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View Full Version : Keira Knightley survives holocaust, looks weird

08-30-2007, 02:15 AM
Look (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=478495&in_page_id=1766&ito=1490) at this weird, disgusting picture. That girl needs to eat some fucking hamburgers.

08-30-2007, 02:32 AM

I don't really see how she couldn't have had an eating disorder. :/

08-30-2007, 02:58 AM
HOT (http://www.dlisted.com/node/7287)

08-30-2007, 07:23 AM
At least she doesn't have protruding bones, but her body just doesn't match her face anymore. It reminds me of Nixon and Futurama.

08-30-2007, 07:49 AM
She ain't got enough junk in the trunk and my dad's got bigger boobs than that. Here, eat some chicken.
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:8IgbrJnKwWewiM:www.oldetimecooking.co m/Images/chicken.jpg

08-30-2007, 08:12 AM
She's got the Britney Spears boobs, the ones that always change size all the time somehow.

Glenn the Great
08-30-2007, 09:54 AM
HOT (http://www.dlisted.com/node/7287)

I agree with this. I really like how she looks in the pictures linked to here, and I really like what she's wearing.

08-30-2007, 01:29 PM
Why are these bitties so skinny? :(

08-30-2007, 02:29 PM
^^Because someone decided to get really skinny on tv and now everyone who's heavier looks fat by comparison. It's really all in the eyes of the beholder. In movies they look normal, but that's just because every other girl is really really skinny.

Modus Ponens
08-30-2007, 03:34 PM
Speaking of her boobs, I like how the "enhanced" photo from King Arthur at the bottom of that article makes her look like less of a surfboard.

08-30-2007, 08:49 PM
Actually it's an all-around plumping these women don't seem to realize that number one a certain amount of fat is healthy and is desirable and number two breasts are pretty much made of fat so the more you slim down the more they go away or something.

08-30-2007, 08:53 PM
^^And because of that we pretty much demand plastic surgery so that we can see skinny and round, plump tits. It's just not naturally possible. I guess that Keira isn't on the implant stage of her career yet.

08-30-2007, 09:28 PM
She looks hot in the second series. The first series is weird though, it seems if you get too skinny you just look OLD.

08-30-2007, 10:45 PM
^^Because someone decided to get really skinny on tv and now everyone who's heavier looks fat by comparison. It's really all in the eyes of the beholder. In movies they look normal, but that's just because every other girl is really really skinny.
Also, the lack of a period removes yet another layer of responsibility from the hassles of modern life. :thumbsup:

08-30-2007, 10:57 PM
jesus. that first one looks like someone superimposed her head on another body (ie; photoshopped).

her head is almost the size of her torse.

as for that last pic, 'enhanced' must mean they increased her breast size for the promotional image.

08-30-2007, 11:14 PM
that's just an incredibly bad pose for her, i think. the ones from later in the evening make her look quite a bit more normal. scrawny, but not so cartoon-y with the big head.

08-31-2007, 05:20 PM
This is reminiscent of the Tyra Banks fat photo. At certain angles, things seem bigger or smaller than they really are. But really, for her sake, she should never turn her head like that ever again.