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09-04-2007, 04:46 PM
Just noticed the new forum with no posts. Have the nominees already been chosen, or do we need to put up some nominees?

09-04-2007, 05:44 PM
I think ShadowTiger wanted to run them this year; you should ask him what he wants to do.

09-04-2007, 08:18 PM
Aye! Thanks very much. :) I'll be saying that a lot, I'm sure, but first, I want to start planning this out, or else we'll pretty much be all over the place without any actual goal; Just a lot of assumed separate goals which may or may not be the actual reality, but nobody will know for sure. That would suck.

I think here's what I'll (We'll, really.) do: Post EITHER HERE, OR IN THE SUPERLATIVES FORUM, (Since posts can be moved/deleted, right?) a topic about how we'll be doing the nominations. My PM box is nice and empty, so whatever happens involving PM's, I'll certainly be more than available to count them and such. Okay, our methods right now may include the following, and more, depending on your spontaneous input.

We start a topic (This one will work, but I'd rather something more obvious, like "List potential categories!") where we list all categories for nominations. It can be as many as you'd like, I suppose; I really don't mind starting hundreds of threads or something like that. (You should see my Thursdays. Good god. I have six hours of free time at a high speed computer before my first class.) So we can list any categories for nomination that we want. (Best avatar, most active member, most ____, least ____, etc.)
PM me ideas for categories , and I'll present the list of categories after a while so nobody has to go public with their ideas. It's the private way vs the public way above.
There really aren't very many ideas for this, so <YOUR IDEA FOR CATEGORY SUGGESTION HERE>

We can agree on one method, then we can get started with the next phase, which I suppose would involve debating on the categories; which should be included and which shouldn't. It shouldn't take very long. I'd rather get all this done within two weeks or so, though we certainly have no time limit, thank goodness.

The phase after that, of course, would most likely be nominating people for those categories.

09-04-2007, 09:15 PM
I think this thread should be moved to the Superlatives thread. That way it's all in the same area :)

09-04-2007, 09:20 PM
Read the topic in there first. :p This is well out where everyone can see it. I would like the fewest topics possible to have to be cleaned from in there, (They might be forgotten about later on when all the topics are created in there...) but it's really your decision. I mean, the concept was introduced here, so why not stay here?

09-04-2007, 09:21 PM
ahhhh... true enough... Sorry Shadowbabe :) I hadn't been in the Superlatives thread yet but was heading there in a bit.

Nicholas Steel
09-05-2007, 12:15 AM
WTH is a Superlative?

09-05-2007, 12:26 AM
It's like in a yearbook when you vote for most likely to _____. Except here we vote things like best member, best new member, etc.