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View Full Version : Unspoken expectations, Ideas you used to play with...

King Aquamentus
09-15-2007, 10:47 PM
Well, this isn't the first time I've had this brainfart, but what would you say about the possibility of remaking The Goonies II? In a lot of ways, it bears similarity to a Zelda, though it is sideview. Basically what I'm thinking is:

things start off in a cabin dmap. a simple set of house tiles from maybe pure or something? they'll work fine. find a stair tile, and descend into the basement... see a door? enter it and you'll see a screen very much like a Z1 dungeon. you can even reuse abei and the message strings here. heck, throw in a Konamiman sprite.

Bow = slingshot
boomerang = boomerang
bombs = bombs
molotov cocktail = fun, but it's just another bomb. we'll have the candle!
candle = candle
boots = raincoat
bullet proof vest = Magic shield
sword = hammer and yoyo (you find this where you find the hammer in the goonies II. Why not use hammer for hammer? Too strong. besides, the sword can be used in its place for finding secrets. or heck, bombs.)

lens = glasses
flippers = diving suit
candle = candle
rupees aren't really needed...
keys and hearts and bombs are all the same.

I really wanna add the hookshot though... for the bridge scene.