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View Full Version : Palette Insanity

07-11-2007, 11:16 PM
ok, i have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out palettes, read tuts looked through posts but I still have questions so here goes:

When importing graphics, how does ZQ read the colors is there an order (the top left pixel is the first color, etc) I did a screenshot of some tiles took the image edited them slightly in another editor then saved as a bitmap and tried to grab the edited graphics back into ZQ and they just looked like crap, I did not add any colors so what happened?

Also, is there any *easy* way to rearange to colors of a tile, when importing graphics that have 16 colors they are all changed to fit the ZQ palete, (which is fine) but of corse they have to be rearanged, the wand tool works good but I though mabye someone would know a technique or another editor program that could eaisly rearange a graphics colors according to a certain palette.

(if I understood how the exported ZPL file worked I might venture into writeing a simple color shifting program, or even w/out that information if there was an easy way to get one CSet's RBG values, and yes I know i can write each of them down but that just seems too much like work to me :D )

07-12-2007, 12:16 AM
THe newest betas... press R while grabbing and have the cset you want them to closely resemble on the tile page as you do so, it will then adjust it to the closest color matches present.
Piss poor description, but I think you'll get it with some trial and error.