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View Full Version : Some questions..

07-06-2007, 01:44 PM

07-06-2007, 02:29 PM
First off, is it possible to make an MMORPG outa' this RPG maker?

No - ZC has NO online capabilities, since it's not an MMORPG (although you can, of course, distribute quests over the internet).

Second.. that one guys tutorial, when I click to go to it it opens some weird search thing and blocks about 5 popups, if I click the words it just searches for them on sites or something..


That one should work.

07-06-2007, 02:36 PM
Darn, no possible way?

I guess I better find a new maker..

07-07-2007, 03:37 PM
lol, that'd be pretty sweet if you COULD go online with this...

07-07-2007, 03:40 PM
lol, that'd be pretty sweet if you COULD go online with this...

Maybe so, but it's been suggested MANY times before and has recieved the same answer - no. :)

07-07-2007, 05:37 PM
There should at least be a way to play multiplayer with a friend at your house or something..

07-07-2007, 05:41 PM
I was gonna say this yesterday, so here goes

First off, is it possible to make an MMORPG outa' this RPG maker?

Darn, no possible way?

I guess I better find a new maker.

I have serious doubts they have MMORPG game design software. Most likely you'd find engine code, and if your lucky a map editor(if you aim for 3D, its probably a model and terrain editor) you'd likely need to have a lot of programming experience, and even if you get an MMORPG going, you'd need a server to hold the people who would play it. Its costly, ya know... :(

07-07-2007, 06:24 PM
You may want to look into modding Second Life; that's the closest thing to an "MMORPG Maker" I can think of.

You could also talk to War Lord about his experience coding Shattered Earth. Writing an MMORPG is quite technically challenging as the networking problems - synchronization, load, etc - are a lot more subtle than in small single-server multiplayer games.

07-07-2007, 07:56 PM
People have made MMORPGs with RPG Maker, and for servers, unless I had LOADS of people playing, it wouldn't really cost me.

I used to have a server of something else that I coded and usually had 20-30 people play it.
I had set it all up on to my computer with the networking and server connection so other people could access it, the ports and all that.. whole deal.
Was totally free for me.

Not trying to start some big game, one because my computer couldn't handle loads of people on at once, two it'd cost alot, and I couldn't make any cash from it because this is a copyright of Nintendo..
I mainly want to get an MMORPG for my friends and theirs and maybe a few others to play with online.

Mega Link
07-08-2007, 12:28 PM
There should at least be a way to play multiplayer with a friend at your house or something..
There is, just take turns. If someone dies or beats a level, the next person plays.

07-08-2007, 12:54 PM
I mean in a 4-swords kind of way.. but with maybe just two people.
Turns is boring =X
It'd funner to complete the game with them playing at the same time.

08-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Maybe so, but it's been suggested MANY times before and has recieved the same answer - no. :)

Not to encourage bad ideas or anything but... People said the same thing about the Roc's Feather.

Maybe so, but it's been suggested MANY times before and has recieved the same answer - no. :)

Im afraid its 'more fun' and not funner' ;)

On another note, even if you tried to add in your own online capability, ZC just dosent have the capabilities, even if you modded it. Yes, you can do many things with it but the limits only go so far.