View Full Version : Getting Zelda Classic and stuff to work in linux.

07-27-2007, 05:10 AM
So yup. For now, my new laptop is using linux. Because of this, I need to understand how to run ZC in linux. My friend is a linuxfag, and he's very experienced and stuff, but didn't quite understand how to get ZC actually running. Any pointers?

07-28-2007, 09:23 AM
Download the Linux tarball (zc2102clin.tar.gz) and unpack it somewhere in your home directory.

There are three executable files, which you may have to make executable with the chmod command. They are:
zquest-l : the quest editor to make your own quest if you want to give it a try.
zlaunch-l : edit your ZC preferences.
zelda-l : start the game.

Zelda Classic Keyboard controls - Linux

1. left Alt key = A key on gamepad (sword).

2. left Ctrl key = B key on gamepad (select other weapons to use, such as bomb,wand,etc).

3. escape key = pause, get menus, unpause.
If you want to save game and quit, prest the Esc key. From the Game menu, select Quit. In the dialogue screen that comes up, select Save (other options are Continue and Retry).
If you want to quit the game without saving, press the Esc key. From the Game menu, select Exit.

4. z and x keys: cycle through tools/weapons for the B key without having to pause the game and make a selection.

5. Arrow keys = navigate around a screen, or move from screen to screen.

6. press Enter for selection screen. Press Enter to get back to the game.

7. To select a tool/weapon from inventory, use the left or right arrow key.

If characters/critters move at light speed, press the Esc key. Then, on the Settings menu, select Throttle FPS to slow things down.

Full screen mode isn't really full screen. The maximum size is 640x480. Cd to the directory in which you unpacked the game, and run ./zlaunch-l. You have several tabs to click on to select game options. Select Fullscreen and 640x480 mode for the largest screen.

08-04-2007, 09:54 PM
I think that's exactly what me and my friend needed, thank you. If I have additional questions, I'll ask them here.