View Full Version : Trigger Secrets via script, possible?

08-26-2007, 07:01 PM
From the docs:
int ComboF[]
* The secret flag of the ith combo on the screen, where i is the index
* used to access this array. Combos are counted left to right, top to
* bottom. Use the CF_ constants in std.zh to set or compare these values.

okay cool, I can get the flag, change the flag but can I actually Trigger the flag??

08-27-2007, 11:50 AM
The secret flag you access using ComboF is just the number of the secret flag on the screen - it doesn't tell you whether the secret has been triggered or not. As far as I know, there is no direct way to trigger secrets in a script. This is really silly, since it should be as easy as "Screen->TriggerSecrets();"

You can simulate this by making a trigger enemy (they're back!) and having a script kill off the trigger enemy (trigger->HP=0;), which will indirectly trigger enemy->secrets.

09-10-2007, 07:30 PM
You can simulate this by making a trigger enemy (they're back!) and having a script kill off the trigger enemy
Sweet this solves my triggering secrets via script, well most of it anyway, next to be able to trigger singular secrets w/out triggering all the secrets on screen.

(man it says C-Dawg posted this 2 weeks ago, I guess I missed that someone actually responded to this until now)

okay now I have to lookup how trigger enemies work again...

09-11-2007, 06:58 AM
Triggers... Usually you use them with the Dungeon boss flag.
If you stick a :
trigger = Screen->LoadNPC(trigger);
trigger->HP = 0;

in a room with the D boss flag, every other trigger enemy with the D boss flag in any other room with the same lv number will trigger enemy->secrets!

You could have for example B1 of level2 in your quest trigger enemies->secrets after you beat the boss of lv5, so long as those two rooms share the same lv number under Dmap properties.

It's fun for the kids!