View Full Version : Status - 9/10/07
09-10-2007, 06:55 PM
A status update.
Studmuffin Award: Sexiest Male
What Did You Say?? Award: Least Understood
LUBU Award: Most Caring/Loving
Genius Award: Smartest Member
Bancake Award: Most Notorious Banned Member
Convict Award: Most Likely to End Up In Prison
Billionaire Award: Most Likely to Become Rich or Famous
ROTFLMFAO Award: Funniest Member
Secksay Lady Award: Sexiest Female
All Star Award: Most Popular
Welcome to our Forums Award: Best Newbie
Who Gave You The Authority Award: Biggest Rent-A-Mod
Yes Sir/Yes Ma'am Award: Most Respected
Thought-Provoking Award: Most Interesting Posts
Most Humble
Most Normal
Best Signature
Best Avatar
Worst Temper
Most intellectually confusing posts
Most likely to post on AGN when he's 75
Most lifeless (the person who spends the most time at AGN)
Morbo Award: Most morbid member
Sheep Award: Biggest brown-noser
River Award: Whiniest member
'I'm Not Reading That' Award: Longest posts
Simplicity Award: Shortest posts
Gerund Award: Best grammar
haha im teh 1337 Award: Worst grammar
Charity Award: Gives out the most reputation
'A Picture's Worth a Thousand Posts' Award: Posts the most pictures
Identity Crisis Award: Has had the most user names in the past
Weakest Link Award: Seems their posts/threads go unanswered the most (this may be difficult, or simply a bad superlative)
Faceless Award: Changes his/her avatar the most
Sniper Award: Verbally attacks other members the most (may be too similar to "Worst Temper")
Quarrelsome Award: Gets into the most flamed arguments (also may be similar to the above or to "Worst Temper")
Lincoln v. Douglas Award: Debates the most
Shigeru Miyamoto Award: Best Zelda Classic quest maker
Help Me Please! Award: Asks the most ZQuest/ZC questions
Most likely to wear a neck scarf in the summertime
Most likely to wear sweat pants outside regularly
Most likely to actually be George W. Bush
Biggest Drunk
Biggest Virgin/Most likely to stay that way
Slut award (male/female)
Best/Worst Username
Biggest Furby (spelling?)
Best Minority
Biggest WASP
Sexiest Male under 16
Sexiest Female over 45
Hairiest Member: Member with the most body hair
Most likely to be a Scientologist/Kabbalist
Most likely to be Married to John Travolta and wishing for an out.
Most likely to be Breaker's next victim
Most likely to be rich/poor
Best/Worst Spelling/Grammar
57. What do you think? Can we remove about seven or eight categories? It'd be nice to fit all the topics into one (Default, though it may be more.) page of threads. Hell, even lowering the list down to 25 would be very helpful.
LATER: What's going to happen is that everyone is going to PM ME with ONE name for each category. Don't bother not listing one. Just choose someone. Anyone. Don't leave any categories blank if possible.
Prrkitty and Archibaldo have volunteered their services to help create the threads once I've given everyone the list. Very nice of them.
09-10-2007, 07:06 PM
I've slapped on a poll to make this decision easier.
09-10-2007, 07:11 PM
Here is a list of the categories I propose eliminating:
Most Normal
Charity Award: Gives out the most reputation
'A Picture's Worth a Thousand Posts' Award: Posts the most pictures
Weakest Link Award: Seems their posts/threads go unanswered the most (this may be difficult, or simply a bad superlative)
Most likely to wear a neck scarf in the summertime
Most likely to wear sweat pants outside regularly
Most likely to actually be George W. Bush
Biggest Furby (spelling?)
Best Minority
Biggest WASP
Sexiest Male under 16
Sexiest Female over 45
Hairiest Member: Member with the most body hair
Most likely to be a Scientologist/Kabbalist
Most likely to be Married to John Travolta and wishing for an out.
Most likely to be rich/poor
EDIT: DarkDragon made the poll while I was posting.
09-10-2007, 07:16 PM
I voted but I'm with Bel on what should be taken out.
09-10-2007, 07:32 PM
I think some of those were actually jokes. But leave the John Travolta and Dubya ones in there just for fun.
09-10-2007, 07:37 PM
OK ... voted :)
09-10-2007, 07:40 PM
Wouldn't it have been easier to make it so which ones should be eliminated? Or is there a reason it went down like this.
BTW, that's a lot of categories, good luck ST.
09-10-2007, 07:49 PM
Pretty sure we have more categories than members. :)
09-10-2007, 08:13 PM
These are the ones that I think should NOT Be eliminated. Everything else, I just don't really care about. We can really have as many of these as you'd like; Prr and Archibaldo are nice enough to help out, so whatever happens, our work is divided by thirds. Not a problem, I hope.
Studmuffin Award: Sexiest Male
LUBU Award: Most Caring/Loving
Genius Award: Smartest Member
Billionaire Award: Most Likely to Become Rich or Famous
ROTFLMFAO Award: Funniest Member
Secksay Lady Award: Sexiest Female
Welcome to our Forums Award: Best Newbie
Thought-Provoking Award: Most Interesting Posts
Most Humble
Most Normal
Best Signature
Best Avatar
Most likely to post on AGN when he's 75
Most lifeless (the person who spends the most time at AGN)
'I'm Not Reading That' Award: Longest posts
Charity Award: Gives out the most reputation
Lincoln v. Douglas Award: Debates the most
Shigeru Miyamoto Award: Best Zelda Classic quest maker
Most likely to actually be George W. Bush
Biggest Drunk
Best/Worst Username
Aegix Drakan
09-10-2007, 10:25 PM
And can we nominate ourselves, or nominate the same person for different awards?
09-10-2007, 11:06 PM
1) Sure, why not. Just remember what happened in Pirates of th Caribbean 3 at the gathering of pirate leaders. Everyone voted for only themselves; no man for his brother, :pirate: aarrrrrrr...
2) Sure. Two is enough though, I think. (And Prr concurs.)
Anymore arguments for/against categories?
09-11-2007, 02:09 AM
I think we're doing good so far :)
09-11-2007, 06:59 AM
Quite. :] Current Status as of 6:53 AM 9/11/07
Studmuffin Award: Sexiest Male 13 76.47%
What Did You Say?? Award: Least Understood 13 76.47%
LUBU Award: Most Caring/Loving 14 82.35%
Genius Award: Smartest Member 14 82.35%
Bancake Award: Most Notorious Banned Member 12 70.59%
Convict Award: Most Likely to End Up In Prison 12 70.59%
Billionaire Award: Most Likely to Become Rich or Famous 13 76.47%
ROTFLMFAO Award: Funniest Member 17 100.00%
Secksay Lady Award: Sexiest Female 15 88.24%
All Star Award: Most Popular 14 82.35%
Welcome to our Forums Award: Best Newbie 11 64.71%
Who Gave You The Authority Award: Biggest Rent-A-Mod 9 52.94%
Yes Sir/Yes Ma'am Award: Most Respected 16 94.12%
Thought-Provoking Award: Most Interesting Posts 17 100.00%
Most Humble 12 70.59%
Most Normal 8 47.06%
Best Signature 13 76.47%
Best Avatar 15 88.24%
Worst Temper 7 41.18%
Most intellectually confusing posts 7 41.18%
Most likely to post on AGN when he's 75 10 58.82%
Most lifeless (the person who spends the most time at AGN) 11 64.71%
Morbo Award: Most morbid member 8 47.06%
Sheep Award: Biggest brown-noser 7 41.18%
River Award: Whiniest member 7 41.18%
'I'm Not Reading That' Award: Longest posts 13 76.47%
Simplicity Award: Shortest posts 8 47.06%
Gerund Award: Best grammar 6 35.29%
haha im teh 1337 Award: Worst grammar 8 47.06%
Charity Award: Gives out the most reputation 5 29.41%
'A Picture's Worth a Thousand Posts' Award: Posts the most pictures 4 23.53%
Identity Crisis Award: Has had the most user names in the past 6 35.29%
Weakest Link Award: Seems their posts/threads go unanswered the most (this may be difficult, or simply a bad superlative) 1 5.88%
Faceless Award: Changes his/her avatar the most 10 58.82%
Sniper Award: Verbally attacks other members the most (may be too similar to "Worst Temper") 4 23.53%
Quarrelsome Award: Gets into the most flamed arguments (also may be similar to the above or to "Worst Temper") 6 35.29%
Lincoln v. Douglas Award: Debates the most 11 64.71%
Shigeru Miyamoto Award: Best Zelda Classic quest maker 14 82.35%
Help Me Please! Award: Asks the most ZQuest/ZC questions 5 29.41%
Most likely to wear a neck scarf in the summertime 0 0%
Most likely to wear sweat pants outside regularly 0 0%
Most likely to actually be George W. Bush 7 41.18%
Biggest Drunk 11 64.71%
Biggest Virgin/Most likely to stay that way 6 35.29%
Slut award (male/female) 8 47.06%
Best/Worst Username 12 70.59%
Biggest Furby (spelling?) 4 23.53%
Best Minority 1 5.88%
Biggest WASP 0 0%
Sexiest Male under 16 3 17.65%
Sexiest Female over 45 4 23.53%
Hairiest Member: Member with the most body hair 1 5.88%
Most likely to be a Scientologist/Kabbalist 3 17.65%
Most likely to be Married to John Travolta and wishing for an out. 4 23.53%
Most likely to be Breaker's next victim 8 47.06%
Most likely to be rich/poor 5 29.41%
Best/Worst Spelling/Grammar 4 23.53%
I think this is pretty good progress, really.
At the end of this day, Tuesday, I think we'll just go with the selections that we eliminate by the end of today when I'm home to do it.
By the way, Wednesday through Friday (Possibly Saturday too, considering the nature of Saturdays to Jews...) are Jewish holidays. The big ones. (Y'know, the "Oh my God, God, we're suck, we're fawktards, plz don't kill us plz plz w/cheese on top plzkthxai see you next year.") so I probably won't be Online at ALL until sometime after Friday night. I'm not actually quite certain when that'll be if even past Saturday night.
That's why we'll give giving people plenty of time to both nominate people via PM, and to see the fact that there are nominations taking place at all. So by tonight, we'll have the list finalized, and we can start sending me largely annoying PM's.
Quite. :] Current Status as of 6:53 AM 9/11/07
So by tonight, we'll have the list finalized, and we can start sending me largely annoying PM's.
Cool, (gets ready,)
09-11-2007, 02:05 PM
The more categories the better. Just take all the categories out that have less than 7 votes. Also the most likely to be rich/poor, take that out and replace it with something to go along with Billionare award, like Most likely to be a homeless bum someday.
I am planning on doing my research and separating my nominations/votes out across the board...
09-11-2007, 02:18 PM
I see that no one has voted for WASP, I know that I didn't vote for it because I didn't know what it was. Maybe we should define it?
09-11-2007, 02:33 PM
I see that no one has voted for WASP, I know that I didn't vote for it because I didn't know what it was. Maybe we should define it?
yeah its kind of a dumb category.
WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
09-12-2007, 03:30 PM
I think we should take the top 20 categories and then start the nominating. I figure we should leave the nominations vote up for exactly a week. Then make a post listing all the official categories and then proceed to leave a week for nominations and then take the top 10 names for each categorie and then proceed to make a thread for each categorie with a poll in each one for the 10 members nominated the most.
It will take a while to get the whole thing done, but it will be much more organized.
Also, I think that people should not be allowed to nominate themselves.
09-12-2007, 06:04 PM
Very much concurred. I probably won't be around much until after Friday night or Saturday, (Pretty sure I said this before...) so there will be plenty of time to get me your nominations.
After I get the nominations, I'll tally 'em up, collect all the names for the categories, and split them between Prr and Archibaldo three ways.
Here's what we have so far. (We can probably end the poll now too, if anyone has that ability.)
Studmuffin Award: Sexiest Male 23 79.31%
What Did You Say?? Award: Least Understood 24 82.76%
LUBU Award: Most Caring/Loving 25 86.21%
Genius Award: Smartest Member 24 82.76%
Bancake Award: Most Notorious Banned Member 23 79.31%
Convict Award: Most Likely to End Up In Prison 23 79.31%
Billionaire Award: Most Likely to Become Rich or Famous 21 72.41%
ROTFLMFAO Award: Funniest Member 29 100.00%
Secksay Lady Award: Sexiest Female 25 86.21%
All Star Award: Most Popular 25 86.21%
Welcome to our Forums Award: Best Newbie 21 72.41%
Yes Sir/Yes Ma'am Award: Most Respected 26 89.66%
Thought-Provoking Award: Most Interesting Posts 27 93.10%
Most Humble 20 68.97%
Best Signature 22 75.86%
Best Avatar 25 86.21%
Most likely to post on AGN when he's 75 19 65.52%
Most lifeless (the person who spends the most time at AGN) 18 62.07%
'I'm Not Reading That' Award: Longest posts 23 79.31%
Faceless Award: Changes his/her avatar the most 17 58.62%
Lincoln v. Douglas Award: Debates the most 17 58.62%
Shigeru Miyamoto Award: Best Zelda Classic quest maker 21 72.41%
Biggest Drunk 19 65.52%
Best/Worst Username 20 68.97%
I made the cutoff 17. Whatever.
Okay, here's how it'll work. From the list above (In this very post...) PM me with ONE NAME for every category there. If you can't think of someone for that category, I guess you can just leave it blank; It actually wouldn't matter in the end, as someone else will have a name for it, most likely. If not, I'll pick someone. :p
Okay, Start PM'ing me your nominations. Good luck. :)
(Lemme see if I can make a "more official" topic. I'm not sure how much time I have, but I'll try to get something that looks a lot more official than this. If you don't see anything like that, or another post from me, then I ran out of time. >.< If not, use the newer post/thread instead of this one. Same thing, but a bit easier to work with.)
EDIT: Yep, I did it ( This thread can be closed. Better yet, gone. It'd be nice to have a clean forum come Monday eve when we start setting up the threads.
09-12-2007, 08:07 PM
What a bunch of boring awards.
I don't see why having a few of the funny ones takes away from the process.
I can't believe you got rid of the George Bush and Sexiest Female over 45 ones.
09-12-2007, 08:12 PM
^^Well isn't there only one female who is over 45 here?
09-12-2007, 08:49 PM
^^Well isn't there only one female who is over 45 here?
What about me?
09-12-2007, 09:04 PM
^^Look in your pants and tell me if you see anything, then you'll know.
09-12-2007, 09:08 PM
^^Look in your pants and tell me if you see anything, then you'll know.
Jokes on you, duders. I'm not wearing pants!
Aegix Drakan
09-12-2007, 09:54 PM
Right O!
*starts compiling list...*
This might take a little while...
09-12-2007, 10:13 PM
^^Well isn't there only one female who is over 45 here?
yeah that was the joke ;)
But seriously, i really don't care about which categories get in, I just don't see why more categories is a bad thing. The more the merrier I say.
09-13-2007, 05:54 AM
No there are many but they are all in the zelda part and you guys don't know their age :)
You all think only prrrkitty is above 45 , mmmmm makes me think I don't fit in the under 45 and not in the over 45 , yeah thats what you get being 45 :)
09-13-2007, 09:50 AM
Heh. ^^.
This thread should probably be moved elsewhere. :-/ When it's the most recently replied to topic, people don't know of the "PM me now" topic to send me their votes. :p Either move or lock it, please?
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