, okay. No, I got it now. I shouldn't post five minutes after I wake up. That works. @ @.

I actually just haven't used the auto warp combos yet. I haven't really needed to. Then again, I've mostly been drawing and working with graphics for the past ... ... year. O.o' Wow.

I keep thinking about why it'd be a side warp. I suppose the fact that you've got four Auto Warp combos to take you to four different destinations, it could work either for tile warps or otherwise. It just seems as if you could make a choice though. If you could utilize all four tile warps in a non-automatically warping fashion, you could reply on a side warp to take you off the screen. Although, ... ...
... ...

Eh, anything I'm just typing at this point is me trying to justifying having made a worthless post in the first place. If anyone can explain why they use a side warp, that'd be great.

10-15-2007, 10:32 AM
I don't understand the whole "auto warp" concept to be honest, the other warps, it seems to me, would do everything you need to do, and the timed warp would fill in for the rest, plus you have the direct warp screen flag for positioning purposes, so between the two can set link anywhere on the screen......
Just seems like belt AND suspenders to me.

10-15-2007, 11:25 AM
Autowarp is great for scripting. You can't have a script warp other than insta-warp, so you can't say, script an instawarp with blackout, just with the normal Link->PitWarp(); command. But what you can do is change the combo type of any combo on the screen to an auto-warp combo, which then lets you warp via any type of warp, and you don't have to worry about putting direct warp combos underneath Link or any of that nonsense, because there's also Direct Autowarp screenflag.

10-15-2007, 07:09 PM
I think that the autowarp combo (Which, if it's on the screen, you warp. Period. That exact sentence is literally how it works.) is meant to be used as the poor man's scripting for handling timed warping. Combos can combo cycle to it, or be triggered by enemies without having to affect much of the floor's graphics.

It's why they would trigger the side warp rather than the tile warp is what's inherently confusing.