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09-01-2007, 07:45 PM
Seriously, I'm surprised no one has made a thread about it yet, considering the game is fucking awesome. I picked up Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's the other day. I, myself, am a big fan of the music from the 80's.

Also, another interesting little thing I notice, Guitar Hero = Chicks appeal. The other night I was rockin out to an audiance of some 11 girls in my appartment. They were all cheering my on, Especially when I got up and started to jump around the room on one leg and still managing to hit all the notes, and finish with the high-score.

Moral of the story, Guitar Hero will get you laid.

09-01-2007, 10:08 PM
I played Guitar Hero with a bunch of girls around, and I did not get laid. You lie.

the game is pretty fun. like DDR for your hands. (not stepmania). too bad the guitar peripheral costs like 70 bucks.

09-02-2007, 02:07 AM
I played Guitar Hero at Walmart, and it was pretty fun, but a little weird since I play guitar for real. They had Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters on there, and I was like, "awesome, I know how to play that song" - I'll be damned if it was harder to play it on the game than is it to play it for real.

I don't have a PS2 or Xbox/360 to play the ones already out, but I'm thinking about checking out Guitar Hero III when it comes out for the Wii. The Wii specific features sound really neat: http://wii.ign.com/articles/816/816619p1.html I have no doubts it will kill on the Wii.

09-04-2007, 01:11 AM
I played Guitar Hero 2 several times at a game store I used to go very frequently to, and got slightly different results. I didn't get laid, but I did get people mistaking me for an actual guitarist (I have never played on a real guitar). Come to think of it, numerous people mistook me for an actual employee because I was seen so often there >_< .

09-04-2007, 07:07 AM
I played Guitar Hero at Walmart, and it was pretty fun, but a little weird since I play guitar for real. They had Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters on there, and I was like, "awesome, I know how to play that song" - I'll be damned if it was harder to play it on the game than is it to play it for real.

I don't have a PS2 or Xbox/360 to play the ones already out, but I'm thinking about checking out Guitar Hero III when it comes out for the Wii. The Wii specific features sound really neat: http://wii.ign.com/articles/816/816619p1.html I have no doubts it will kill on the Wii.

Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto. (Replacing "Walmart" with "School and Best Buy" and "Monkey Wrench..." with Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop.") Really enjoyed it. It does help to have a background in Stepmania / DDR though, as it helps you to get the timing and coordination right. Sometimes, when notes are flying at you really fast, it's extremely helpful to be able to pick 'em apart. (Fascination MaxX, anyone? :p )

I seriously can't wait for the GH3 on the Wii. It's something even my sister is looking forward to. Hopefully we can play it together in turns. (Because I had 1000 Wii Points left over, and she wanted a racing game, so I got her Mario Kart 64. We play it once together, and now she insists on playing it alone. :sweat: :rolleyes: )

The Wii version will be the only Guitar Hero game that will feature force-feedback thanks to the rumble in the controller, and believe it or not, in our hands-on, you really could feel the guitar shake to the beat when you rocked out with Star Power, as well as "buzz" when crazy effects are going on in the game.:D


The Nintendo Wii version of the game will support the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, and though both Vicarious Visions and Red Octane are remaining tightlipped about the features within, every indication led us to believe that it's safe to assume that at least a few of the modes, both co-op and competitive, will be playable over the Internet. Which features, and whether or not the Wii version will have downloadable content, remains up in the air.Awesome, and damnit, respectively. I was really hoping that it would (As in, wouldn't not.) have some sort of track edit mode, at LEAST, to import new songs and make steps for them. I'd be all over that shiz.

09-04-2007, 08:54 AM
Out of all 3 though, 80s is the easiest by a far stretch. Which is ok though, since I can't touch the upper songs on GH2 on higher difficulty levels. Plus it makes me look good when I scroll down to a song a select Expert, although I still stink at the last song in GHE.

09-04-2007, 08:05 PM
I love the 80's version, mainly cause I know pretty much all the songs on the set list. I find it a whole lot easier to play a song when you know it well. I'm a little disappointed with the low song count for the 80's considering how much they charge for it.

09-04-2007, 09:38 PM
I hat ethe 80s version. It's so obnoxiously boring.
My personal favorites are Laid to Rest, Less Talk More Rokk, War Pigs, and of course, Six.

Glenn the Great
09-04-2007, 11:50 PM
I played Guitar Hero (or was it Guitar Hero 2?) at a friends' house a few months ago. I sucked at it, and the "strings" on the guitar peripheral were too far apart, causing me tendonitis after playing for a few hours.

It appealed to me to play it because I like timing-based games. I just probably should have tried it with the regular controller.

09-05-2007, 12:08 AM
I love playing GH2 but hard mode makes me cry. I can't get through but half of the songs :(

09-05-2007, 12:45 AM
I'm still pissed they haven't released that for 360. At least release the songs as DLC :( I love 80s music, but I sure as hell am not going to go out and buy ANOTHER Guitar for the PS2 (which of course, then becomes obsolete instantly once I beat the game - whereas my 360 Guitar will work with both Rock Band and GH3 in the future :P)