View Full Version : Large ZC.

08-30-2007, 10:50 PM
First of all, thanks devs for turning my old GUI mockup (with a few tweaks) into reality!

Second, What are the commands going to be used for?

Third, How can the favorites be edited?

Numbers near the bottom- I played with it a little and figured it out. It allows you to have multiple instances of screens open at the same time.

08-31-2007, 12:34 AM
For the commands use shift click to edit them and choose a command. And for favorites select a combo you would like quick access to a lot and then shift click a spot in the favorites where it'll place that combo.

Dark Nation
08-31-2007, 06:49 AM
I still have to figure out what to put in the empty space above the info panel. Thoughts? I was thinking of having either a palette display there or possibly a quick way to set the screen color (inside ZQuest).

And before someone starts accusing me of adding new features, the large format was already in ZC but was severely broken. I'm just in the process of fixing it.

08-31-2007, 09:02 AM
I like the palette idea.
Thanks for the shift click thing. I tried right clicking, but it didn't do anything.

08-31-2007, 09:53 AM
For the commands use shift click to edit them and choose a command. And for favorites select a combo you would like quick access to a lot and then shit click a spot in the favorites where it'll place that combo.

:laughing: lol typo

Now then, ZQ large is GODLY. I don't think I'll ever go back to regular.

08-31-2007, 10:18 AM
To DN:

I don't know but maybe incorporate a way of making the minimap bigger for the open space. I have to practically squint to see it now.

Edit: Oops thought Shadow tiger said that up there instead of Dark Nation.

08-31-2007, 05:41 PM
The box is too small, hard to see and hard to select the screen. Is there any way to make it bigger?


08-31-2007, 11:10 PM
Large ZQ is Sweet. Just one question, is there any way to save the settings (Commands, favorites) between sessions or does it just reset everytime you quit?

Dark Nation
09-01-2007, 01:27 AM
Favorite commands will (eventually) save to ag.cfg. Favorite combos and combo aliases will (eventually) save to the quest file.

09-01-2007, 09:03 AM
I'm sorry, but what is this Large ZQ? I checked the Shardstorm log, and I didn't think I saw anything too different. What am I missing? (Aside, the one screenshot I saw in ZCAmazing's post looks awesome.)

09-01-2007, 11:19 AM
Its an option in the new 2.0 Launcher. Go to the ZQuest section and check Large, when you launch ZQ you will see what everyone is so excited about :D

09-01-2007, 11:59 AM
Large ZQ even works in Vista as long as you have both the Full Screen and the Large ZQ boxes checked. This is pretty good since Full Screen for ZQ wasn't working by itself before. Nice work on this. It will be great once it is completed.

09-01-2007, 12:20 PM
Oh my gosh, this is awsome! And there are no compatibility issues with Vista! *faints*
Anyways, I know this sounds kind of silly, given that it's called large mode, but would it be possible to use this in windowed mode. I copying a quest to newer graphics, so to use this mode I would need two computers. But seriously, this is amazing. Shortcuts for commands, favorite combo box, having three combo pages open at once! And being able to switch between nine screens! Or being able to see one combo into the next screen. All I can say is congratulations to whichever developer made this.

09-01-2007, 12:53 PM
This is pretty neat. But after using full-screen since I first used ZQuest, it's hard to get used to. I think my main concern is having the three combo lists, mainly because the tiles are smaller and harder to see. If you could, say, have an option to disable the Favorites menu, and triple the size of the combo list, that'd be awesome

09-01-2007, 10:13 PM
Wow. This looks awesome. I just have no idea how any of it works, hehehe. How do you set commands, or favorites, or whatever.

09-01-2007, 11:09 PM
Shift-Click is your new friend.

09-02-2007, 09:10 AM
Ah, shift-click. I was trying things like right-click and control-click. Thankya.

The Great Guy
09-02-2007, 01:05 PM
In regards to the empty space/palette display/Map is too small thing, I was inspired to make this little image. Revision Ideas (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s205/TheGreatGuy/ZQlargeRevisionBoxes.png). Most of the explanation is in the picture, really.
I moved the map and expanded it, and placed the screen numbers below it. (There is one more of those there, yes, it fit in nicely, and I doubt adding another screen-number holder would be that difficult) This is just a small idea I had to revise the GUI, since I also had the same problem as zcAmazing, and was bothered by the empty. Maybe I'm delusional and it's horrid, but I think it came out pretty well.
(Of course, most of you are probably going to ignore me and be like "Who is this guy?" That's what I get for disappearing for two(?) years, but I thought this idea was good enough to post, feel free to prove me wrong)

09-02-2007, 01:53 PM
Of course, most of you are probably going to ignore me and be like "Who is this guy?"
no not really, a good idea is a good idea. This looks like it would work well, only suggestion I have is, instead of putting the screen numbers below the minimap put them in the empty space up top (this will make the minimap a touch bigger and fillup that space up top that botheres me as well). Expand the commands to an extra row, good. Extend the main info window, sure I can't think of anything else to put there. Mini palette editor would be nice as well.

09-02-2007, 03:16 PM
I agree, the numbers go better at the top. And I have a question. What exactly is the differene between dungeon, relational, and normal mode, and what does allias mode do?

09-02-2007, 05:10 PM
Dugeon: A really complicated (to set up properly) way to "carve" a room.

Relational: No clue

Alias: You set it up so that groups of combos are treated as 1 whole combo, similar to the "draw 4x2 block" command, but not limited to 4X2.

Nicholas Steel
09-02-2007, 07:00 PM
could someone post a screenshot of this? lol i just want to see ;>

09-02-2007, 07:28 PM
I like The Great Guy's revisions. And yes, I'm bothered by that empty space at the top. It could be an info bar -- tool tips type thing. Extend the main bar. Have the palette veiwable in that spot. I like the idea of an extra row of commands.

And set -large to default in both ZCL and ZQ.

09-03-2007, 12:16 PM
Here is an image of LargeZQ

LargeZQ (http://alsgmdvprojects.googlepages.com/zelda045.png)

The Great Guy
09-03-2007, 12:53 PM
Well, I finished the picture I posted earlier, added beefster's tool-tip bar idea and filled in the purple boxes, though I couldn't really choose between a normal window or the extending from the top look that the main menu has. I'm working on ShadowMancer's version now, with tabs as the numbers up top. I figured it'd be easier to compare if they were all in picture form.
EDIT: ShadowMancer's idea done, it's Version C. Tell me if I screwed up on how you wanted the map, please. Should I have decreased the size of the palette box to keep the Map the same proportions?
Version A (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s205/TheGreatGuy/ZQlargeRevisionFinalA.png)
Version B (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s205/TheGreatGuy/ZQlargeRevisionFinalB.png)
Version C (http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s205/TheGreatGuy/ZQlargeRevisionFinalC.png)

09-03-2007, 06:01 PM
Some comments out of the blue: I'm a bit ... ... worried (?) about the way a few of the commands are phrased. I.e. There are two "Sprites" shortcuts in the Command button selection list. One of them is the choice between 1, 2, and Done, leading to Extra Sprite Csets, and the other "Sprites" leads to a Reset Sprites? dialog. They should probably be renamed. :-/

Here's a list of everything I saw that should be rephrased, In Alphabetical Order, as they appear in the list.

Combo Alias - Brings up Combo Alias PAINTING MODE.
Combo Aliases - Brings up the Combo Alias screen.

Doors - The F6 Door chooser. (For room placement. Not the Door Editor.)
Doors - Seems to do nothing at all.

Enemies - Brings up the Enemy Editor enemy selection list.
Enemies - Brings up the Data->Enemies list.
Enemies - Seems to do nothing at all.

Exit - Could probably be renamed "Quit ZQuest" as seeing as it's out of context, it could also be "Place Exit" of some sort if you're not thinking straight.

ExportGraphics Pack - Needs a space. :p

Freeform Combos - Seems to do nothing at all.
Freeform Combos - Brings up the Data -> Freeform Combos dialog.

Item - The Data -> Item 'Item chooser.
Item Locations - The Integrity Checker.
Items - The Item Editor.

Layers - Brings up the Data -> Layers screen.
Layers - Seems to do nothing at all.

Map Styles - Reset all map styles?
Map Styles - Brings up the Map Styles box, with the maps, triforce types, frames, etc.

Palette - Same as Pressing F4.
Palettes - Resets all Palette Data.

Room Type Data - Seems to do nothing at all. (Also, what's the difference between this and "Catch All?")

Secret Data - Seems to do nothing at all.
Secret Data - Brings up the Screen Flags page. (Page 1.)

Secret Combos - Seems to do nothing at all.
Secret Combos - Brings up the Data -> Secret Combos area.

Sprites - Extra Sprite Dialog (1 & 2 & Done) selection.
Sprites - Reset Sprite Data.

Subscreens - Probably better if named "Edit Subscreens"

Template - Brings up the Tools -> Template (F5) dialog.
Template - Brings up the File -> Quest Template dialog, probably under "New"

Tiles - Resets all Tiles.
Tiles - Brings up the Tiles Pages.

Under Combo - The usual Set Undercombo Prompt.
Undercombo - Doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't set the current combo to the screen's undercombo.

Perhaps we should rename some things as follows:

Draw: Normal
Draw: Dungeon
Draw: Relational
Draw: Alias

09-03-2007, 08:23 PM
Freeform Combos - Seems to do nothing at all. Not 100% sure but I think this is 'paste special: Freeform combos' (probley true with all the 'seems to do nothing' commands on your list) .And yes I aggree there needs to be a bit more datat on the commands, I am assumeing that every command possible on the menu was outputted into a list format via some sort of code (just a guess).

Great Guy, yes Version C is exactly what I was thinking.

Should I have decreased the size of the palette box to keep the Map the same proportions?
Thats hard to tell, after all the devs are going to have to make the minimap the right perpotorions, and the rest of the space can be used for the palette editor. Looks good thanks for makeing the mockups.

09-03-2007, 08:27 PM
I still have to figure out what to put in the empty space above the info panel. Thoughts? I was thinking of having either a palette display there or possibly a quick way to set the screen color (inside ZQuest).

And before someone starts accusing me of adding new features, the large format was already in ZC but was severely broken. I'm just in the process of fixing it.

Yeah I remember when there was that -large feature. See I knew it was very unstable and buggy. That is why I never stuck it into ZCL until now recently.

<Off Topic>
Btw since you all must of noticed the ZCL 2.0 Alpha. If you see any bugs. Report them. In the appropriate forum :)