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View Full Version : Funny thing happened yesterday...

07-12-2007, 09:13 PM
Yesterday, Dragon Omega was online and I was just in the other room watching Papuwa when all of a sudden he bursts out of his room and goes: "AARRGHHH!!!!" I was puzzled at first and then he pointed into our library which is right next to my room. The phone cord that hooks to his pc (the only internet able one in the house) to the phone jack had been chewed through by our pet rabbit who to this day still has no name. Anyways, what happens next is funnier than the first. He goes back into his room and closes the door. Several seconds later, he comes out with his dragon katana and unsheathes. "Die!" And lunges into the library. He didn't kill the rabbit, he just did that to be funny. He had to buy a new cord (which he did today just 2 hours ago) so we could get back online. :kitty: