View Full Version : Predicting Starcraft 2 Unit Usage

09-14-2007, 12:35 PM
I'm sure there are a lot of people who are looking forward to Blizzard's newest title, Starcraft 2. I'd like to delve deeper into the upcoming possibilities.Wouldn't it be cool to devise a strategy before the game is even out?

Now, look at the Action Shot of the marines being sent out ahead of the Thors. They decimate the bunkers and the two Siege Tanks. Imagine the other player had maybe 20 Siege Tanks. Do you think that the three Thors would still be able to wax those Siege Tanks? :D

By the way, I'd like to challenge the great Shadowblazer to a rematch when SC2 comes out. I've learned not to use 'assisted strategies' by subjecting myself to the full weight of Frozen Throne.