View Full Version : Eternal Winter Development Thread

10-07-2007, 12:10 AM
Yup, I've posted this exact same thread on PureZC, to all who've noticed.

Hello, all! My first quest, The Legend of Zelda: Eternal Winter is in the midst of being created. But I need a few beta testers to play it, give me feedback, and tell me about any bugs you might encounter. Russadwan has already agreed to beta test(I think?), but I will need a few more testers.

The story involves an epilogue to the original Legend of Zelda, and Ganon is resurrected from his ashes once Link dies. Ganon has conquered the Triforces of Wisdom and Power, so Link's only chance to destroy him is to collect the pieces of the Triforce of Courage, the third Triforce Piece of which Ganon knows nothing.



Level 1: Graveyard Undercity, COMPLETE(With Completed Custom Boss)
Level 2: Ocean Temple, 95%
Level 3: Mountain Cavern, 95% (With Planned Custom Boss
Level 4: UNNAMED, 0%
Level 5: UNNAMED, 30% (With Completed Custom Boss)
Level 6: UNNAMED, 0%
Level 7: Lost Woods, 30%(With Completed Custom Boss)
Level 8: UNNAMED, 0%
Level 9: Ganon's Fortress, 0% (With Ganon and possible additional Custom Final Boss)

Sub/Optional Dungeons

UNNAMED, 99% - Prize: Ladder
UNNAMED, 99% - Prize: Raft
UNNAMED, 99% - Prize: UNKNOWN(perhaps whistle...)

Western Fortress, 100% - Prize: Gold Ring
Eastern Fortress, 0% - Prize: Magic Key


Overworld 1: 100% complete
Overworld 2: 80% complete
Overworld 3: 0%

Music: 5%

I will individually send any beta testers links to the newest demos, or post them here. DEMO 1 HAS BEEN RELEASED: http://two.xthost.info/LostInHyrule/Eterna...0New%20Demo.qst (http://two.xthost.info/LostInHyrule/Eternal%20Winter%20New%20Demo.qst)

Title Screens

Level 1:

Level 1 Custom Ghost Boss:

10-07-2007, 08:43 PM
I was playing this the other day and still have it on my hard drive, I could beta test as well, if you want.

10-07-2007, 10:01 PM
You played my Demo? That's a bit out-dated now, but did you like it? I'd be happy to send you my first beta-demo, but it's not ready yet.

In other news, I have new Custom Boss Photos from my Level 6 Boss Facade, based off the Lv. 6 nightmare from Link's Awakening.


10-07-2007, 11:51 PM
In another news, I have new Custom Boss Photos from my Level 6 Boss Facade, based off the Lv. 6 nightmare from Link's Awakening

You're getting pretty good with the custom bosses. But looking at your outline, theres one thing bad with it. Giving the player the magic key normally isn't a good idea, unless it's in the last level. If the player is really good and gets through the level and gets the key early on, it makes the whole game too easy. Otherwise, looks good.

Nicholas Steel
10-07-2007, 11:55 PM
depends on if the magic key can be made level dependent :P if it can then it can be a new item to be found in each dungeon ;)

10-08-2007, 11:22 AM
It's a 2.10 quest, so the magic key cannot be level specific.

10-08-2007, 11:24 AM
You're getting pretty good with the custom bosses.

Thanks! Without your first offer, none of these bosses would have been made to begin with. :)
But looking at your outline, theres one thing bad with it. Giving the player the magic key normally isn't a good idea, unless it's in the last level. If the player is really good and gets through the level and gets the key early on, it makes the whole game too easy. Otherwise, looks good.

You cannot access the Magic Key Dungeon until after Level 8, and even with the Red Ring, 22 HCs, and all the items, I still couldn't beat it. I came pretty close, however, and I know that there are a lot of people out there a lot better than me.

The Magic Key Optional Dungeon will have Three Deathnuts and Two Temp-Disabling Bubbles in a regular room with a 4x4 of 4-heart spikes in the middle. I'm making it so only the best can get it. :)

EDIT: Didn't even know there was such a thing as Level-Dependent Magic Keys, but I'm on 2.10.

10-08-2007, 11:26 AM
That works. Since music is only 5% right now, I'll post some links to music for it later. Got to go right now though.

10-08-2007, 11:30 AM
You will? Thanks! I have the Ocean, Graveyard, and Overworld(main) set. I need dungeon themes, though! I want to have one Sub-Dungeon Theme, one Theme for the "Fortresses" where the Gold Ring and Magic Keys are found, and an individual theme for every level...

...any particular games from VGMusic that you suggest me looking in for good themes?

10-08-2007, 01:22 PM
I played 'Eternal Winter Demo(2).qst' and yeah when your ready just send it to me I will be happy to give you my Aim. As for music try Mario, Final Fantasy, and Chrono Trigger game music.

10-08-2007, 01:45 PM
Eternal Winter Demo(2) is outdated now. I don't exactly remember what is in it, but my next Demo will be a step-up from that, I promise. :)

Chrono Trigger, Mario, and Final Fantasy? Hmm... I think Mario might be a bit too cheery, but Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy I will definitely check! Thank you!

10-29-2007, 12:01 AM

I'm bumping this thread because, after a week and a half of vacation where I couldn't get anything done, I've completed my first beta demo. It's short - two sub dungeons and one level, but it's definitely a step up from my last one. Anyone who's willing to download and bug-test or just criticize would be appreciated. (Russ, Zip, Octo, Gray?)

Anyway, I changed the palette because I finally know how to do that, so I'd like some commenting on that as well. The music is, once again, a wreck. Still searching for proper Midis.

Here is the download link:

http://two.xthost.info/LostInHyrule/Eterna...0New%20Demo.qst (http://two.xthost.info/LostInHyrule/Eternal%20Winter%20New%20Demo.qst)








10-29-2007, 12:12 AM
Nice pallette changes. I'll download it and see how it looks. And I'll try to find some fitting midis.

Edit: Um, would you mind e-mailing it to me? Dang, I've got to find internet security that doesn't block 90% of the internet.

10-29-2007, 02:29 PM
E-Mail is sent. :)

EDIT: I'm a moron. The maze path south of the village and west of the graveyard is dysfunctional, and the hint inside the tree there is also dysfunctional. Just take a right there(the final step in the maze path), and next time I'll remember to check the "Use Maze Path" flag. :)

10-29-2007, 03:23 PM
and next time I'll remember to check the "Use Maze Path" flag. :)

Hey, I'm so stupid I set up a boss battle room with epic music and a cutscene following it with the heart container falling from the cieling, and I forgot to add enemies to the room. That's a lot dumber than forgetting to check a stupid screen flag (which I also forget to do a lot). I'll get to playing the demo.

10-29-2007, 03:54 PM
I should've caught that in my first alpha-test, but I forgot to try the maze path and just went right, I didn't realize that the maze path didn't work. :)

10-29-2007, 06:31 PM
Okay, I have a few suggestions.
A. Enable the quest rule means placed traps. Or it might be called placed traps go through enemies. That way the traps won't stop when the hit an enemy or another trap.
B. Enable the quest rule hesitant pushblocks. That way they won't move as soon as you touch them.
C. Disable the sword beam on the wooden sword.
D. Make the lava in Lake Hylia Cavern water. Water under a lake makes more sense that lava.
E. Make the ghost boss easier!!! The part where he turns invisible is insanly hard. That is where I am stick right now. When he turns invisible, you should make the floor tiles he is moving across glow a little or something.

And now for bugs:
A. If you walk out of the Lake Hylia cavern through the entrance, you go to the sumertime overworld.
B. One of the rooms with a block puzzle in the Lake Hylia cavern does not have the block>shutters rule checked.
C. Both of the keys in the graveyard undercity appear before you kill the enemies.
D. Link doesn't hold up the boss key in the graveyard undercity.
E. Here is a wierd one. I am playing the quest on a 2.11 beta. I was playing another quest where you press "L" to roll (scripting can do anything). When I started this one, Link would roll when I pressed "L". I thinl this is a problem with the build though, not the quest.

The quest looks nice though. Now excuse me while I attempt to beat the ghost boss again...

Dang ghost. Link looks like this now: :shocking:. :saint:

Edit: You never changed the cheat codes from the unpassworded version you sent me. So I gave up and used cheat codes to beat the boss. You should put some animation for him dying. Also, that shop that sells keys for 165 dollars can make the game way to easy. That should be removed. I have some midis in mind that the quest could use. I'll post them later. Also, would you like me to make a custom sfx file for the game, with Young Link sounds form OoT instead of those dumb ones ZC uses?

10-29-2007, 11:41 PM
As for all of the suggestions - I'll implement them. I won't make the tiles the ghost is on glow, but I'll change the damage to a half heart. There is a secret to the ghost, though - the right and left rows and the center horizontal rows are completely safe. But I realize that anyone who doesn't know that could have a tough time. How would I give him a death animation?


A - I'll get to that.

B - ...Really? Hmm...

C - I believe that one of those is intentional, but I'll fix it.

D - It's right between two traps! It'd be death for Link to hold it up. That's the only reason it isn't in a chest.

E - I have no clue what that's about.


As far as the shop with keys for sale, perhaps I should up the cost... but I like to idea of it being there for people to blow their money on.

I don't know how to do anything with a SFX package... but I'd appreciate it. :)

10-30-2007, 12:02 AM
Okay, I've got the sfx pakage ready. I'll upload it and edit this post in a mintue. Don't go anywhere though. BTW, give the ghost death anmation by warping Link to a screen where you have combos animating that show him blowing up after you beat him.

Edit: Here it is. Just rename it sfx.dat, make a backup copy of the 2.10 sfx file, and then stick this in the ZC folder. It replaces most of the sounds with ones from Ocarina of Time.


If you don't go off, I'll post some midis too.

Edit again. Here is a better version of the boss music: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gba/ZeldaMC_BossBattle_TS.mid
Here is one to use for the mountain in the summer (I did a bit of exploring. Sorry): http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gba/mtcrenel-final.mid

That's all I can think of now. I'll post more later if I find any.

10-30-2007, 12:12 PM
Hiya, sorry for running off, I didn't see your post until just now.

I don't know if I understand about the SFX... I have to run right now, but I'll try it later. Thank you!

EDIT: Both of those midis are great! Thank you!

10-30-2007, 10:09 PM
I don't know if I understand about the SFX... I have to run right now, but I'll try it later. Thank you!

For the sfx, do this. Make a backup of the file called sfx.dat in the ZC folder. MAke sure you back it up. Then place that file I posted in the folder and rename it sfx.dat. It will change most of the sound efects. If you like some of the sounds, but not all of them, tell me and I will change the ones you don't like. And make sure you only use it with 2.10. If you put it in any other version, it will brake ZC. Only use 2.10. Only. 2.10. Only. Sorry, but so many people don't grasp that concept and brake ZC on their computer.

And I have a suggestion. Have warp portals that take you back and forth between the summer and winter overworlds. Like in the summer, the path could be locked by trees. Find the warp portal, warp to winter, and the trees are dead. Then a snow drift is in the way. Find a warp portal, go to summer, and the snow is gone. Just a suggestion.

Edit: By the way, the file is left unpassworded. You might want to password it. Or you might not.

10-30-2007, 10:32 PM
Okay, I'll try the SFX thing when I get on the good comp, which my Mom is on right now.

And although the warps are a good idea, and remind me of Oracle of Seasons, the two overworlds are the same thing 15 years apart... it would be difficult to coordinate that, and I don't feel like making the effort. Eternal Winter DX, which is a LONG way off, might do that, though.

10-30-2007, 11:00 PM
Okay, I'll try the SFX thing when I get on the good comp, which my Mom is on right now.

And although the warps are a good idea, and remind me of Oracle of Seasons, the two overworlds are the same thing 15 years apart... it would be difficult to coordinate that, and I don't feel like making the effort. Eternal Winter DX, which is a LONG way off, might do that, though.

I assume you have logged off by now, but if you like I could coordinate the winter-summer system. And if your mom uses the good computer a lot, ask for a labtop. I'm using one right now, while my parents use the good computer. Or, if you like, I could copy the quest to a newer tileset for you (I have plenty of experiance doing that, in fact, I'm just finishing doing that to the quest End of Time right now). I'm at your disposal.

10-31-2007, 06:49 PM
I did it. I don't know if it worked, 'cause my comp's acting funny and won't open ZC, but I have a question: Won't that only replace the SFX data on MY ZeldaClassic? Not the game itself?

I appreciate the offer, but I'd like to get done with EW quick and move on to bigger and better projects, so complicating it isn't something I'd like to do. I'm really thankful for the offer, though.

Perhaps you could make an updated version of EW when its done if you would like to... but not until its done and released. I'll be making my own EW DX in the future, but a simply translated version might be cool, if you would like to do it. Maybe in DoR or Pure... I know that my EW DX will be in PTUX. But that tileset is so hard to use, I'm going to get some experience using BS before I start on PTUX.

On another note, I've been trying to think of what I should do with my second quest... I think it will only have four dungeons, but have a massive overworld. Kind of like Majora's Mask. I don't want to spend TOO much time on it(like I'm doing with EW), so I think four very big dungeons shall be plenty. The overworld will be big because I want overworld practice.

I have no clue what I'm going to do as far as plot, though.

10-31-2007, 07:46 PM
You're not done with your first quest and you're already thinking about your second? Wow, you are good at planing ahead. For the sfx, just include it with the download for the quest and tell people to use that in the ZC folder when they play the quest. Or, if 2.5 gets released before Eternal Winter, it has the option of intergratting the sounds within the quest.

I have no clue what I'm going to do as far as plot, though.

How about this: After Link defeats Ganon, he returns home thinking everything is done. But things strange things start to happen, even though Ganon is dead. After a bunch of plot twists, Link learns that his grandfather did not actually die, but instead reserected Ganon, and then went into hiding. And now he plans on reserecting Ganon again. So Link must gather the four elements and stop his own grandfather from reserecting Ganon. Sort of a star wars, luke and darth vader type thing. Well, what do you think?

And to get experiance using a tileset like DoR or Pure, play Link to the Past, The Minish Cap, and the Oracle games. Many of the tiles in the pure set are taken from those games. So look at those games like examples to show you how to set up the tiles.

11-01-2007, 12:16 AM
You're not done with your first quest and you're already thinking about your second? Wow, you are good at planing ahead. For the sfx, just include it with the download for the quest and tell people to use that in the ZC folder when they play the quest. Or, if 2.5 gets released before Eternal Winter, it has the option of intergratting the sounds within the quest.

Hmm... I'm hoping to get EW out before 2.5, because it will be a bit outdated if I don't... but I'll do that, thanks!

How about this: After Link defeats Ganon, he returns home thinking everything is done. But things strange things start to happen, even though Ganon is dead. After a bunch of plot twists, Link learns that his grandfather did not actually die, but instead reserected Ganon, and then went into hiding. And now he plans on reserecting Ganon again. So Link must gather the four elements and stop his own grandfather from reserecting Ganon. Sort of a star wars, luke and darth vader type thing. Well, what do you think?

I like it a lot! I wasn't originally thinking a sequel to Eternal Winter, but that could work wonderfully. Thank you so much!

And to get experiance using a tileset like DoR or Pure, play Link to the Past, The Minish Cap, and the Oracle games. Many of the tiles in the pure set are taken from those games. So look at those games like examples to show you how to set up the tiles.

I already have played every Zelda game created except for Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass, so I know how most of the tiles are used... it's just that I'm not good at it yet. :)

EDIT: Missed this...

And if your mom uses the good computer a lot, ask for a labtop. I'm using one right now, while my parents use the good computer.

I'm posting from a laptop, but it doesn't support ZQuest, because it runs on Vista, so I have to do all my quest creating on the good comp.

11-01-2007, 11:42 AM
I like it a lot! I wasn't originally thinking a sequel to Eternal Winter, but that could work wonderfully. Thank you so much!

If you need ideas, ask me. I got 101 ideas and I can garentee I am not making 101 quests.

I'm posting from a laptop, but it doesn't support ZQuest, because it runs on Vista, so I have to do all my quest creating on the good comp
I am posting from a labtop too. But I can't use ZC on the good computer, so I just have to live with the beta builds.

11-01-2007, 01:58 PM
If you need ideas, ask me. I got 101 ideas and I can garentee I am not making 101 quests.

I will! Thank you!

I am posting from a labtop too. But I can't use ZC on the good computer, so I just have to live with the beta builds.

I have a beta build on the laptop, but I can't get it to go fullscreen without crashing, and it's REALLY annoying to do it with a laptop pad on a mini-screen. ~_~ Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure it's "Laptop" - with a "p". As-in, it goes on top of your lap.

EDIT: I found another buggy type thing in my game. If you just get the Red Candle and bail out of Lv. 1 Early, then go and get the raft and sail to the end of the demo, you can beat it without first obtaining the Triforce. How do I make it so that they HAVE to have the Triforce to get to the end of the Demo?

11-03-2007, 01:52 PM
I found another buggy type thing in my game. If you just get the Red Candle and bail out of Lv. 1 Early, then go and get the raft and sail to the end of the demo, you can beat it without first obtaining the Triforce. How do I make it so that they HAVE to have the Triforce to get to the end of the Demo?


New screenshots from Lv. 5, that Russadwan got for me and Pineconn used originally.






11-23-2007, 03:03 PM

It has a website now. Thoughts, world? :P