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View Full Version : Ulanoff: NBC-Apple Spat Means Digital Holy War

09-18-2007, 03:02 PM

Quote: NBC Universal has drawn a line in the sand.

On one side stands the media giant (and its parent, General Electric/Vivendi), with its thousands and thousands of hours of video and music content.

On the other side stands Apple, with its wildly popular iPod and the iTunes music service.

Two weeks ago, NBC yanked its content across the line away from Apple and into the supple arms of Amazon Unboxed.

The wisdom of that decision aside, this radical choice has made me realize that Apple is now entering the biggest and perhaps the most bitter battle of its business life.


I don't know too much about this one. So I'll just say - FYI and read y'alls thoughts :)

09-18-2007, 05:13 PM
*sigh*Why can't all the media corporations just get along and provide us with a player capable of handeling all media in one, instead of all this "This is my half of the room" nonsense.

Well, in lack of a real factual reason to stand with either one, I'm going to go with personal preference and say Apple all the way! W00T!