View Full Version : FFC combo attributes

10-09-2007, 11:23 AM
I have an FFC with a Trigger (sens. perm) attribute. When Link steps on the FFC, the screen's secrets are not activated.

I have another FFC with a Trigger (permanent) attribute. When Link steps on the FFC the screen's secrets are activated.

Is this the intentional behaviour? Because it's extremely irritating.

10-09-2007, 12:00 PM
FFC's may not work with Trigger type combos. At the moment there are alot of combo types FFC's don't play nice with (my woes with Slash->Next come to mind :p ) This is going to be fixed sometime in a future build, as for now I suggest just createing a combo where you want it, or if its a moveing thing, write a script that checks if Link is touching the FFC and then kill a trigger enemy to trigger secrets.

heh I read that really fast, um what exactly does sens. perm do as opposed to permanent (I never really understood the difference, and have not experminted yet)

10-09-2007, 12:03 PM
Well, I don't want to have to use up the screen's enemies really. And can I create a combo that you can't see? (same question as in the other thread. I should've posted this there really)

Also, should I report this as a bug?

10-09-2007, 12:23 PM
Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X,Link->Y)] = CT_TRIGFLAG
(I think that is the right combo type, if not expermint to find the one you want)
That will set the combo type at Links location to a trigger, It might work but Im not sure about trigger collison checking, you may have to walk some to trigger it. You'll have to test it out. Also with the trigger enemy you can just create the enemy via script and then kill it via script, its invisible so the player will never know its even there, plus it will not take up any enemy slots.


Also, should I report this as a bug?
DD is already well aware of what combo types do not work with FFC's. Mabye he can post a list so ppl don't keep running into the same problem again and again.

10-09-2007, 12:27 PM
but won't I need to use enemies-> secret if I do that?

10-09-2007, 12:29 PM
I think that the trigger enemy works w/out needing the enemies->Secret flag, but I'm not 100% on that.

Also, what exactly does sens. perm do as opposed to permanent. do you know?

10-09-2007, 12:34 PM
it's more sensitive. What I have at the moment is:

ffc script create_combo_dly{ //start script
void run(int combo, int dly){ //start void run
int x =0;
while(x == 0){ //start while loop
if(dly>0){} //if
else{ //start else
this->X = Link->X;
this->Y = Link->Y;
if(this->Data==(combo)){ //start if
x = 1;
} //end if
} //end else
} //end while loop
} //end void run
} //end script
Which puts the combo there fine, but it it's only a permanent trigger it won't be activated just if you walk along; only if you turn round and go back. Which obviously is no good. I'm thinking a sensitive trigger would fix this, but obviously that's not an option with my current script.

10-09-2007, 12:51 PM
ffc script create_combo_dly{ //start script
void run(int combo, int dly){ //start void run
int x =0;
while(x == 0){ //start while loop
Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X,Link->Y)] = CT_TRIGFLAG; //again, not sure if this is the right type of combo
//there has to be a sens. perm type mabye: CT_STRIGFLAG
x = 1;
} //end if
} //end while loop
} //end void run
} //end script


10-09-2007, 01:04 PM
so how does this one work, sorry?

10-09-2007, 01:41 PM
Right, forgot to metion how it works, :rolleyes:
It will count down useing your Dly varible, at 0 it will change the combo nearest to Links X/Y to a trigger
(it will not change the appearance of the combo, just the type)
note: // CT_TRIGFLAG, not sure if this is the right type of combo
//there has to be a sens. perm type mabye: CT_STRIGFLAG
it will also set the x var to 1 so the loop will stop running, thats about it.

10-09-2007, 01:51 PM
ah yes, gotcha. That works fine, (it is the right command, trusty std.zh told me) but is there a way that I can make it change back after a frame? because I don't want it to stay like that: Link will keep triggering the secrets, so say if you have tiered secrets on the screen, it will enable all the tiers.

10-09-2007, 02:21 PM
ffc script create_combo_dly{ //start script
void run(int combo, int dly){ //start void run
int x =0;
while(x == 0){ //start while loop
int thisCombo = ComboAt(Link->X,Link->Y);
int thisType = Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X,Link->Y)];
Screen->ComboT[ComboAt(Link->X,Link->Y)] = CT_TRIGFLAG; //again, not sure if this is the right type of combo
//there has to be a sens. perm type mabye: CT_STRIGFLAG
x = 1;

} //end if
if (x == 1) {
Screen->ComboT[thisCombo] = thisType;
} //end while loop
} //end void run
} //end script

This modification will change the combo back to what it was originally, currently it only waits one frame before changeing it back if you want it to delay more uncomment the line:
change 20 to how ever many frames you want.