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View Full Version : Windows 95/98/Linux on PSP!

06-24-2007, 01:25 AM
This is way sweeter than the vista topic because it's possible, albeit harder. I spent 4 hours trying to do it, and couldn't find any funtioning hardware imaging software, so I gave up after punching my monitor.

But anyhow, clickey -

also, I've got a virtual machine working and everything, all I need is a 98 compatable hard drive imaging program, or something that can create a hard disc image from a vhd file.

But seriously, this is awesome. I'm tempted to try XP for the lulz and so I could take a picture of a PSP booting XP, but the time isn't worth the lol. Or the space. But yeah, this shit is sweet. If only DS could do it too...