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View Full Version : Mr.z help please

10-11-2007, 12:34 AM
Um I have been makeing a quest with your PTUX and the dungeon and house pallets donot work,even if I change the screen color with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and press + and - it still will not work even changing the defalt map color has no efect, can you help...(Mr.z)

DFW's orgin quest, has the pallets working but mine will not:(

10-11-2007, 01:02 AM
You choose the palette by going to Data>Palette

10-11-2007, 01:11 AM
Well i'm useing bulid 626,don't know if that might have alterd the set but,ok i'll try it.But everytime I load a pallet to c9 and leave the screen and come back it's back to the overworld pallet?

Also it should already be loaded into the 9 pallet keys shoudn't it?
other sets are but mabe he used a 2.11 bulid and it did something else to it?

10-11-2007, 01:22 AM
You can't go by the keyboard numbers, most sets now have a bunch of palettes, I probably have close to a hundred in mine.
You just need to figure out what palette you want and load it in manually by number.

10-11-2007, 01:29 AM
But he should of had the pallets on there when he realesed the tileset,or are they there and I just need to figure out how to load them in.Pallets are my only zc down fall,and if I load the pallets into the main pallet section then it will alter other tiles,and when I put them on the other pallet section and when I leave the page it resets, I cant use them with the keys...so how should I do it what you are saying is not that clear to me:confused:

10-11-2007, 02:55 AM
press F4. Self explanitory from there. Don't go into the palettes. Don't press Load Cset 9. Just put a tile down on the screen. then press F4. Set it to the correct palette, and start building.

10-11-2007, 02:18 PM
I allready figured it out, (thanks Freedom),and when I did I felt kinda dumb it was so easy the hole time. Well anyway it just makes my quest that much easyier,oh and i'm going to make a walkthrough on how to use some beta versions without corrupting your quests,I used this same method on older (beta) versions and my quests never got corrupted again!

....................Managing quests with beta versions...................................
So far this will prove very usefull to all who try the beta versions.
Here are my recomended tips if you decied to make a quests with a beta version,and you will most likly have to redownload the beta version for this to work,and 626 is the best bet.

1.Keep the quest in the format is has allways been in.2.10,1.90 and so on...
Wich means (do not save as 2.11/2.5 leave it as it's defalt version.

2.Donot make new enemys,or any 2.11 related etc in that range.Tiles are fine but makeing new enemys will most likly be the case,for a few bugs.

3.Donot add any sfx,it will just add more problems....

4.Try to use as little 2.11/2.5 features as you can...

5.Filling the zc folder with to many quests,MIDI's and etc...plays a big part in the corruption and/or any other bugs that have to do with the file components,so try and limit it down a bit if you like playing games then 2.10 is perfect for that.
But this is a (beta version)it's still being tested and untell there is little to no harmfull bugs found in it they will most likly not realese a new version.(so if your a newcomer best to it's stick with a stable version untell a nother stable one comes out.

6.If you follow the stated above your quest will most likly not crash,this same method worked for me in other versions...Also the time to add the new features I didnot recomend above is...... when you just finished your game then you can quickly add them and submit, and no problems should arise.

But there still can and most likly will be problems with the beta version,also make sure you (fully delete your current zc beta) if it's one that corrupted your quests,as you donot want to try this method on the same one that messed up before just a thought though.

Well I'll add more to this post as I come acrossed it.I am currently makeing a quest with (PTUX) 30% done and I followed my method and have not seen or had one bug or internal error,or problem.

WARNING: use beta versions at your own risk, the stated above does not in anyway,ensure you that there will not be some kind of problem/bug with the version this was mainly to help and let you know how to maintain a uncorrupted quest.thanks and if you have a problem of some sort mabe I can tell you how to bypass it,not a sure thing though;)

10-11-2007, 03:00 PM
2.Donot make new enemys,or any 2.11 related etc in that range.Tiles are fine but makeing new enemys will most likly be the case,for a few bugs.

3.Donot add any sfx,it will just add more problems....

4.Try to use as little 2.11/2.5 features as you can...

urm. If you're going to do that, go back to 2.10.2.

10-11-2007, 03:29 PM
urm. If you're going to do that, go back to 2.10.2.This can be very helpfull to you Joe123,why dont you try it,you will not have to go through those backing up nightmares again, just delete your current beta, and download (626)then try the stated above it has worked for me every time;)
I always got mad when 2.11 messed up so then I tryed to trackdown the problem, so I traced what I did wrong and why it interacted with the other files and,I came up with the stated above and it worked sence then it has always worked every time...

Or if you have a diffrent beta I guess you can keep that one and still download (626)allthough this does also work on other beta versions,you still have to delete the current one why becuse if it's allready corruptuing your quests it's almost to late for that beta, but if you redownload the same beta version and try it then,it will work

10-11-2007, 03:48 PM
Because I'm using plenty of the new features, and they're working pretty nicely at the moment ;)

I don't want to go back to tedious combo cycling and moving tiles around painfully when I can have FFCs
I want to use the Roc's feather and bomb bags.
Why should I replace my octorocks when I can just make a few deku scrubs?
I love my custom subscreen
And scripting. Woah.

If you've gone to the effort of updating to a newer beta, there is no point not using the features unless they're specifcially known to be broken or something.

10-11-2007, 04:30 PM
You can still use the items:roc's feather,stomp boots and etc.But if you already have it under control, then thats cool I just hope this will help someone and if not it atleast helped me:)

Also some of the features mixed with others are part of the corruption,thats why I stated it in the list.
If I don't do the following I said not to do above it works fine and does not corrupt,but when I use the features and mess with the enemys and etc,it corrupts my file after a wile,this beta version is indeed a step up from the rest,but there is still bugs and I donot want to find them untell I atleast get my quest finished,just incase it corrupts again.