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View Full Version : Smooth Moves

09-28-2007, 09:46 PM
I was reading the comedy gold mine at Something Awful today and it got me thinking, what are some of the smoothest moments/screw ups you've had?

Share your stories. I'll start.

I was hanging out with my neighbor(the same chick from my "One Night Stand" thread and my post in Moo's "Oh hay" thread) on Tuesday night and it was around midnight. We're watching TV and she says, "I'm hungry." So she gets up to go next door. The conversation goes as follows(Translated from french to english for your convenience):

Me: Are you coming back.

Her: Well, depends, what does it matter?

Me: Well if you're not coming back then I'm probably going to go to sleep.

Her (with a disappointed look): Oh, well then go to sleep.

Me (realizing what I just did and trying to save my self): Well actually I have a late class tomorrow morning so I'll probably be up for a while longer.

Her: Well, I have a early class tomorrow so good night.

And she leaves.

And then I proceed to screw up the next night as I mentioned in Moo's thread but make up for it Thursday night. If you know what I mean :naughty: