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View Full Version : 8-bit mode? SNES pallete ripping? -help.

07-20-2007, 10:05 PM
First of all what the heck is 8bit mode? How do you use this when ripping, grabbing, or creating palletes? And how is it superior to older zc? I've heard people talk about using this to easily rip SNES graphics. I must be missing something because using the newer versions for this doesn't seem any easier to me.

Next how the heck does one go about setting up a suitable SNES type pallete that uses more than 16 colors? Same thing with Cset cycling. How do you know what the end result color is going to be? How can one easily set palletes to be compatable to do this?

I'm still completely in the dark on this one. I have seen this done in older tilesets. I know it's possible. Someone must know some answers, please help.

Mega Link
07-24-2007, 11:46 AM
The deafault mode is 4-bit mode which you can use 1 cset. While 8-bit mode you can use all 16 csets. To convert a tile to 8-bit, hilight the tiles you want and press [B]. To convert a tile to 4-bit, hilight the tiles you want and press [Ctrl] + [B].

07-25-2007, 03:34 AM
Holy poopy pants, 8-bit mode kicks arse!
Thanks alot for the help Mega Link!

...Now if I can just figure out how to use this when ripping or grabbing.


Mega Link
07-25-2007, 03:19 PM
Make sure that you have atleast 1 tiles page of space first. Go to the tile graber click [Leech]. In the dialog box select [8-bit[v].

07-26-2007, 05:37 AM
Ahh...yes, the leech. But umm, everything seems to still look like crap. Hmm, maybe i'm doing something wrong?

-For example, suppose I were to rip the mega link pic from your sig using 8bit.
Would I grab the pallete first, or would I need to if I set something like cset 10 to have enough green colors where I didn't need to?
Is there a way to use "R" like 4bit but with 8?
It's not wanting to find the correct colors automatically. Is there some documentation for this?

Thanks again.

Mega Link
07-26-2007, 12:36 PM
To recolor with 8-bit you need to use an external program that supports palette editing. Like Graphics Gale (http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/).
First go to ZQ, make a screen with the palette you want, and take a screenshot.
Second open the bmp/jpg/png image (not gif) that contains the tiles you want. Make sure that the palette toolbar is there somewhere.
Then go to All Frames>Color Depth and select [O 8bpp (256 colors)]
Next click on the arrow as seen in this picture (http://www.mediafire.com/?8w4dggln20h) then go to load palette and browse for the screenshot then click [All] and [Ok].
It should recolor the tiles to the closest matching colors in your palette.

Oh, and 8-bit color uses 256 colors, the biggest picture in my sig uses 46583 colors. If your do change the color depth it might look ugly. I just tried it and oddly, it looks pretty good.

Sometimes the tile grabber will grab 4-bit if the tile viewer is in horizonal select mode. To change it to vertical select mode, go to the tile viewer and press [space].

07-28-2007, 09:10 AM
Heh, this just got alot more complicated. I'll check it out, it's probably eaier than I think it is. Thanks alot for your help. I may have some more questions later on.

08-01-2007, 07:26 AM
Okay got graphics gale and been checking that out. Problems:

How do I take a snapshot of zc palletes? I tried z , F12, and every other button on the keyboard.

How would I match the palletes in gg to zc?(the correct order.)

How would I grab in 8bit without leech?

Would this be easier with romview? But I cant figure out how to get a good pallete with that also.

hmmm..that's alot of stuff. Maybe I should leave this to the professionals.

Mega Link
08-01-2007, 12:29 PM
How do I take a snapshot of zc palletes? I tried z , F12, and every other button on the keyboard.

...First go to ZQ, make a screen with the palette you want, and take a screenshot...

How would I match the palletes in gg to zc?(the correct order.)

...Second open the bmp/jpg/png image (not gif) that contains the tiles you want (In Graphics Gale). Make sure that the palette toolbar is there somewhere.
Then go to All Frames>Color Depth and select [O 8bpp (256 colors)]
Next click on the arrow as seen in this picture (http://www.mediafire.com/?8w4dggln20h) then go to load palette and browse for the screenshot then click [All] and [Ok].
It should recolor the tiles to the closest matching colors in your palette.

How would I grab in 8bit without leech?
You can't.

08-02-2007, 02:15 AM
Hah, yeah...some confusion.

What I was trying to do simply couldn't be done with ZC. Or would take an unprecidented amount of work to achieve.

Yeah, I got everything you said before. As long as its a single cset, the combination of GG and ZC is great and really easy to use. I've been using that for some cool graphics without having to leech anything, so thanks again.

I guess i'll tell you what I wanted to do and you can get a good laugh at that. I was trying to rip the complete tiles to the ps1 remake of FF2 dawn of souls. Those would be pretty compatable with zc, the problem is the number of colors used. It would have to be 8bit or it wouldn't work too well at all. What the hell was I thinking....Thanks again.