View Full Version : _L_ the bomchu's getting stuck isn't quite fixed yet.-548

08-25-2007, 09:47 PM
We can't have a scripted cannon firing malfunctional missles, or a Goriya Summoner shooting boomerangs that don't work, now can we? ;)

08-31-2007, 04:30 AM
Sorry guys but this still happens in 564. Although they do seem more stable.

I guess I should qualify the current bug also:

The bomchu's are seemingly trapped in one tile, getting "stuck".

08-31-2007, 04:44 AM
Do normal ropes get stuck as well?
Have you changed any of the Bombchu's properties? If so, please post an example quest.

08-31-2007, 07:51 PM
Well of coarse I changes their properties. ;)

Actually, I just made a test.qst and it seems that if you up the step speed past 140, 150, that's when they glitch.

In the quest(if you even need it) step is set to;
#2 = 160
#3 = 170

Bom.qst (http://www.mediafire.com/?fdetodncm1x)

I also have to add a plea that the implementation of ropes/bomchu's is too far reaching into my quest for some kind of complete rope retrograde to default.(god forbid)

-Deferred to post 2.5 would not be a problem at all for me. (leaving the bomchu's as they are in their current state of course) As problems only arise if their step is set higher than 150. (maybe add a note to the wiki)


09-01-2007, 03:21 AM
This bug affects more than just the rope - by playing around with their steps you can break most of their movement in some way.

A complete enemy rewrite is needed, but since a rewrite is sure to introduce plenty of bugs, it's probably best to wait until 2.50.