View Full Version : A few questions about enemy item drops

08-03-2007, 01:45 PM
I have some questions about enemy item sets just to clearify some things.

1. If I create say, 4 diffrent items with hearts itemclass and 4 with magic itemclass and set the enemy item set to 'hearts and magic' will it randomly drop any of the 8 created items.

2. Same senerio. Does the level of the item have any effect on the drop, such as 'enemy will only drop level 0/1 item' or 'lower level items have a better random chance of bieng dropped'.

3. I assume that the Fairy item appears with the Life item set, if I create 3 Fairies (one to restore life, one magic, and one both) will they randomly appear.

4. And a slightly unrelated question. what exactly determines the difference (in the item editor) between a moveing and a stationary Fairy.

Thanks for any help

08-04-2007, 10:32 AM
Unfortunately drops are hard coded to specific item sets.

08-04-2007, 11:07 AM
I think they are hard coded to specific item IDs, i wrote a bug report about it as if someone alters the the lower Id items it messes with the enemy itme drops. and I suspect the stationary fairy is bound to a certian ID as well.