View Full Version : Enemy Editor

Master Maniac
08-25-2007, 11:59 AM
Ok guys i need to know where i can get a stable enemy editor that works with 2.10

i came up with this awesmoe idea to make oni-link and dark link a struggle in links mind

08-25-2007, 12:41 PM
Unfortunatley, there is no enemy editor for 2.10. Go to shardstorm.com (http://shardstorm.com) and download one of the alpha builds. 254 is pretty stable, but the enemies made with it won't be compatible with 2.5, so I suggest you just download the newest alpha.

Master Maniac
08-25-2007, 12:52 PM
so you mean none of them will work with 2.10? wait you said 254 works... and im not planning on up-grading any time soon because Im relatively new to this stuff.(And yes i know the enemy editor isnt for noobs but ill need it so ill take that risk)

And also, Is there any way to make a newly drawn sword take 2 tiles? i wanted to make the double helix but i dont know how to make a large sword like that

08-25-2007, 01:16 PM
Nope. Swords are all 1 tile big. Until post 2.5

Master Maniac
08-25-2007, 01:28 PM
ok... umm i need some help interpreting the enemy editor now though...
i need to know what these do:

Misc. attributes
Halt rate
Random rate
Item set

sorry to bother you guys with so much!

08-25-2007, 10:13 PM
This should give you all the info you need: http://www.shardstorm.com/ZCwiki/Enemy_Editor

Slowly but surely ZC is getting documentation :)

08-25-2007, 10:16 PM
Yes, also here is the enemy misc properties.(I'm not sure if it's in the wiki or not.)

Walking Enemy
misc10: 0 = Stalfos, 1 = Darknut, 2 = Gibdo

misc1: 1 = fire four weapons instead of 1.

misc1: 1 = fire weapon continuously, 2 = split into enemies.
misc2: ID of enemy to split into.
misc3: number of enemies to split into.

misc10: 0 = Octorok, 1 = Moblin, 2 = Lynel, 3 = Stalfos, 4 = Darknut

misc1: if 1 or 2, fires thick stream of weapons. Also fires eight weapons on death.
misc2: influences how often it changes direction...
misc3: weapon damage for suicide weapons?
misc4: apparantly they fire (misc4)+1 projectiles each time they stop walking...

misc1: influences how often it changes direction...

misc1: 1 = fire four weapons instead of 1.

misc1: 1 = fire weapon continuously, 2 = split into enemies.
misc2: split into this enemy.
misc3: number of enemies to split into.

misc1: 0 and 2 = emerges directly in Link's path
misc3: if misc1 = 1, this is sometimes used in place of dstep.

if(clk2<32) misc=1;
else if(clk2<48) misc=2;
// else if(clk2<300) { misc=3; step = d->step/100.0; }
else if(clk2<300) { misc=3; step = dstep/100.0; }
else if(clk2<316) misc=2;
else if(clk2<412) misc=1;
else if(clk2<540) { misc=0; step=0; }
else clk2=0;Rock
misc10: 0 = Rock, 1 = Boulder

misc1: if >0, it's a phantom

misc1: speed of a "fast" armos

misc1: if >0, it uses Bat flying.

misc1: if >0, it leaves trails of its weapon.

misc1: if >0, it leaves trails of its weapon.
misc2: ID of enemy to split into.
misc3: number of enemies to split into.

misc1: if >0, it is a Bombchu.
misc2: weapon modifier when it explodes
misc3: weapon damage?

if(wpn+dmisc2 > wEnemyWeapons && wpn+dmisc2 < wMax)
weapon *ew=new weapon(x,y,z, wpn+dmisc2, 0, dmisc3, dir);
weapon *ew=new weapon(x,y,z, wpn, 0, dmisc3, dir);
misc1: 2 = homing boomerang

misc10: 0 = Trap, 1 = Continuous Trap

misc1: 0 = temporary jinx, 1 = permanent jinx, 2 = remove jinx
misc2: 0 = sword, 1 = item

misc2: ID of enemy to split into.
misc3: number of enemies to split into.

misc1: 0 = teleporting
misc2: 1 = fire eight weapons instead of one. 2 = summons enemies instead of firing its weapon. 3 = summons layer enemies instead of firing its weapon.
misc3: ID of enemy to summon if misc2 = 2

misc1: if >0, faces right

misc1: number of segments

misc10: 0 = Dodongo, 1 = Dodongo BS

misc2: 0 = Manhandla, 1 = Manhandla 2

misc1: number of heads
misc2: HP of one head
misc3: if 1, heads breathe fire. Also offsets tiles?!
misc4: tile offset of heads?

misc10: 0 = BigDig, 1 = LilDig

misc1: ID of first enemy to split into
misc2: ID of second enemy to split into
misc3: ID of third enemy to split into
misc4: ID of fourth enemy to split into
misc5: number of first enemies to split into
misc6: number of second enemies to split into
misc7: number of third enemies to split into
misc8: number of fourth enemies to split into

misc1: 2 = fire three weapons instead of 1. 3 = breathe fire. This also affects its arrow resistances(!)

misc1: number of segments
misc2: tile offset of segments?
misc3: ?



misc1: number of outer eyes
misc2: number of inner eyes
misc3: HP of eyes
misc4: 0 = expanding circle movement, 1 = oval movement
misc5: 1 = center eye fires weapon, 2 = inner eyes fire weapons
misc6: ?
misc7: ?

loopcnt=dmisc7;misc8: tile modifier for eyes
misc9: CSet of eyes
misc10: 0 = Patra, 1 = Patra BS

Gel Tribble
misc1: if >0, it leaves fire trails(?!)
misc2: ID of enemy to grow up into if quest rule "1.90-Style Tribbles" is set
misc3: ID of enemy to grow up into.

Zol Tribble
misc1: if >0, it leaves fire trails(?!)
misc2: ID of enemy to split into.
misc3: number of enemies to split into.

Vire Tribble
misc2: ID of enemy to split into.
misc3: number of enemies to split into.

Keese Tribble
misc2: ID of enemy to grow up into if quest rule "1.90-Style Tribbles" is set
misc3: ID of enemy to grow up into.

Have fun!

Master Maniac
08-25-2007, 10:47 PM
whoa... thats a lot of stuff

and gleeok, have you made a working "dark link"? if you... or anyone has, can you send me the codes and configurations?

thanks for all your help people

08-25-2007, 11:08 PM
Yea forgot about the misc attributes, thanks Gleeok. no they are not in the Wiki, but they should be. Hopefully more documention will be written soon, I've seen alot of new members lately I think ZC is getting quite a following :)

08-25-2007, 11:14 PM
whoa... thats a lot of stuff

and gleeok, have you made a working "dark link"? if you... or anyone has, can you send me the codes and configurations?

thanks for all your help people

Do wan't to make a scripted "dark link" or something out of the enemy editor?
If it is the latter, what would you like him to do?

Master Maniac
08-25-2007, 11:35 PM
ok umm i dont know what that all means but ill tell you what id like him to do

Ok i want him to copy link's movements,but stay close enough to attack
and i want him (if possible) to swing a sword like link
and i want it out of the enemy editor (i just figured out what you meant)
and i want him to dodge some (not all) of links attacks (once again, If possible)

basically i want him to be smart

And one more thing... how do you make misc. attributes for custom enemies on the enemy editor?

08-25-2007, 11:45 PM
Alrighty then, i'll see if I can't get those misc numbers up and running for evil link.

In the meantime try opening up [file->enemies] and look at some of the misc numbers and compare them to the above post to see how it works. you might wan't to use windowed mode so you can veiw both at the same time. ;)

Master Maniac
08-25-2007, 11:49 PM
ok thank you

Meanwhile i need help with an edited subscreen...

Ok ive made the subscreen (both passive and active)
But when i select it on the quest>misc.data>master subscreen type, it comes up only the Active subscreen i created (not the active) umm it might be the other way around though... the one with the life bar shows up right and te pause meni doesnt... how do i fix this??

and i know... i shouldn't be using an alpha build yet but i want my quest to be perfect so i need it

oh and i just read the code gleeok posted(i copied and pasted it into microsoft word) and i didnt think stalfos shot weapons? oh well... learned somethin new

08-28-2007, 06:55 PM
Ok i want him to copy link's movements,but stay close enough to attack
and i want him (if possible) to swing a sword like link
and i want it out of the enemy editor (i just figured out what you meant)
and i want him to dodge some (not all) of links attacks (once again, If possible)
basically i want him to be smart

Wow that sounds pretty cool, sounds like you might need some scripting (I have been experminting with AI programming for a short time, still not great at it) These things all sound doable however.

didnt think stalfos shot weapons?
Well the original stalfos did not but the ones in LoZ 2nd quest shot swords. I think the Stalfos 2 in the enemy list is the one that fires swords.

08-29-2007, 01:10 AM
Hmm...I'm having a problem with this...it seems 4 frame 4 dir + firing doesn't work on darknuts with misc1 set to 1...they will always use the second row(preparing, or firing) of animation. Hmm...some other problems as well with others, but anyway.
-Some link idea's; Darknut type:
misc 10=4
HP: Link hp(current sword power)
step= 122
homing= 256

step 122
4 frame 4 dir + firing, and you can use link sword swinging sprites for this one. Although stalfos enemies can't use shields. :(

I also thought of something entirely weird..
You can change the graphics of Gleeok4 to make it look like gannon is controlling "links" and use scripts or shooters to add sword fire...:googly:

Master Maniac
08-29-2007, 09:03 PM
dude gleeok youre awesome... thanks man im gonna really need this lol

09-06-2007, 11:25 AM
Very interesting stuff, enemy editing... I'm not going to clog up my computer with Alpha Builds, but I can't wait for 2.5 to be released! I'm going to try to learn as much about it now as possible before it comes out.

On another note, Master Maniac, you seem to becoming pretty good at this pretty quickly. :) Do you have a title for your upcoming game yet?

Master Maniac
09-06-2007, 09:01 PM
actually yea its called"the legend of zelda, the warped world"

but I'm working on another quest (a whole 3-part series with lttp graphics) and you play as a different part of link in each one. i dont have a name though yet...

oh and thanks i usually pick up stuff like this quickly and easily... but of course im still going to have some problems but it will work eventually XD

09-07-2007, 12:17 AM
"The Warped World"? Hmm... I'd need to know a bit more about the game, but that doesn't sound like a very enticing title. ~_~ Maybe something like "Warp time!" or something more exciting would work better.

Do you have a beta tester yet?