View Full Version : This fragrance is so worth the $40

09-23-2007, 06:37 PM

Man how'd you like to smell like Play-Doh again? I'm thinking of getting this just for the novelty factor, but it seems like it'd be cheaper to just buy some of the real thing and rubbing it on yourself a bit.

On the one hand, the label looks pretty Digitally Enhanced by Adobe(TM) Photoshop(TM), but on the other hand the checkout process got me all the way to asking for an email address without informing me I've been pranked... I wonder if they notify Chris Hansen every time someone orders?

The site's worth a look either way... some of the fragrances are pretty interesting.

09-23-2007, 07:00 PM

09-23-2007, 10:43 PM
Ahh so you would say you are a satisfied customer? I was honestly thinking of getting a few of their less novel fragrances for the lady but I don't like dealing with unknowns. Would you say the product was worth its cost?

09-23-2007, 11:45 PM

09-26-2007, 07:00 AM
Ooh, you can also smell like laundry. Just think about how useful that could be. @_@