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View Full Version : Grabbing pallette from any image file makes the selection and mouse cursor invisible

08-04-2007, 06:45 PM
This is for fullscreen. It may either my video card, an allegro issue, or both.

Anyways, go to Quest > Graphics > Pallettes > then choose either Main, Levels, or Sprites. Lets go with Main.

Click grab and load the image file. When I see the image and the box on the right for available pallettes to choose from, while ZQ is in fullscreen, both the selection highlight and the mouse cursor flickers and goes invisible.

08-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Do you mean the cusor changes color to match the background's new pallete. It's alway's happened to me since way back. It depends on what colors in the pallete were grabbed...actually I was never shure why. I just hit OK and move to the next. The cursor flicker was in another thread as an allegro issue I think...But anyway's yeah, After you load some types of palletes you can't see the cursor or buttons(file, cancel) but it's always done that for me.

Nicholas Steel
08-05-2007, 03:05 AM
this would be close to the same issue as gleeoks (?) issue where the mose curser flickers for no reason :P if yes then its a allegro issue.

08-21-2007, 02:59 PM
Bug still occurs in 528.

I want to know that this is a bug or something affecting specific hardware or an allegro issue. Please read post #1.

Developers, check it out. If it is a bug, work on it. If it is something affecting specific hardware or an allegro issue, then move this in "Bugs in Limbo."

08-30-2007, 12:01 AM
The problem is that ZQ itself is running in 8-bit color mode, but 256 colors are being extracted from the image; that leaves no colors for the ZQ GUI, which thus uses colors from the image instead of the standard colors.

I could change the palette grabber to show less colors, but to be honest I'd rather just leave it alone for now as this problem will disappear when the 8-bit limitation is removed in the ZQuest rewrite.